Cannot find this question answered anywhere

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Red Hot

Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Maybe I just suck at searching, but I can't find this question on the forum, so I'll ask it.

How do you increase vapor production? Both when it's getting low & just in general.

Silly Noob Side Note: I totally just vaped through my nose and it was AWESOME!! :D I did that with analogs once and it hurt pretty bad. I then tried it with hookah and I didn't feel any discomfort. As for my e cig, it was like half-half..kinda felt something, but it wasn't horrible enough to make me not do it again. EDIT: I do notice it kinda makes my nose runny..

Thanks for any help!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 3, 2010
Vapor drop can mean:
- Low cart
- Low battery
-Flooded or clogged atomizer

Check your cart's filler. If it's getting dry at the top, it is time to refill or to top off the cart.

Ensure that the battery is fully charged.

Check your atomizer. Blow any excess juice off. Put the atomizer's battery connection on your lips (like you would a whistle) and blow hard. Keep a tissue on the other side in order to catch the juice.

If the atomizer still does not produce vapor. Try cleaning it by using this method:

Be sure to follow the exact steps mentioned on that link.

Also: what e-cig model are you using? This method works with any atomizer, but the the directions given are for the 510.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
Maybe I just suck at searching, but I can't find this question on the forum, so I'll ask it.

How do you increase vapor production? Both when it's getting low & just in general.

Silly Noob Side Note: I totally just vaped through my nose and it was AWESOME!! :D I did that with analogs once and it hurt pretty bad. I then tried it with hookah and I didn't feel any discomfort. As for my e cig, it was like half-half..kinda felt something, but it wasn't horrible enough to make me not do it again. EDIT: I do notice it kinda makes my nose runny..

Thanks for any help!

I have a question on this and thnk i'm just not understanding something and that is how do you vape or smoke only through you nose.????

Hellen A. Handbasket

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 26, 2009
San Tan Valley, Arizona
Also, be sure to clean the brass connectors on both your atomizer and battery. Gunk from the brass oxidation can cause conductivity problems. Sometimes liquid can leak in between them from the atty, so keep them dry.

It is good to give them a wipe off daily and before charging batteries (so it doesn't transfer it into your charger).

Microfiber cloths work great. A bit of alcohol can help.

Red Hot

Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
I have a question on this and thnk i'm just not understanding something and that is how do you vape or smoke only through you nose.????

Naw, I don't snort it or anything crazy. (That does make me curious though.. :p) Just vape however you usually do, but instead of exhaling through your mouth, blow the vapors out your nose. :)

EDIT: Thanks Hellen
If you were able to blow analogue smoke through your nose (as I did), you blow the vapor out your nostrils the same way.
It's not something I do consciously. I just exhale the vapor through my mouth and nose. I find it enhanses the flavor. Flavor is part of our sense of smell.

Others have answered the ? of how to increase vapor. I would also add, - try a different atty manufacturer. I vape the Screwdriver and dse901 mini.
Now I only buy genuine SLB dse 901 atomizers. Huge difference between the Salbo and the 901 knockoff look-alikes. :evil:

Red Hot

Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
If you were able to blow analogue smoke through your nose (as I did), you blow the vapor out your nostrils the same way.
It's not something I do consciously. I just exhale the vapor through my mouth and nose. I find it enhanses the flavor. Flavor is part of our sense of smell.

Others have answered the ? of how to increase vapor. I would also add, - try a different atty manufacturer. I vape the Screwdriver and dse901 mini.
Now I only buy genuine SLB dse 901 atomizers. Huge difference between the Salbo and the 901 knockoff look-alikes. :evil:
Another quick question as for blowing out the nose. I know that when one runs it's suggested that they breathe through nose and out the mouth (because it gets oxygen to the brain faster, right?) Would that mean that nose vaping gets you a faster "high"?

Hellen A. Handbasket

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 26, 2009
San Tan Valley, Arizona
I think the majority of our nicotine intake from vapor is through oral mucosa, so would think you'd get a little extra kick from the exhale of nasal vapor or french inhale vaping.

Vapor does dry out the mouth... so be careful about getting nose bleeds and maybe having some sinus issues if you start to do nasal vaping all the time. Might be a hard habit to break :p.


Full Member
Mar 10, 2010
South Carolina
Maybe I just suck at searching, but I can't find this question on the forum, so I'll ask it.

How do you increase vapor production? Both when it's getting low & just in general.

Silly Noob Side Note: I totally just vaped through my nose and it was AWESOME!! :D I did that with analogs once and it hurt pretty bad. I then tried it with hookah and I didn't feel any discomfort. As for my e cig, it was like half-half..kinda felt something, but it wasn't horrible enough to make me not do it again. EDIT: I do notice it kinda makes my nose runny..

Thanks for any help!

LMAO...did you really do this? :shock:

Red Hot

Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
And to keep your nasal mucosa hydrated use a NETI POT - they really work even though its the weirdest thing you'll ever do to your nose.
And drink TONS of liquid - you need extra hydration because both PG and VG are drying to mouth/nose membranes.

Interesting and thanks for the info. And you're welcome to whomever this thread has helped. :)
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