dodgy polls..

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Jun 26, 2008
lifes a ..... aint it.. i like that one kate.. "nasty little man" can i add it to "racist thug" and "sad old git.." all sweet names u have called me in the past.. he he

u just love playing word games my witch finder general supreme.. u just cant stand to lose em thow..

but in the usual way of this place some people can do as they like with nary a word said against them..

as for in it to make money... perhaps now it plays a part.. it never used to do thow.. i have only just started selling things..

i dont like to see the things i sell knocked ether by commercial interests or simply because some people just want to knock me...

and sadly your last comment about wishing u really could scare me to death kate is probably true... if u could i am sure u would..

anyway my initial concerns were quite valid and anyone who cant see they were is blind thru choice.. but i knew when i voiced them i would get sh-t.. its par for the course on this not overly friendly place so full of vested interests.. ..


Ha, all the things you say apply to yourself, if only you weren't so narrow minded you would realise it.

'Nasty little man' came after 'witch hunter', 'bunny' and numerous other names you've wrecked your tiny little brain to come up with. My favourite is 'Dudess', lol. I stand by the 'racist thug' one and 'sad old .......', they describe you well.

Why call people names if you are going to squeal when they come back at you?

If you weren't so offensive and alienated so many people you wouldn't have so many enemies. I won't stab you in the back, I'll say what I think to your face.

You are the only vested interest on this thread. Anyway your initial concern went by the way when you started flaming. :rolleyes:

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