atomizers for testing liquids?

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Oct 9, 2012
Albany, NY USA
Good evening everyone,

I ordered more liquid this afternoon and it suddenly dawned on me: how can I test these liquids with the (relatively) large vivinova 3.5ml carto I'll have? It seems to me that I'd need an atomizer for testing purposes, so I'll probably end up blindly pouring whichever liquid happens to arrive first into my vivi and sticking with it until I can get my hands on an atomizer.

Having said that, which is a solid atty to buy to this end, for use with an Ego-C Twist? I don't think I'll be regularly dripping-- I like the idea of having a full tank to carry with me all day -- but, as they say, don't knock it 'til ya try it. Might as well buy a decent one if I'm going to be dripping at all.

Again and as usual, thanks in advance!


Full Member
Mar 26, 2011
san francisco bay
My favorite atty is an aero from avidvaper! I use one on my reo grand all day! And one on my icon for testing flavors. I've had one last 3 months with daily use and a quick cleaning every other day! You can try a flavor clean it and try another! To clean em I run them under hot water for 30 seconds then into a shot glass with pga, dunk a few times in and out. Blow out through the connection side. Only if the coil is really gunked up ill dry burn bit try not to often... Just my 2cents....

Vapoor eyes er

ECF Guru
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Sep 13, 2011
Toronto, Ont.
Any regular 510 atomizer would be fine seeing as you're only gonna be testing juices with it. I've still got my original 2 attys from a yr ago. Attys can be cheap and also quite expensive but there's no better vape than off an atty IMO.

Good evening everyone,

I ordered more liquid this afternoon and it suddenly dawned on me: how can I test these liquids with the (relatively) large vivinova 3.5ml carto I'll have? It seems to me that I'd need an atomizer for testing purposes, so I'll probably end up blindly pouring whichever liquid happens to arrive first into my vivi and sticking with it until I can get my hands on an atomizer.

Having said that, which is a solid atty to buy to this end, for use with an Ego-C Twist? I don't think I'll be regularly dripping-- I like the idea of having a full tank to carry with me all day -- but, as they say, don't knock it 'til ya try it. Might as well buy a decent one if I'm going to be dripping at all.

Again and as usual, thanks in advance!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
  • Aug 13, 2011
    If I'm at home I'm probably using a dripping atty, and being as I'm 71 years old that's a lot of the time.
    There is a learning curve to dripping, and a big part of that curve is to not get discouraged when things go wrong. Believe me, we have all been there.
    I would strongly suggest NOT going out and buying an expensive advanced atty to learn on because you will probably pop one or two in the process of learning what they can and can't do. I would suggest that you also get a drip shield, they make life a lot easier.

    You can watch all the vids you want to. About all they can do is show you how to drip a few drops in the atty, but that's the easy part. Learning what the atty is telling you is where you're on your own.


    Senior Member
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    Oct 10, 2012
    Bunker Hill, WV
    Ive gone the rebuildable route for attys recently but avidvapor cisco spec 306s are great for dripping. Just so you know the vivi nova is a top coil atty. You could just drip a few drops into your drip tip if you dont want to waste filling a tank with juices you arent sure about. Clean the tank and head first tho. :)


    ECF Guru
    ECF Veteran
    Apr 8, 2012
    Ridgeway, Ohio
    How can I test these liquids?

    I use the little CE2 or CE3 devices. They're part clearomizer and part cartomizer. Clear tubes that hold 1/2 ml to 1 ml of juice. Reusable, just remove the juice and rinse and fill with another juice. Got Vapes calls theisr the Floximizer or something. Also called a Phoenix.
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