cost & ecigs

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New Member
Aug 19, 2009
Malden, MA
I've been vaping for about 3 weeks now. After going over the costs for supplies, I realized that I'll manage to save over $159 a month! Here in taxachusetts, cigs are up to $8 a pack not to mention the hike in tax to 6.5%. That will bring me to about $240 a month. I'm in the process of turning one of my smoker friends to ecigs. Since I don't feel like repeating everything I wrote in an email, I'm just going to copy and paste the exact email:

Note: I originally started vaping with the smoking everywhere ecig until I got my hands on a Joye 510, this is what the email is explaining...

**So, how long has it been? About a week and a half or so since I've had the Joye 510. It is my fav now! I actually brought it with me to work today. I worked 7am-6:30pm and the battery lasted all day!

So I know EXACTLY what you need to get things started.

1. Go to to buy the starter kit for the Joye 510.
2. Go to to buy the Johnson Creek Sample Pack v2. This gives you 10 sample sized ejuices. One small bottle lasts a while. I'm still working on the first two I chose to start with and it's been a week, and I still have half of each left. This will also help you decide which flavor you prefer. So far I have used the espresso, french vanilla, tennessee cured, and just recently the summer peach. Out of the four, tennessee cured, french vanilla and summer peach are my fav. I still got 6 more to try out.
3. Today I went to the pets store to buy the Fluval. This is what you'll need to reuse the carts. It's that filter stuff. Same **** they use. Works awesome! You can get a box of it for about $3.92. Only need a lil for each filter. This box should last me AT LEAST a month or so, most likely longer, depending on how often I clean and change the filters.
4. Lastly, get the Long 6" Straight Tweezers. You will use these to add the filter to the cartridges. Pinch it at the end and then twirl it around. With the tweezers still holding on, slide it into the cart. Trim any excess. The fluval is about one inch thick. You can cut it in half.

With everything said and done, you will pay:

Starter kit: $58.00
Sample Pack v2(ejuice): $16.46
Long 6" Tweezers: $2.62
Fluval: apprx. $3.92

Grand Total: $81.00 to start.

With this, you should be good for about a month and a half, prob even longer! What is that compared to buying a pack of cigs a day? I would normally buy a pack a day for apprx: $8.00 times that by 30 = $240/month. I've saved apprx: $159 in just a month!**

Not only have I saved money, I've saved my life! I love being able to walk up a flight of steps without being outta breath. Hell, standing stationary, I can breathe where before I always felt short of breath! LOL. I tried one of my bfs cigs last night. Wanted to see the difference cuz I hadn't smoked an analog since I got the ecig. Almost instantly, I felt sick to my stomach and was short of breath. Worse feeling in the world. Couldn't figure out how I dealt with that for 10 years of smoking!

Even if I wasn't saving money, I would still prefer the ecig.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2009
Acme Looniversity
I spent a good deal of money the first month, but 25% of that was easily spent on shipping. Juice from here, 901 from there, 103 from some other place. One of the best cost saving devices is to pick one company (whenever possible) to order from. I usually order from Heaven Gifts, best prices of just about anywhere. I have juices I like and juices I can mix with.

The thing I like to keep in mind is that if it wasn't for e-cigs, I would be spending exactly the same amount of money and be in the same boat as 5 months ago. Nothing would have changed at all.

I was kind of trifty with my cigarette purchases so I spent about $90 a month, smoking a pack a day. Now, I spend about $50. But that's not entirely fair, becuase I stretch my juice by cutting it 1/3 with glycerin so the juice would probably last about two months. But I share with my friends at work. They've all got a bottle of something I've wipped up (butter rum, licorice, or my pattented Grape Escape).

At what I pay, I could afford a new 510, new case, and two months of juice easily ever month. Mainly, I like to throw in an extra battery here and there and I always want to make sure I have two atomizers minimum going into each month. I've alreay bought my passthroughs and my PCC's and I'm good to go.

So, I'd say I've cut the cost in half. But the real thing to remember is where I would be without them. $90 a month. Every month.

Oh, and you can bet your sweet "you know what" that I don't miss going to the store to buy a carton of cigarettes one bit. I HATED that part. Every 10 days I had to find time to pick up a carton or two and try to smile while I spent $30 bucks a carton. And, yes, I'm sure there are people who only wished they could buy a carton for $30.

--Prof Daffy
P.S. I'm waiting for the commercial where Somkey the Bear says that last year absolutely no forest fires were started by electronic cigarettes. Go Smokey! I wonder if he has a brother name Vapey.


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Captain Tightpants
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 2, 2009
I'm probably going to dump about $200 into my JS and initial supplies, then another couple hundred stocking up on consumables over the next month or two. After that, I think I'll be set to actually start saving money.

I'm not only looking at this as an investment in my health, but I'm trying to think of it as a hobby, so I won't feel too bad about the expenses. :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 4, 2009
I purchased a few starter kits with birthday money, so I don't count that. Got the JC sample pack, identified some that I liked and ordered some larger bottles of those.

I used to smoke a little over a pack a day (WI taxes are about the worst) so I would estimate between $200-$250 a month. I think a rough estimate for me so far would not even be $20 per month on the juice.

The best part, at the beginning of each month, I put $100 into each of my children's college fund. Even better, I hope to be around for graduation :)


Captain Tightpants
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 2, 2009
Wow, smokes are cheap where you guys are.

My wifes smokes are $13.62 a pack
Mine are 10.56 and I smoke the cheap generic smokes

For a month of analogs, we spent combined $533.92 per month.

Imagine the juice and supplies I could get if I spent $533.92 per month on ecigs and juice

Holy crap! That's insane!

The generics I can get here are a little less than $3 a pack. I can get a carton of them for $27.

You're saving a truckload of money. I figure that once I get my supplies stocked up, I'll cut my costs by about 50%, and I'm not paying anywhere near what you guys are. Remind me not to move out where you are if I ever decide to take up smoking again. Sheesh!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2009
Stony Plain, AB
Holy crap! That's insane!

The generics I can get here are a little less than $3 a pack. I can get a carton of them for $27.

You're saving a truckload of money. I figure that once I get my supplies stocked up, I'll cut my costs by about 50%, and I'm not paying anywhere near what you guys are. Remind me not to move out where you are if I ever decide to take up smoking again. Sheesh!

Welcome to Canadian government and the love to tax the shat out of everything :evil:


Full Member
Aug 26, 2009
Hi guys! I definitely will be spending much much more money on vaping. I'm living where we still can get a pack for about $0.60 or a pack of premium cigs for about $1.50 max. I spend less than $30 a month smoking a pack or more a day (in Colombia). But I'll be getting back to the US in a couple weeks and definitely plan on starting vaping full time and giving up the analogs. I'm going to spend a lot more money than smoking, but I really really don't care. I would much prefer vaping (I think) and spending a lot more money than sucking down cheap tobacco cigs that I really do like, but don't want to continue using. So I am planning on spending a ridiculously much larger amount than I spend on analogs, but really think it will be worth it. I would have started already but I'm pretty sure shipping to Colombia would be pretty damn expensive, unreliable and complicated (the mail system here isn't very good) and I'll be back to the US in 2 weeks anyways, although I have been reading this forum for like a month now. Thanks for all the good advice! :)

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Hi guys! I definitely will be spending much much more money on vaping. I'm living where we still can get a pack for about $0.60 or a pack of premium cigs for about $1.50 max. I spend less than $30 a month smoking a pack or more a day (in Colombia). But I'll be getting back to the US in a couple weeks and definitely plan on starting vaping full time and giving up the analogs. I'm going to spend a lot more money than smoking, but I really really don't care. I would much prefer vaping (I think) and spending a lot more money than sucking down cheap tobacco cigs that I really do like, but don't want to continue using. So I am planning on spending a ridiculously much larger amount than I spend on analogs, but really think it will be worth it. I would have started already but I'm pretty sure shipping to Colombia would be pretty damn expensive, unreliable and complicated (the mail system here isn't very good) and I'll be back to the US in 2 weeks anyways, although I have been reading this forum for like a month now. Thanks for all the good advice! :)

$30/month x 12 = $360 year

510 kit can be had for $45.
If you smoke a pack/day you'l be vaping about 20ml/week
20/ml x 50 = 1000/ml
20/ml can be had for $7
$7 x 50 = $350 + 45 = $395/year

I'd stick with the cigarettes :)

Welcome to the forum!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2009
Los Angeles
Cost of a pack of analogs in LA averages $6.00
I was a pack a day smoker, sometimes more on the weekends while drinking. That's about $200 a month on analogs.

Blu starter kit was about $60. 510 was $55 I think with shipping. I spent $26 on juice. Judging by how much juice I have left after 1 week of use, I think I have at least two more weeks before I run out.

I think if I keep a budget with just regular supplies, say one new battery and one new atty per month and four 10ml bottles of juice - I'll be spending about $60 a month including shipping on vaping. That's $140 savings per month from quitting analogs!

I think I'll do well with a budget on vaping too. I've been tempted to get a PCC for the 510 and they're not that expensive but I already recognize that I haven't yet saved any money from the switch so I will pick that up next month.


Full Member
Aug 26, 2009
$30/month x 12 = $360 year

510 kit can be had for $45.
If you smoke a pack/day you'l be vaping about 20ml/week
20/ml x 50 = 1000/ml
20/ml can be had for $7
$7 x 50 = $350 + 45 = $395/year

I'd stick with the cigarettes :)

Welcome to the forum!

Thanks for the numbers. But I have been reading a bit and apparently everything is not a permanent product, as in atomizers (mostly), batteries, and then the juices and all that. I'm sure I could do it cheaply, but I am not worried about doing it cheaply. My point is, I smoke a pack at $0.60 US and would much rather be vaping, and will be soon. The point is, I would be much happier vaping than smoking (I think) and spend much more money on it, than I currently am on analogs. And I am preparing myself to do that in 2 weeks, and happily will. (I hope). In the end, I don't think I will be saving money over a 60 cent pack of cigs, whatever your nubers, but really I am very hopeful with these pvs and not concerned about the money.

Kent C

ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Jun 12, 2009
NW Ohio US
Thanks for the numbers. But I have been reading a bit and apparently everything is not a permanent product, as in atomizers (mostly), batteries, and then the juices and all that. I'm sure I could do it cheaply, but I am not worried about doing it cheaply. My point is, I smoke a pack at $0.60 US and would much rather be vaping, and will be soon. The point is, I would be much happier vaping than smoking (I think) and spend much more money on it, than I currently am on analogs. And I am preparing myself to do that in 2 weeks, and happily will. (I hope). In the end, I don't think I will be saving money over a 60 cent pack of cigs, whatever your nubers, but really I am very hopeful with these pvs and not concerned about the money.

Yeah, a little tongue in cheek there on the numbers (hence the smiley) but in the long run even at .60/pack you'll spend less on ecigs even if you have to buy an atty every few months and esp. if you get into DIY juice. At any rate, you'll likely spend less in medical expenses too, over the long term :)
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