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Tor R

Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
  • Apr 4, 2020
    Mandal, Norway
    First, welcome to ECF, and Merry Christmas!

    Started with regular stock coil tanks, but in the last six months I have moved towards RTA.
    Only 1 juice that goes to the stock coil tank, for some reason I do not get good flavor from an RTA tank with that juice.

    The other three combinations are RTA, simple single wire builds so far. I build quite often, mostly every other day, preferably to improve at wicking.

    Have bought wire to build my own claptons, so maybe one day I will be a little more advanced.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Verified Member
    Feb 12, 2014
    Ont. Canada
    I still build but the past 2 years I went back to old school and all my Kayfun lites from years back with nicsalts. Drippers have went unused in years. All my sub ohms tanks just sit in the shelf. Still use my Merlins and my Ammit tanks which are both single coil rebuildables. Was done along time ago with the clouds. Still rebuild stock coils for my wife's Melo 3's. CHEERS! and happy building. :)
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