Can't find my dream tank! please help, here are my 3

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My 3 tanks:

first tank I ever got, an iclear, it houses my pecan pie flavor

My second tank I bought, a vision vivi nova, it holds my Flame & Ice flavor:

My latest one, a vision victory, holds my brazilian coffee flavor:
(the one on far left, that is the battery I use also, so basically what my setup looks like with my blue one)

Ok problems
The iclear seems to be reliable most of the time though the hits on it feel a bit weak, could be that the pecan pie is a mellow flavor though. occasionally if in my pocket, the spout can be pushed loose, causing leaking, but that just means I need to be careful

the vivi nova, the plastic spout up top also goes about a centimeter into the metal part, and the plastic part on mine just broke today, so now that tank is down... Also, the juice seemed to be eating at the bottom of that plastic part. It was getting soft and weird

the vision victory randomly leaks juice into the central chamber sometimes. drives me nuts, leaked half a tank the first day i bought it onto my dresser where i left it while i charged my battery overnight. I brought it back to the vape store and they checked it, left it sitting overnight full and of course conveniently while it was at the shop, it didn't leak, and hasn't leaked like that since.. although now it still will randomly get some juice into the middle sometimes..., I actually like the tank and the metal mouthpiece, i just wish it wouldn't sometimes leak.

So what do i need to do?! What is a good tank that won't have problems (I like to stick my PV in my pocket, is there one that is durable enough it won't also risk coming apart when I do that?)

EDIT: It appears I should have been posting the the clearomizer section, but until this thread, I honestly wasn't sure what a clearomizer was. Thanks for all the info.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Certain flavors are known to be tank crackers or melters. This seems to be the case with the Flame & Ice flavor in your Vivi Nova. Consider the tank to be ruined and discard of it.

Clearomizers in general have been noted to sometimes be leaky, fussy, and unpredictable. Also known to mute some flavors. People use these despite this because they are easy and simple for novices to use.

Maybe time to move up to a pyrex cartotank. The pyrex glass will be immune to all the voltatile flavors known to melt plastic. Cartotanks take a little longer to set up and have a slight learning curve. The most important step is putting enough juice in the carto before putting it into the tank (see guide below). They are maintance free and often give better flavor production than a clearomizer. Replace the carto with a new one when the draw becomes stiff.

I put my IBTanked cartotank that is on my Provari in my front pants pocket when I'm out and about; never had a problem. They are durable; just remember the tubes are made of glass. Most tank cracks happen when the endcaps are removed and the glass is dropped in the sink during cleaning; as long as the caps are on the tanks are pretty durable.

Something Safe for Cinnamon & Citrus Flavors

Cartotank Help for a Noob

Baditude's Cartotank Setup Guide

IBTanked Pyrex Cartotank Review

IBTanked-on-Spinner.jpg IBTanked-large-small.jpg complete-tank-19mm-xl.jpg
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I'll have to see if the local vape store sells any of these, so ask about pyrex cartotanks as opposed to clearomizers?

I'll drop by tomorrow and ask about the IBtanked brand. I guess I better pick a favorite flavor, I don't know if I can afford to buy a new one of these for every flavor I end up liking lol.
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Ultra Member
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Aug 7, 2013
NoHo El Lay CA
You might be better off with the Kanger Protank 2 or Protank Mini.

They are bottom coil glassomisers. Much like what you have now but with Pyrex glass tanks and better overall quality.

I am a carto tank user and recommend them highly. You probably will not find IBTanked tanks at your B&M I don't think they are sold anywhere except from their website. In own 2 and love them.

You may find Pyrex carto tanks at your nearby shop. They will either be cheap (which is ok to start with) or crazy expensive.

Check out Baditude's blog for everything you need to know about carto tanks

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You might be better off with the Kanger Protank 2 or Protank Mini.

They are bottom coil glassomisers. Much like what you have now but with Pyrex glass tanks and better overall quality.

I am a carto tank user and recommend them highly. You probably will not find IBTanked tanks at your B&M I don't think they are sold anywhere except from their website. In own 2 and love them.

You may find Pyrex carto tanks at your nearby shop. They will either be cheap (which is ok to start with) or crazy expensive.

Check out Baditude's blog for everything you need to know about carto tanks

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Just bought a Kanger Protank mini. Good so far. I think it's probably the best option they have at the vape store here is the Kangers, I don't think they have any cartotanks, just these clearomizers and glassomizers (They have the mini and regular protanks but I figured the mini would be easiest with my vision spinner battery. As long as I can vape for a day without it running out.)

I'm giving it a bit of time to make sure it keeps working well before I switch my iclear and Victory tanks over to Kangers. This may be the good tank for me.


Coil Destroyer
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Oct 10, 2013
Oceanside, CA, USA
I too was on the search for my main tank. I've stopped looking since finding the Kanger T3s. It's a bottom coil clearo that holds a good 3ml.

I bought 5 online and so far none of them have leaked. They gurgle occasionally when moisture from vapor gets in the mouthpiece but a simple blow out the bottom fixes that!

They are a bit long for my Spinner but they are great. You can also get the EVOD, a bit smaller version.


That's my clear T3s on my 1100mah Spinner. They are available in other colors along with the mT3s which have metal sheaths around them. I don't prefer those cause it's hard to see your juice.


Ultra Member
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Aug 21, 2013
If you want a small glass tank the Mini Pro Tank-II is nice. It only holds about 1.5ml. A little airy but easy to fix by covering a vent hole or two. The full sized Pro Tank-II holds a bit more. Coils are usually cheaper than some others.

If you want to get your feet wet with a carto, the SMOK DCT Pyrex is a nice cheap carto tank. It has a metal shield around the glass tank.They have a V2 version that is slimmer IIRC too. Vapes really nice and i like the flavor better than my Pro Tanks with several juices. They do not come apart though and are basically disposable when they are worn out or break. Carto tanks like the IBtanked are totally rebuild-able and customizable.

I don't use any tank crackers but for a cheap clearo tank i like the Kanger T3S or if you want metal over the tank they offer a MT3S but the juice window is tiny IMO. These work fine, hold a fair amount of juice and are cheap enough im not totally bummed if one gets broken. Coils are cheap too. They do get some condensation in the drip tip that needs to be wiped out once in a while. I do it once or twice a day with a small Qtip.
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