E-Cig Commercial?

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ECF Veteran
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Dec 15, 2014
Arizona, Ecuador
Was just watching TV (A&E station in US), this is the first time I've ever seen an advertisement for E-Cigs.

VUSE (never heard of them) was the product advertised. I was shocked, although I don't watch much television, its a first for me seeing an actual E-Cig commercial.

Anyone else see commercials related to vaping or just E-Cigs in general?

I hope they keep the commercials coming, its great for public knowledge. Hopefully the feds don't step in, like they did prohibiting commercials for tobacco, which I don't mind, but also doubt eliminating tobacco commercials did much if anything to not get people smoking nor stop smoking.

Perhaps this has been on television for a while and just didn't notice it.

Regardless, I was thrilled to see the commercial.


vaper dedicato
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    Was just watching TV (A&E station in US), this is the first time I've ever seen an advertisement for E-Cigs.

    VUSE (never heard of them) was the product advertised.

    Anyone else see commercials related to vaping or just E-Cigs in general?

    I don't watch television much, but I have seen commercials for that product. In my opinion, and this is only my opinion, the cigalike in that commercial may convert some people to vaping, but I think most are just going to say to themselves something like, ""Man this is just not the same or as good as [whatever tobacco cigarette I've been destroying myself with]. So even if they go back to smoking a non-Reynolds (R. J. Reynolds, the second largest tobacco company is the US, and the maker of this particular ecig.) cigarette, they've still made some money that another company didn't. If that person's cig of choice is a Reynolds product, that company makes more money. I don't have the link to the article I read, but it is not far from common for a business to try to get 'consumer's from both sides of the fence'.

    Personally, I do hope this gets more people into vaping. You know, when Star Trek was first created, none of the suits in Hollywood wanted to promote it. They thought it was too 'science like' and the general public just wouldn't get it or like it. Look where it's at now. I'm sure there are a more than a few people that are real glad that somebody ''took the chance". :)
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    My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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    Apr 16, 2010

    VUSE (never heard of them) was the product advertised. I was shocked, although I don't watch much television, its a first for me seeing an actual E-Cig commercial.


    The VUSE is RJ Reynolds entry into the e-Cigarette market. And may be the 1st FDA Approved e-Cigarette to be sold in a FDA Controlled market.

    RJR Vapor Homepage

    Dale Freed

    Full Member
    May 29, 2015
    I remember seeing this commercial as well as the Blue e-cig. I really didn't like it. I think that what really has to happen it a PSA to educate people. Inform them that it isn't the nicotine that they should have a problem with it's the other junk in cigarettes that kills. I have encountered too many people who who say that it's still smoking and still dangerous to everybody.


    ECF Guru
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    Jan 8, 2015
    Houston area
    I remember seeing this commercial as well as the Blue e-cig. I really didn't like it. I think that what really has to happen it a PSA to educate people. Inform them that it isn't the nicotine that they should have a problem with it's the other junk in cigarettes that kills. I have encountered too many people who who say that it's still smoking and still dangerous to everybody.
    Become a walking PSA...lol...it works! I started watching "True Detective" on HBO, and Rachel McAdams' character uses a PV. It's been mentioned by other characters, too. When it starts becoming mentioned and seen as accepted, I think that's good progress. Someone stopped me at the dog park last week and asked how come I could smoke there and she couldn't. 15 minutes and a few puffs on mine later, she said she finally realized how it's NOT smoking. Yesterday, she showed up again at the park with her own starter gear and said she's down to 2analogs a day. We can't wait for someone else to DO a PSA, we have to BECOME the PSA. Join CASAA, be proactive in your own area. WE can make vaping acceptable in public!!!

    Dale Freed

    Full Member
    May 29, 2015
    I like walking through the town I live in. I have had a lot of people walk up to me (especially when I am using a really sweet flavored vape), asking me what I am doing, and what is a vape? The people of my community have a real affinity for wanting to be educated. I have only had few people who have seen the side articles and I generally point them at the Surgeon General, Forbes Magazine, and a few websites that show how inconclusive this "New" technology is. Most of them are really open, while very few already have their mind set because I vape a nicotine level (once again I point them at the Surgeon General on that one).


    Vaping Master
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    Feb 17, 2015
    1187 Hundertwasser
    There's loads of advertising here in the UK, billboards and TV. All for cigalikes.
    When they first hit the billboards I remember thinking "Oh bugger, this is the beginning of the end.." Once the surface surface tension was broken on what had been up till then within my experience pretty much an underground thing, I knew that bad things would follow. Sure enough taxation and restrictive legislation have followed.


    Full Member
    Feb 26, 2015
    san fran ca
    There's loads of advertising here in the UK, billboards and TV. All for cigalikes.
    When they first hit the billboards I remember thinking "Oh bugger, this is the beginning of the end.." Once the surface surface tension was broken on what had been up till then within my experience pretty much an underground thing, I knew that bad things would follow. Sure enough taxation and restrictive legislation have followed.
    I remember seeing that commercial for the first time and thinking," good God how much did they have to pay to circumvent the laws about advertising tobacco products on television!?" Indeed you are correct that was the beginning of something bad for sure. I am not in favor of big tobacco trying to control or influence the vapor in industry in anyway shape or form.
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