Boge 510 cartomizer leaking or...?

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Full Member
Sep 22, 2011
I tell you ecig hobby/habbit has been an interesting one with tons of questions. :p

I decided to give boge 510 cartomizers a go due to a suggestion from another thread. I used the condom fill for the first fill and leave it sitting over night...then I just top it off with a few drops through out the day to keep it moist. I started noticing burt looking gunk in the threads of the boge cartomizer and inside the battery connecter as well as in my charging unit. Just today I noticed a pooling liquid in the very center of the connecter on the battery. At first I thought it was just some juice that leaked onto it, but the liquid kept pooling in the center of the battery so I got worried that maybe the battery was leaking? It happened to my other battery too (so I doubt both batteries were leaking) so I tried a joye 510 cartomizer on it and it hasn't happened the only thing I can figure is the boge is leaking some how.

So my questions are: Has anyone else had this problem? What is a good way to clean out that burnt looking gunk from the charger and off the battery? Any tips to keep this from happening?

Thanks guys for always being so helpful. :)


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May 19, 2012
michigan, usa
after you fill the carto, its good to blow through the center hole to get any excess juice out. blow it into a paper towel, or something like that. plus, you dont have to wait overnight to start vaping. you can use it within a few minutes. i think the recommended time is 10 minutes, but it just takes a few minutes for the liquid to soak in.
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