Burnt taste - Stardust and ego battery

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Jul 9, 2013
Boise, Idaho, United States
Sorry if this is a repeat question, wasn't able to find anything on search.

Picked up a Stardust tank to go with my ego battery today. Filled it up, let the wicks saturate, got a couple good hits, then BAM - bad bad burnt vapor taste. If I let it sit for a minute, I'll get one good hit, but then it'll turn gross again. What did I do wrong?
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Vaping Master
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May 6, 2012
Waikiki Hawaii
How fast are you vaping bh? If you vape it like smoking a cigarette, then the wicks dry out faster than they can absorb the liquid, particularly if there's a high VG content in it. Also what ohms is your Stardust? Finally is your battery a fixed 3.7 volt battery or a "Twist" where you can try the range from 3.2 - 4.8 volts? Let us know.


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May 6, 2012
Waikiki Hawaii
Hmmm...the color of the liquid should not have any impact. What the VG/PG ratio is can, but more importantly the level at which you're operating it - if you have a 1.5 ohm Stardust on a 4.8 battery setting, that would taste absolutely horrible burnt. If your clearo is 2.4 and you're running on a 3.7 battery, it should be fine.

I am using a darker liquid...maybe that's the culprit.


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The color wont matter. They are top-head tanks meaning the liquid needs to absorb to the top of the device through the wick, as apposed to just soaking into the wick at the bottom, like the bottom feed tanks.

This is why i personally switched to the EVOD's. if you notice the taste burnt tip it over, let it soak in real good. Or you can vape with the device tipped up a bit to keep the liquid close to the head.

Susan W.

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Apr 30, 2013
Torrance, CA
I use the Stardust type clearo all the time and I haven't had any burnt taste from them at all. I do use the Ego Twists so I do have the choice of changing my voltage but I usually leave it on the lowest setting so maybe that's why I don't get the burnt taste. I did just buy some EVOD's and what I'm not liking about the one I tried is the plastic taste. I now have it sitting in denture cleaner to see if that helps.


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May 6, 2012
Waikiki Hawaii
If the clearo is 3.1 with a 3.7 voltage, it will barely work and certainly shouldn't taste burnt. Does the juice taste constantly burnt now, or do you still get one drag good, next drag burnt? Wondering if you scorched the top coils.......

Safe Vaping Power | Voltage | Resistance | Ohm Chart
I'll take one drag, it tastes okay, take another one 5 seconds later and it's burnt. Don't know what the ohms are, my receipt just says that it's a 3.1. Lastly, the battery is a fixed voltage one. I tried it on my ego spinner at the lowest voltage (3.2), and I get the same result.


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Jul 9, 2013
Boise, Idaho, United States


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Dec 28, 2012
The Huge State Of Rhode Island
Deff a result of liquid not wicking fast enough and because it was firing without being totally wet it has burned the little bit of juice that was on the wick onto the coil because the coil was dryish and was allowed to heat up quickly. You may be able to save the coil with some dry burning but my guess is that the coils shot. This was most likely caused by your juice being a little thicker then normal and that issue will be solved with youe evod I use very thick juice in mine with never an issue. :) while your waiting for the evod you can continue to use ur stardust by turning it on its side or upside down between hits to rewet the wicks. It will be annoying but should hold you over.

Happy vaping :)

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vapo jam

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May 25, 2013
county of orange, ca
The color wont matter. They are top-head tanks meaning the liquid needs to absorb to the top of the device through the wick, as apposed to just soaking into the wick at the bottom, like the bottom feed tanks.

this is true. if you're able to salvage the coil, try filling it up again. after every couple hits, tilt it so that the top of the wicks re-saturate before taking a couple more. if the juice is thicker, you need to do this more often, as it takes longer to soak up thick juice. don't worry about the tank leaking - you can turn it completely upside-down for a few seconds without any juice coming out.
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