Can anyone help....Phoenix Raven Nest or Anyvape Davide?

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I'm new (2 months 3 days :) I use an ego 1100mah battery, and I would like a nice tank. I've been using ce8 clearomizers and a DCT 510. Has anyone had any or these.....raven nest or davide or davide mini? I just do not know which one is more reliable and would they fit my ego battery? Thanks for any help.
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Dont know anything about the ravens nest but git my davide last week and love it. Its as good as driping but with a tank easy to clean pretty easy to fill and you can buy or rebuild atmoziers cheap. One thing to look out for is once I wasnt paying attention when filliing and when I was un-screwing the base I actually took the tank apart on acidentspilled 1/4 tank on my shirt but it was my fault.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
That Raven Nest is pretty. Know nothing about it but there are some reviews on Youtube

Just search for Phoenix Raven Nest (and you can probably find reviews for the other too)

When this guy reviewed the Raven he had a problem with it? Not sure what the problem was after watching the video...
Phoenix Raven Tank Review - YouTube
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