E-cigarette row could block new EU tobacco rules

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Senior Member
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Oct 23, 2013
E-cigarette row could block new EU tobacco rules: diplomats | Reuters

The positive to take from this is that there's so much opposition to the proposed e-cig rules. Enough to hold up the tobacco rules rather than letting them ram the e-cig rules through along with it.

I like how they frame the fight over refillable cartridges. To the reader not familiar with e-cigs, it makes it sound like greedy HP trying to get you to buy a new ink cartridge instead of refilling used ones.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
It sounds like there's hope Article 18 will disappear from the TPD. :sigh: I hate cliffhangers...

Just one small nit to pick. The Reuters article you link to says this:

Several governments, including Britain and Germany, are concerned that at the nicotine concentration level of 20 milligrams per milliliter being discussed, one 10 ml refill cartridge would contain more nicotine than a carton of 200 cigarettes.

Another version appearing in EuropeanVoice (EU may abandon e-cigarette regulation | European Voice) puts it this way:

One option for compromise would be to strictly limit the amount of nicotine that the refillable cartridges can contain. But on this issue the two sides are far apart. Under the Parliament position the refillable cartridges could contain 10ml of fluid, which at 20mg/ml would mean roughly 200mg of nicotine. Experts say this is equivalent to 2 packs a day for a week, and could even be lethal if taken all at once.

When is a bottle not a bottle? When it's a cartridge! (Maybe some of you big burly vapers would be comfortable vaping with a 10ml tank? This little old lady has trouble enough with her ProTank... :facepalm:)

[snarky sarcasm] I propose we have the EU "expert" who made the statement as quoted in EuropeanVoice test the 200mg "if taken all at once" on himself... [/snarky sarcasm]


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Mar 27, 2011
Canton, GA
I think this is good, if the ANTZ push the e-cigarette part through and parliament votes the whole package down maybe they'll realize that kicking this hornets nest wasn't the smartest thing they could have done.

It may even make the FDA think twice before they publish their proposed rules.



Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
I think this is good, if the ANTZ push the e-cigarette part through and parliament votes the whole package down maybe they'll realize that kicking this hornets nest wasn't the smartest thing they could have done.

It may even make the FDA think twice before they publish their proposed rules.


Good points! I hope the FDA is paying attention to the outcry from EU supporters of vaping too and realize they can expect the same from US vapers if they try the same tricks.


Ultra Member
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Mar 27, 2011
Canton, GA
[snarky sarcasm] I propose we have the EU "expert" who made the statement as quoted in EuropeanVoice test the 200mg "if taken all at once" on himself... [/snarky sarcasm]

If he did, when he quit puking his guts out he may understand why we think it's difficult to kill yourself with nicotine.



Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I think this is good, if the ANTZ push the e-cigarette part through and parliament votes the whole package down maybe they'll realize that kicking this hornets nest wasn't the smartest thing they could have done.
I have always thought of us as something of a hornet's nest.
And I really don't think they ever saw us coming.

We've been pushed around, often unjustly, for far too long when we were smokers.
But now we all have a whole new lease on life, both literally and figuratively, and we won't go down without a fight this time.

Good points! I hope the FDA is paying attention to the outcry from EU supporters of vaping too and realize they can expect the same from US vapers if they try the same tricks.
The FDA started paying attention long ago, because we have made our voices heard MANY times thus far...

The 2009 court case between the FDA and NJoy/Smoking Everywhere...

The first White House petition...

The second White House petition...

The 5000+ comments received from vapers after this FDA hearing...

The big question is not have they heard us, it's whether or not they give a crap about us.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
....The big question is not have they heard us, it's whether or not they give a crap about us.

I guess we're going to have to force the issue: make them look silly enough that they can't ignore us. Coming up... Twitterbomb to FDA and "Million Vapers March" up Corporate Blvd to the FDA offices. (Has it struck anyone else as ironic that FDA CTP's address is Corporate Blvd? ;))


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2013
Orbiting Sirius B
Wait. Back up the truck. Did I read that right? Cartridges holding 10ml of Joose? The most my cartridges ever held were 12 drops! Those must be some huge cigalikes :lol:

The latest TPD Art. 18 revision I've seen (from yesterday) would not prohibit refillables, would limit e-liquid to no stronger than 20mg, and would restrict *bottles* of e-liquid to no larger than 10ml capacity. (NB That may have changed today...) Evidently the reporters or the "experts" they're quoting are confusing cartridges and bottles... Either that, or they know something we don't and a manufacturer has come out with a 10ml cartridge, and I'd love to see that puppy! (Trying to imagine a 10ml cart on a cigalike battery... It would have to be about 10" long! :lol:)
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