Disenchanted with Mt. Baker

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ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
For two years I've been ordering my everyday juice flavorings from Mt. Baker. Initially one of those was brown sugar, but they discontinued that flavoring out of the blue, citing bottom line sales reasons. I had to adapt my recipe to that. Now when I go to order flavorings they are out of graham cracker, but notify me when it's back in stock, so I go to order my 4 flavorings for my recipe again, and I am told on their site that they have now discontinued another of them, RY4.

I'm shocked they would just dump RY4 like that, I had thought it a very popular flavoring, and it was a vital one in my everyday vape recipe. What will they discontinue next? Will there be anything of my recipe left for them to chop me off of?

I think it best to just take my business elsewhere at this point as Mt. Baker seems to have no regard for me as a customer, and I never know when they are going to cut me off from products I've been relying on them to supply for two years now. So I'm looking around for other sources of flavorings, and recommendations would be welcome.


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Jan 22, 2015
West Virginia, USA
Hi Vaslovik. mount baker is moving their business from the state of Washington to Arizona because of pending legislation concerning vape. I feel this is partly why they are reducing inventory. However I do have these links for DIY vendors:

Bull City Vapor - Best Prices on DIY e-liquid Supplies
Wizard Labs
DIY E-Liquid, Electronic Cigarettes and Wholesale Nicotine & E-Cig Juice | EcigExpress
DIY E-Cig Supplies & E-Cigarette Liquid | Make Your Own E-Liquid | RTS Vapes
Electronic Cigarettes | E-Liquids - MyFreedomSmokes
Perfumers Apprentice - The Flavor Apprentice - World of Flavors
DIY E-liquid Supplies - Home
Wholesale Nicotine, Bulk e-Liquid, PG, VG and Supplies Heartlandvapes Wholesale

If you are wanting the same as you used to get, the rumor is Mount Baker used "Flavor West" ingredients. Good luck.


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ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
Thank you for the post, and I'll be checking out those links energetically. I've been exchanging emails with Mt. Baker and they give me a bunch of silly corporate-speak about streamlining production which is meaningless to me. I just want the stuff to make my all-day vape I've relied of them for over the last two years. It's the vape I enjoy with my coffee every morning, what I vape all day, every day, and now they are cutting me off from what I need to make it while giving me corporate-speak excuses. I don't like that one bit and my good will toward them is rapidly evaporating. First they discontinued brown sugar, now RY4, next it will be the graham cracker or the peanut butter, and they will email me some stupid corporate BS about that too that still means I can't depend on them for anything and they don't care either.

Time to explore other options.


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Isle of the Wizards
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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
Thanks for that, I see that Bull City will sell you flavorings in up to 4 oz containers, which I like very much. Mt. Baker told me they would not sell them to me in anything larger than 15 ml bottles. Meh...

That Re(4)nu..

Is that RY4? I can't tell. Is it the one Mt. Baker was selling as their RY4? I called FW but they could not tell me, saying they don't know what Mt. Baker was calling it and just to order a 4 oz bottle and find out. I'd like to know before I pay for it if possible.
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Vaping Master
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May 10, 2013
W. Ma. U.S.A.
Well I just pulled the trigger on an order of flavors from FW in 4 oz bottles, instead of those little 15ml bottles. I should be good to go in a few days when it gets here, and no more getting cut off on my juice ingredients.

I just saw this post and it looks like you have it covered. I contacted FW a while back before MTB started to get upidy and asked which of their flavors "most closely resembled MtB's ry4" and they told me to grab the Re(4)nu. Try mixing it at 6% RY 4% Caramel Candy and 2% French Vanilla all FW ;)


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ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
Yes they have gotten upitty, haven't they? Seems like they feel quite free to just edit your vape from the corporate boardroom, giving you a bunch of corporate-speak reasons for it, and you are supposed to just keep giving them your money and shut up. A person's vape is a very personal and individual thing, based on their personal likes, taste, and preferences, and you don't just change it up on them from afar and expect them to like it.

Thank you for telling me about the Re(4)nu, I wasn't sure about that being the MBT RY4, and I've already ordered it.


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Nov 18, 2012
Isle of the Wizards
@Vaslovik - I missed your edit the other day, but as Capt.shay mentioned, that has been said by a few members that contacted FW that it's the same one MBV was using as RY4. FW used to only carry that one, now they have an additional Re(4)nu too (Special or deluxe, something like that).

As you know, MBV's RY4 tastes nothing like other RY4's (Caramel, vanilla). I find it to be more of a dark licorice-like tobacco, which I'm sure you already know since you previously use and like MBV's (Mainly posted this for anyone else reading later).


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ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
Hmmmm... I don't get licorice notes from it, but then it's in my recipe with 3 other flavorings. I used to use vanilla, but moved away from that and finally settled on the recipe I liked, until Mt. Baker started discontinuing the flavors I needed to make it. Brown sugar was one of them, the first they chopped me off on, and when they chopped off RY4 too the handwriting was on the wall. They told me they are "streamlining production" whatever that means, but then they just buy it from FW, so what production are they talking about? I told them I was taking my business elsewhere, and to streamline that if they like.


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ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
Well, heehee, I'm not sure what dark actually tastes like, but my juice is a dark one. It's heavily flavored. I use a 100 ml Erlenmeyer flask and a 50 ml graduated cylinder to make my juice, measuring in the cylinder the flavors and nic that go into it. It comes out like this:

12 ml 100 proof nicotine
5.5 ml RY4
5.5ml graham cracker
4 ml Brown sugar
5 ml peanut butter
32 ml

42 ml PG
26 ml VG


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Nov 18, 2012
Isle of the Wizards
You'd have to taste the RY4 by itself to know what I mean, and then comparing that vs. other "RY4" type flavors, to see why I call it "dark" tasting.

I'm sure by your recipe that the brown sugar and peanut butter likely blend the dark mysteriousness of the RY4 into something dark and different too, those are strong flavors so likely hide the notes I was mentioning.

You'll have to verify for us that it's the same one, but I'm sure it is as others have brought up this MBV/FW RY4 question before. Did you confirm that's the same one already @Capt.shay?
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