Did I break my atty?

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Nathan Hartwell

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2013
Lake Mary, FL
So lets start this off by saying my atty has been tasting less and less flavorful for a while... I figured it was just getting old, and cleaned it out, it got better... Butttttttttt still wasn't preforming.

I googled it.

After some real long hard thought, I ended up de-bridging my "old reliable" atty.

....It seemed to have went fine....

The flavors were ok at first, but I was clearly over dripping. After a while (and many cleans later, including a dry burn) almost all the flavor from the atty is gone... The vapor production is also pretty poor...

Im starting to get worried. I mean, im not that relient on my e-cig (as I wasn't a smoker, its more of a hobby) but im sad that my atty might be busted!

Here is a pic of the inside.
I just did another clean (though it may not look like it). There is also this metallic ring around the inside. Is that part of the mesh from the bridge?


Lastly (and most odd) after trying to get my atty to work right last night, I was vaping, trying something new, vaping, trying something new, cleaning, vape, etc... And I ended up getting alittle sick. Is this something that is fairly normal if you vape alittle too quickly? I was aware of it when I smoked cigars, but didn't think of it while vaping.

Thanks guys! Your always the best.

Nathan Hartwell

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2013
Lake Mary, FL
2-3 drops till the flavor goes away. Do yourself a favor and get a couple 306 atties. the bridge is exposed so it's much easier to debridge. Same threads as a 510, just MUCH better flavor! It's like night and day! That was my favorite disposable before I made the switch to rebuilding.

Oh awesome! I always assumed 306 (or any other number) had different threading! Thanks a ton! Im totally going to check that out now! (I love to try things! haha)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 15, 2013
North of the wall
Yep, pretty much what cjax said. My attys can go for about a month before they start getting "atty funk". After that they seem to not perform as well and my have a certain stench that cannot be eradicated. When I drip a lot of non-clear flavors (especially coffee) it takes a toll on it. after a while, it gets the atty blues.

Ill clean them soak them and even burn them. At this point nothing - even a good antibiotic will clear up the poor state of this godforsaken .......ized Rick James song. (Oh wait, that might be a bit redundant). Anyway, I keep the bridge on mine only because it holds a few more drops ymmv. My connection here is really sketchy! Blah!


The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Oh awesome! I always assumed 306 (or any other number) had different threading! Thanks a ton! Im totally going to check that out now! (I love to try things! haha)

306 attys have a bridge, so you have to make sure you order debridged ones, otherwise you have to debridge and dewick them yourself.

(copy and paste time)

A 306 Atomizer has 510 connection threading, but the body is slimmer than a 510 atomizer and needs a different size drip tip. A 306 has the same components as a 510, but doesn't have a jacket (tube) going up the outside so you see the bridge and the wick.


(These still have a bridge and wick)

Trivia: The atty is called a “306” because it was originally part of Joye’s 306 cig-a-like design. 306 kits are still sold today.

The 306 drip tip fits on the outside of the body, like the “Cannon” from Cherry Vape. When using a 306 drip tip do not force it down onto the atty! The tip isn’t designed to go all the way down and if forced can be damaged causing it to leak – I know, I broke two of them


Nathan Hartwell

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2013
Lake Mary, FL
306 attys have a bridge, so you have to make sure you order debridged ones, otherwise you have to debridge and dewick them yourself.

(copy and paste time)

A 306 Atomizer has 510 connection threading, but the body is slimmer than a 510 atomizer and needs a different size drip tip. A 306 has the same components as a 510, but doesn't have a jacket (tube) going up the outside so you see the bridge and the wick.


(These still have a bridge and wick)

Trivia: The atty is called a “306” because it was originally part of Joye’s 306 cig-a-like design. 306 kits are still sold today.

The 306 drip tip fits on the outside of the body, like the “Cannon” from Cherry Vape. When using a 306 drip tip do not force it down onto the atty! The tip isn’t designed to go all the way down and if forced can be damaged causing it to leak – I know, I broke two of them


This is so awesome! Thanks for the great information! :D
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