battery life

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Feb 23, 2010
Dumb question. Have you tried wiggling the center pin on the battery up just a smidge? My daughter was having problems with one of her Evods a few weeks ago. Her battery was showing as fully charged by the light on the charger, but she was getting little to no vapor, even with a brand new, straight out of the box, coil. I used a yarn needle to raise the center pin a bit, and now the battery is working just fine.

Not dumb at all. Happens all the time. 510 connectivity problems are widespread. Good call--thank for bringing it up!

I never even thought about it because I was so focused on the battery life. :facepalm:


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
I dont know about my battery. Really the thought of me having to go get a voltage meter, and learn about resistance is to tech for me right now. I jsut want to vape lol. I really appreciate the information, but I think it's a bit too technical for me at this point. I will simply go to the shop and test mine versus another brand new one. If the production is different I know its the battery, and if it is the battery, then I can take that up with the retailer as it is only 2 months old.

Take, I just throw out whatever I think maybe helpful--you decide whether you want to use it.

Other than that, you really need to have more than one battery. And maybe, in the near future, you should also consider a smart battery, that will come with vv/vw, ohms reader, battery charge reader, and other little luxuries. When you're ready for it, consider a small smart box mod, like the MVP2--2600 mAh.

In the meantime, good luck at your B&M store--I'm sure they can help you. You may have gotten a dud. It happens. :)


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Most Kanger products nowadays come in a box with a scratch verification code--you can check if the product you purchased is authentic on Kangertech website. I'm not sure if that applies to their batteries though--I haven't bought any lately. You should contact your vendor and at least ask a few questions. But it's out of warranty now, so that won't help you much.

Is your battery a passthrough? I take it it's not a variable voltage device and probably outputs 3.7v (unregulated). Your battery should come off the charger reading 4.2 volts or so,

Don't worry too much about all this information thrown at you on this thread. You do have a simple battery with a set voltage (3.7v), so I'd recommend an atty 1.8-2.4Ω for best performance; 1.5Ω is doable, but may be a bit too low and will drain your battery quickly.

If your battery were a regulated eGo-style (3.3v), then I'd recommend a 1.5Ω atty.

Good luck!

I think the important thing here is the resistance of the coils, don't be misled by people who say the number of coils is relevant to battery drain. They're speaking for an alternative universe where Ohm's law doesn't apply.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
liquid tends to get down in the 510 threadwell, and down in the middle is the centerpin, which is insulated around by some insulating material, which with persistent wetness from the liquid, tends to degrade over time.

Anything is possible, but I've had many eGo-style batteries and this has never, ever happened. The eGo-class manual batteries are sealed properly and even with leaks from toppers nothing happens to them. Only old, automatic batteries had that problem.

The only point of entry into the eGo-class battery is around the fire button--that space is not sealed and if the juice somehow were to get there, that would cause a problem.

Which one has never, ever happened?
The part about liquid getting down in the 510 threadwell?
Or the part about degradation on the insulator?


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
Which one has never, ever happened?
The part about liquid getting down in the 510 threadwell?
Or the part about degradation on the insulator?

Neither. And I've been using eGo-class batteries for almost 5 years--different makes, vv and non-vv, regulated and nonregulated. Most are still alive and well. And I used cartomizers which often leaked from the bottom straight into the 510 well. I killed a couple of Rivas at the beginning of my vaping career with a shorted carto--but that's the fault of the old eGo circuit protection. :)


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
I'm wondering if leaving the charger on over night has anything to do with with battery life. I bought a ECG vaper pipe a little over a month ago and the left the battery charge over night several times now it will not hold a charge.

I don't know what an ECG pipe is, but most modern chargers will stop charging when the battery is full-in theory. That said, I never leave my batteries charging unattended (or overnight) for safety reasons--there have been several reports of mishaps with batteries overheating, melting, venting and such. Better safe than sorry.


ECF Guru
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Oct 23, 2013
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad & Tobago
Which one has never, ever happened?
The part about liquid getting down in the 510 threadwell?
Or the part about degradation on the insulator?

Neither. And I've been using eGo-class batteries for almost 5 years--different makes, vv and non-vv, regulated and nonregulated. Most are still alive and well. And I used cartomizers which often leaked from the bottom straight into the 510 well. I killed a couple of Rivas at the beginning of my vaping career with a shorted carto--but that's the fault of the old eGo circuit protection. :)

Um, yeah, that's kinda what I said; liquid tends to leak down into that 510 well.
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