"Best" Variable Voltage APV

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Full Member
Jan 2, 2012
Hi Forum!

I've been lurking since Dec 2011 and used much of the info here to get me started on vaping. Other than a month where I got frustrated with my gear and went back to Analogs, I've been smoke free since I took up vaping.

Now that I've got my current gear figured out (I got the Riva 510), my e-liquid preferences dialed in, and a number of months of practice, I think I'm ready to step up and get an APV. I've done some research and I think a VV APV is the way to go.

So, I ask, which one should I get? I'm not really too worried about investing in quality gear, but since everything has its pros and cons and I want to elicit your opinions on the matter. :2c:

Thanks in advance.


Vaping Master
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Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
re all What form factor do you like? Box or Tube?

You're going to get a million responses from the Provangelists saying that there is no contest, the Provari is the one and only best VV in the universe.

Some folks will claim that Variable Wattage makes more sense and the Darwin is the best.

The Reonuts will hail to the glory of the Reo Grande VV

The Vmax fans will tout the virtues of the powerful Provari knockoff, the Vmax.

There's even a Russian model that's both variable voltage AND variable wattage.

If this is your first VV, you might want to spend less than $200, or even $100 and pick up one of the newest Lavatubes from Vaporbeast for about $69. The preliminary reviews have been good. It's got a 4amp current limit and does everything the Provari does for about 1/3 the price.

They're all good. There is no "best". It just depends on what you like and what you care to spend. I'd suggest you take a look at all of them and visit the forums devoted to each of them. Then ask your questions about specific models that strike your fancy.
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Super Member
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Jun 14, 2011
I own 2 Lavatubes & a new Vmax, xentek,No comparison really the Vmax wins hands down ....... Slightly Smaller, better form factor,more functions,better Vaping experience all round :) Im not knocking the LTs they have and still do get used ;o)
If you search the Vmax threads there are a few good discounts in the USA
Whatever you choose Good Luck :toast:

Sad Society

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Aug 5, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
The LavaTube works for me.

I argree with the second post. You WILL get a lot of members stating which VV mod is the best.

For me it's all about a matter of preference. What atty/carto do you use? The Lavatube uses 510 threading (along with a number of other VV mods). The 510 threading is the most widely used/versatile threading for atty's/carto's IMO.

When it comes to VV mods it is all a matter of taste / style / budget. And it all depends on the setup you want.


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It's all in what you want to spend. I have a Provari mini. It's great. I also have a vv box mod and it does the job too. I would not even consider the Darwin due to the fact that it's never in stock. The Buzz Pro has a very loyal fan base. As far as pros vs cons with the Provari, I can't say there are any cons other than price. Most of the negative things said about the Provari are from people that have never held one.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2012
Thanks for all the answers folks!

I ended up getting the VTube today (the stainless steel finish sold me). WOW. What a difference. Puts my old riva 510 gear to shame. Great pull, clouds and clouds of vapor, and the difference in flavor is staggering.

I'll have to check out the VMax. Smaller might be great for when I'm on the move. Its going to take some getting used to pulling out the VTube in public, given its *ahem* shape and all ;)
re all What form factor do you like? Box or Tube?

You're going to get a million responses from the Provangelists saying that there is no contest, the Provari is the one and only best VV in the universe.

Some folks will claim that Variable Wattage makes more sense and the Darwin is the best.

The Reonuts will hail to the glory of the Reo Grande VV

The Vmax fans will tout the virtues of the powerful Provari knockoff, the Vmax.

There's even a Russian model that's both variable voltage AND variable wattage.

If this is your first VV, you might want to spend less than $200, or even $100 and pick up one of the newest Lavatubes from Vaporbeast for about $69. The preliminary reviews have been good. It's got a 4amp current limit and does everything the Provari does for about 1/3 the price.

They're all good. There is no "best". It just depends on what you like and what you care to spend. I'd suggest you take a look at all of them and visit the forums devoted to each of them. Then ask your questions about specific models that strike your fancy.

I totally agree with sailorman. I would suggest you go with a new Lavatube. It's a solid and inexpensive VV. I own one myself, it helped me expand and figure out what kind of attachments i prefer. with that said, I joined the Reonuts! counting the minutes until it gets to the door. it's sitting in NY rite now.lol.


Vaping Master
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May 21, 2009
Go with the eGo C Twist. You will love it! It's is a very advanced personal vaporizer. :lol:
In all seriousness, your question can have a hundred different answers.
I actually reach for my Twist with Stardust, WAY more often than I reach for my Provari with fancy Lil' Mama Tank.... just saying :). The Twist is cheap, reliable, sold everywhere, works well, isn't slippery or unweildy, is light, can be worn on a lanyard, can be thrown any which way in your bag, won't cause the user a heart attack if lost or dropped, comes in different sizes and colors, doesn't look like a torch etc. etc.
In all seriousness... hehe
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Vaping Master
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May 21, 2009
I'm just about to buy an ego tank but these things look a little easier to carry. Wish there was some way to tell what I'd get. Started with this knock off brand thinking it was an ego.
Too bad a guy can't just go to the store and try them.
Don't be shy to post a link, and ask questions! Maybe someone can help you see what it is and help you make a choice that suits your needs.


Vaping Master
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Mar 4, 2011
Hickory, NC
It all depends on what's important to you. The top ones right now are the Provari, Vmax and Buzz Pro. The ego twist is out there and people are using it but, I'm not seeing lots of rave reviews and it's a lot lower power than any of the above. For the sake of this discussion, I'll just say that all of the above are VV and they all do what VVs do. Unless you want to vape out on the fringes, they all have enough power to do what you need. Your priorities may be different than mine but, here's what I think is important.

Safety, durability, and fit and finish only go so far for me. There's a good enough in all three. Beyond that, it's just glitter. Of the three, the Vmax is lacking a track record. Durability is unknown. All I've seen about it is it's ability to handle 5A and that it's a "vaping beast". I haven't seen a lot about battery protection. Pulling 5A on stacked batts with little protection, gives me pause. It also has some pretty loony "features" right now that are probably soon to be corrected. This is one I'll keep an eye on but, for now, it's not for me.

If you really want to feel the quality of the device when you hold it, then go with the Provari. That's not all that important to me but, it's a lot of what has the Provangelists all ga-ga so I'll mention it.

My next criteria are ease of use, battery life and price. I'll say that with an 18650 the Provari will have about the same battery life as the Buzz Pro but, that means buying an extension cap. At first glance you might think that the display tips the scales on ease of use in the Provari's favor but, I don't think so and here's why. You don't really need to know what voltage you're vaping at. You need to know where you like the vape. A wheel with a couple index marks gives you that. It's also always accessible. You can adjust the voltage up or down to accommodate changes in your atomizer or a different juice usually without looking. On the Provari, you have to get to the right menu to adjust either up or down. It looks cool and everything but, it's harder to use. So, I give ease of use to the Buzz Pro. The cheapest Provari with extension cap comes to around $180. If you want fancy chrome or black, you have to go to around $204. The Buzz Pro is available in a variety of colors for $124. So price goes to the Buzz Pro as well.

So for me, it's the Buzz Pro and that's what I own. You may put more emphasis on some of these features than I do. So, using the same criteria, you might come up with a different answer. I'm really just trying to give you a way to make the decision without simply going with what someone recommends.
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