Bad experience with vaping... Need help!

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Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
Hi Guys!

I just got my e-cig just a couple of days ago. It is a eGo-T(900mAh) Battery with a standard CE4 clearomizer on it.
First day when it came i let it charge for 8 hours as it said so on the manual. After the 8 hours of charge i filled up the CE4
Clearomizer with some strawberry flavored e-liquid from some hongkong cheap factory called "Deal Extreme"

I took some drags and felt like this doesn't taste like strawberry, i kept on vaping and i got these BIG throat hits like it literally
hurt my throat everytime i took a drag. The vape was not bad i mean there are coming a decent amount of vape but it just taste horrible and hurt my throat like hell

I checked some videos on how to fix the big "Burnt Taste" problem on the CE4 Clearomizers but i saw on mine that the Rubber doesn't even touch any of the 2 wicks that's in there!

So im wondering what could cause the vape to hurt my throat so much?
If i take abit smaller drags it kind off tickles my throat and gets my to almost cough...

I would appriciate some help as im very new to vaping and i hope to get some more decent and happy days with it!


MKUltra Member
ECF Veteran
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Aug 23, 2013
Gabriola Island, Canada
More than likely it's the nic level - it's probably higher than you're going to be comfortable with.

As for the taste, well, let's just say not all juice lives up to it's label. Lots of flavours are 'maybe, kinda, sorta' like what you would expect.

Sooo... first, welcome to vaping :toast:. Second, you should try a variety of juices - to find some flavours you like and to determine the nic strength that's right for you.

Ideally, a trip to a vape shop (if that's possible where you are) to taste some juices would help a lot.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2014
Most likely its the pg/vg ratio in ur juice pg is what gives u that throat feeling and some people feel a big difference lets say a 50/50 then change to a 30/70 that could be one issue another is maybe the juice it self is a bad batch or maybe you need to let it steep (steep: similar to wine give it time to age and ripen to full potential you can look these methods up ) another is maybe ur atomizer for what ever reason is faulty in your clearomizer such as ur wick is bad or your coil has a hot spot which is burning your liquid things are things to check for and there are some good guides on the net good luck hope I helped


Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2013
So Cal
'Very high' is likely way too high! Try a new eliquid - it should always list the nic content! Where did you get this from?

Most people starting out vape 12mg to 18mg. Does it not say how many mg nic your juice is? If so, not good! I was a 40-year PAD smoker, and I started at 18mg and quickly moved down to 12mg.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
First, if you are just starting out, it takes a week or two to get used to the vapor. At two weeks in, I still coughed when I vaped first thing in the morning. It does go away.

Second, higher PG juice (which is usually what chinese liquid is) can irritate your throat, especially when you're already a little irritated from the vapor to begin with.

Third, your inhalation technique might be off. Please go to this link, it may help you with getting the most from your vaping experience:

Fourth, on the flavor, there are 2 things to consider. One is that if you smoked, your taste buds have been deadened and it's hard to taste the juice well. As you smoke less and for longer, your taste buds will come back, and you'll be able to taste much better. Also, cheap juice is often that--just like a cheap mixed drink, there may not be enough flavoring for your tastes. Hang around the Eliquid discussion board and try some of those vendors out. They are more expensive sometimes, but finding the right juice is critical to being able to stop smoking long term.

Fifth and finally....

Welcome to ECF and congrats on your choice to start vaping, be patient, don't stress out too much, understand that there's a pretty big adjustment phase at the beginning, stay calm and vape on! :D


Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
More than likely it's the nic level - it's probably higher than you're going to be comfortable with.

As for the taste, well, let's just say not all juice lives up to it's label. Lots of flavours are 'maybe, kinda, sorta' like what you would expect.

Sooo... first, welcome to vaping :toast:. Second, you should try a variety of juices - to find some flavours you like and to determine the nic strength that's right for you.

Ideally, a trip to a vape shop (if that's possible where you are) to taste some juices would help a lot.

I've been a daily smoker since about 4 years ago so really the nicotine level shouldn't be the theif in the drama?
Maybe im wrong, im not sure...

Although the e-liquid might be the problem!
As im living in sweden and Vaping isn't really a big thing here there is no "Local Vaping Shops" that i know off... :/
Anyone got recomendations on great tasing juice thats good for beginners?
I would like a quite high nicotine level on it.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 13, 2010
Tanks and clearos can be tricking little suckers. If the vape tastes like garbage and hurts your throat, it sounds like you have a lack of air flow, or a lacking of whicking, or both. Since you're just getting started, I'd recommend picking up just a plain old 510 or 306 dripping atty. That way you can start find out what the problem ain't. You can usually get them for around 8 bucks or less. Avidvaper sells Cisco Spec 306 attys and they're pretty decent. Heads up though, their juice is horrible.

Hope this helps man.


Vaping Master
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Dec 9, 2013
So Cal
That juice sounds like junk juice! I don't know where to recommend good juice given that you live in Sweden, though. I still think that juice with an unlabelled nic content should be avoided:ohmy: Dripping attys have a steep learning curve for beginners - those dry hits could put you off vaping altogether, so I think rather than go that route you should stick with your CE4 and get some better juice. I love Halo juices - Tribeca in particular. Full flavor and a very reliable commercial supplier!


Ultra Member
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Aug 22, 2013
Salem, MA, USA
I was thinking about trying the "Kanger T3S"?
Is that something you guys would recommend?
Its really easy to get here in sweden so that would be great!

It is certainly going to be better than a CE4 - its bottom coil so it will be slightly less warm and *may* reduce the throat irritation some. That and some quality juice and you will be off on a better foot for sure :)

Completely Average

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
I can see two things that stick out to me.

First, 8 hours to charge an eGo battery seems beyond excessive. That's more than twice as long as it takes to charge my 1000 mAh Joytech eGo, and more than 4 times as long as it takes to charge my 650 mAh Halo Triton.

Second, it sounds like you may have a PG sensitivity and a very high, possibly 100% PG liquid.

The liquid is the easiest thing to address. Find a local vape shop that sells their own liquid. They will almost always have samples that you can try out in the store. Ask what their PG/VG blend is. You're going to want to try a 60/40 PG/VG mix, and possibly a 50/50 PG/VG mix and see if those are less harsh and taste better.

The second thing to address is the ecig itself. From the sounds of it you have fallen into the same trap most of us did when we started out. You got sold some cheap Chinese junk that doesn't work right. However, it may be possible to fix it pretty easily. From the sounds of it the coil in your clearomizer may be a low ohm coil and burning too hot. When you're calling the shops to find a good liquid also ask if they have replacement coils that will fit your ecig. They should have coils with different ohm ratings. Erring on the side of caution I would suggest buying 2.4 ohm coils and trying those. They should vape much cooler so you won't get hot hits or a burned taste.

Coils are really cheap. If you can, try to get both 2.4 ohm and 2.2 ohm and see which you like better.

In time you'll want to replace that kit with something higher quality. Many of us have gone through hundreds of dollars of stuff before we found a good setup for us. Lots of people can give you lots of advice, but for now I would suggest replacing the coil on the one you have and finding a good liquid mix and flavor that you like. This is a learning experience, learn what you like, what you dislike, and what you want to change before looking for a new ecig. Knowing what you want will make it a lot easier to get the right product next time.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 11, 2013
The T3S is a good idea.
So is getting better juice.
"Very High" might be 24 mg, and you could try 18...
Is your battery a "variable voltage"? If so, check the setting. A good starting point is about 2 volts higher than whatever the coil's resistance is. For instance, with a 2 ohm coil, you can try at 4 volts, then turn it up or down a little to taste.
If you've got a fixed voltage battery, you'll want coils around 2 ohms probably - though if the vape is "too hot" you could get 2.4 and see if that's better.

Fiddling until you find equipment you like, and trying out new juice until you find a couple you love - it's part of the deal, and can be fun (just gotta be patient, and watch the budget).

I was thinking about trying the "Kanger T3S"?
Is that something you guys would recommend?
Its really easy to get here in sweden so that would be great!
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