Carrying the Vamo...

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Feb 18, 2013
This type of thing has been mentioned by others on ECF as a great way to holster and carry different tubular APV's when you're out and about. Recently, a guy that I know who works in Security at a large corporation let me slide my Vamo into his baton holster to see how it would fit. It fit like a glove. It has a loop on the back to slide a decent width belt through. It is nylon on the outside and is formed and very rigidly cant squeeze it out of it's tubular's very soft material on the inside so it wont scratch or try to peel off my wrap.

He told he that he would get me one....and he made good on that promise yesterday...I really like it and you just can't beat the's some pics of it with the last one being the Vamo holstered in short mode (sorry about the low res shots):





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Mar 5, 2013
Honolulu, Hawaii
Very cool! Looks like a perfect fit! That must be one small baton! :)

Don't know if you ever saw the Mag-lite case I modded. It's not actually that easy to burn holes in nylon so mine came out a little crooked. I used a soldering iron. I wouldn't say it's an overly tight fit, but I would be a bit worried about having a wrap on any Vamo I put in it. It's my fishing setup and works very well since the Vamo in short mode isn't that heavy.

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ECF Guru
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Mar 6, 2013
Brampton, Canada
Very cool! Looks like a perfect fit! That must be one small baton! :)

Those r 'Restrainer Batons'... used to 'pin' someone down. When correctly applied on someone's wrist - s/he could experience some excruciating pain and well be immobile.

Cop's belt could carry many, wide variety of, holsters... and surprisingly most of them r good for our vape-gear, LOL!


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Mar 5, 2013
Honolulu, Hawaii
That's cool!....I had a similar idea a while back, but the mini maglite case I have was too small and tight to fit the Vamo into...what I like about your setup is that you can vape without taking it out...

This case is the mini Maglite AA type so it's probably the same one you have. What I do is turn the Vamo so the buttons are sort of kitty-corner, then it slides in quite easily. Then I sort of squeeze the case and Vamo at the bottom and slide the Vamo around until the buttons appear in the holes. It moves easily, so no problems at all. After a while, I noticed the case stretched a little, so now it goes in even easier. The case was just lying around unused, so I figured, what the heck... mod it! Yah, it helps immensely that I can fire it without taking it out. The only bad part is that when you melt nylon, it hardens, so I don't know if that would work for your wrap without damaging it.
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Feb 18, 2013
This case is the mini Maglite AA type so it's probably the same one you have. What I do is turn the Vamo so the buttons are sort of kitty-corner, then it slides in quite easily. Then I sort of squeeze the case and Vamo at the bottom and slide the Vamo around until the buttons appear in the holes. It moves easily, so no problems at all. After a while, I noticed the case stretched a little, so now it goes in even easier. The case was just lying around unused, so I figured, what the heck... mod it! Yah, it helps immensely that I can fire it without taking it out. The only bad part is that when you melt nylon, it hardens, so I don't know if that would work for your wrap without damaging it.

I tried it again and it wont come close to fitting....I dont know how you did it....:ohmy:
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