E-cigs just banned on Hennepin Cty property (Minneapolis, MN) according to Fox 9 news this morning

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Super Member
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Jun 8, 2012
Long Beach, California
It's not only Michigan that does not have their moral compasses pointing in the right direction........ This is a standard operation when any sort of special interest company with massive amounts of financial backing come into play with legislature or government in this country. The problem is that countless people know that we have the right to get these shameful reps out of our government legally, quickly, but yet we stand around like sheep just waiting to be slaughtered while these clowns run rampant controlling our lives. We should be ashamed of ourselves for letting it happen.
I have been involved in the campaign to ban fracking in the state of Michigan for the past 18 months, and we've made very little progress. Our governments don't care about possibly destroying wildlife, forests, watersheds and ecosystems to look for natural gas (which we have so much of now that we are exporting the excess to China and elsewhere), but they have to control something as relatively harmless as vaping.

Not long ago I was encouraged to run for office at the state level and had the backing, but I refuse to get involved because of the sheer lack of logic in that realm. What an ill-conceived piece of legislature, horrendous.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
hi all,
as far as the metro transits ban on ecigs,thats there official policy.
having talked to an employee of theres who drives buses there unofficial policy
is to ignore discrete ecig smokers unless someone complains as the safe
operation of the bus takes precidence over policing e-smokers.
having seen vapors including myself indulge descretly on trains buses,and platforms no one seems
to notice or care.
be careful of the wanta be bus cops though,they'll complain about anything.
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