E-cigs prevent eviction of Colorado seniors!

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Full Member
Mar 4, 2010
Our sincere thanks to the Rachel Ray show e-cig segment 3/4/10, and especially to ECF! We can stay in our apartments, thanks to vaping. There were about a dozen of us out of 103 apartments who were told that after 5 years, we weren't allowed to smoke in our own homes come May 1. We're all 70 years old or more, including a blind veteran. Four moved. I have a Pulitzer Prize photojournalist ready for the blind vet story.

The managment company says they're going to be building us a smoking gazebo. Price keeps going up from $10K to $14K, so we assume it'll have a gold roof. However, even in the city, we have coyotes -- and of course, criminals. Wonder how they'll like housing the homeless in their gazebo. We had a daylight shooting across the street a couple of weeks ago. Also, it'll be built between two wings of the building. Can't you just hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth when the wind is right and the windows are open? I can hardly wait.

I have one analog left. Think I'll bronze it after smoking for 57 years. Frankly, I didn't want to quit at all, but it was cheaper to go to e-cigs than move. Social Insecurity, you understand. Ordered still another air purifier, bought more Febreze, opened the windows to the spring snow. In other words, the place smells like a French brothel. However, I don't want to become a liar or a hypocrite, so e-cigs it is.

My habit tells me I can smoke on the patio of the local sports bar, but my head tells me, "Hey, what for?"

Neighbor came up this morning telling me that "all of a sudden" her apartment smells of nic. She lit up an analog this morning by mistake, but we had a flavor tasting here, so she's now totally on e-cigs, too. Since we're smoking 24mg. nic or more, we're not climbing walls or hitting each other.

Cignot has been incredible with us, taking us on as a cause. Vicky and Terri have been so good, and they need to be thanked. Now the neighbors who bought $200 kits at the local kiosk are knocking at my door, asking me to order from Cignot. (Revenge is sweet, eh?)

I'm venting, OK, but you former smokers know how stressful it is to quit, even when you want to. Quitting because someone has an eviction notice in their hand isn't exactly an incentive.

Have hidden the lighters, washed the ashtrays. Have my various 510s in conspicuous places, and am ready to get my scoreboard. Figure I already saved the price of a couple of sampler bottles of flavor since I was mostly vaping yesterday.

Flavors. Read all kinds of e-liquid reviews from Big, Tough Guys who looked like bikers. Blueberry? Cheesecake? We figured we didn't like frou-frou stuff like that. Wrong. Big time. Asked Cignot to suggest the first ones, and boy, are we hooked. Still have to try a flavor we don't like.

We even tried snus. Not bad, but nothing compared to e-cigs. Might use them on a plane.

It took us a while to see the sense of e-cigs, but after all, it was our choice at midnight last night. The world isn't going to end because we have lovely e-cigs instead of analogs. I think we won -- over anyone who was twisting our arms.

So thanks, ECF and all the people who post threads that have kept the sheriff away from our doors. :wub: You can't imagine how you've helped.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
I love this story! Hooray for you all, and Hooray for the ladies at Cignot for helping you get and stay on the path to freedom from smokes and nasty landlords!

I was curious, when you said you had a tasting.... Wow, I'm having visions of the old "tupperware parties" replaced by "tasting parties"... who want's in on the ground floor?

me who

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 22, 2009
East Coast, Maryland
I love this story! Hooray for you all, and Hooray for the ladies at Cignot for helping you get and stay on the path to freedom from smokes and nasty landlords!

I was curious, when you said you had a tasting.... Wow, I'm having visions of the old "tupperware parties" replaced by "tasting parties"... who want's in on the ground floor?

Agree, that's a nice story. I'd like to here a bit more.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2010
East Coast
Amazing. Keep up the vaping and your happy lungs and happy neighbors will thank you. Even if you are vaping for all the wrong reasons (which to me, there are no wrong reasons) it's nice to be able to puff away on it without feeling the guilt of people snubbing you or turning their faces. It's always great to see the amazement on their faces :). What's this about Rachel Ray?!


Full Member
Mar 4, 2010
Actually (gulp), I didn't know I could ask Vicky at Cignot to ask her supplier for additional flavors. Then too, I didn't really know a cartomizer from a cart, so I ordered a bunch of sampler cartomizers (and a 510-901 adapter after they arrived).

If we used alcohol to clean off the mouthpieces, why couldn't we arrange some tasting parties? Suggestions?


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 4, 2010
Brooklyn, MI
Isn't it lovely how we treat the elderly and veterans in this society? (sarcasm) Honestly! First of all you people deserve police protection if you have to live in that kind of environment. After all, you've been paying taxes longer than younger people. To tell people what they can or can't do in their own homes is just wrong! Whenever there's a problem or complaint in this country the easiest thing for any authority to do is just to exercise control over one party instead of working for an amicable solution. Wouldn't it have been cheaper to install air purifiers than to build a $14,000.00 structure and herd you all into it?
Mind you, I think it's great that you have switched from tobacco and will all be healthier for it, but the lazy-a** tactics of some of these control freaks makes me livid!
I do wish you all the best, though. Good health and hang in there.


Full Member
Mar 4, 2010
Criptix, please do your seminar. When we were told (shoulda realized that if they were bringing us shrimp, they were going to cram something else down our throat) that May 1 is a non-smoking building, they also had a smokers' meeting. (No shrimp.)

What they had was a Quit Colorado two-page leaflet. Wowsibom. I called, said I didn't want to quit, bye. So much for that.

The (mis)management company didn't know diddly about e-cigs or snus or snow conditions in the ski areas.

Get in touch with Vicky at Cignot for her suggestions. I ever had her send an e-cig kit to President Obama, but that's another story because they probably think I'm a terrorist.

Go, girl. Make it this week.


Full Member
Apr 28, 2010
Get in touch with Vicky at Cignot for her suggestions. I ever had her send an e-cig kit to President Obama, but that's another story because they probably think I'm a terrorist.

Are you a fellow Tea-Party member? lol sorry couldn't help myself. I think it's appalling that they demand everyone in the building quit. If they decide to go non-smoking, I understand, it's their decision. But they should have grandfathered everyone who currently lives there into the deal, and require new coming residents to be non smokers. I'm really getting sick of people ordering me what to do because "I smoke". And another comment had it dead on. It's amazing how we treat our veterans and our elders.


Full Member
Mar 4, 2010
Just a little old lady gung-ho for a President who is finally doing something for us.

As a matter of fact, I sent Mr. Obama a Cignot kit out of my $941 a month Social Security check. The FBI/CIA (maybe even NCIS and Criminal Minds) apparently haven't done anything about this, so it's sitting in a Washington, DC post office.

Suggestions on how to get an e-cig to the President without spending a lot of time being water-boarded?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 27, 2009
Smith Mt Lake area, Va, USA
Congrats Marlise! You and your friends took a horrible stressful situation and turned it into something wonderful. I think you should send a thank you note to Rachel Ray and maybe next time she won't turn up her nose and say they're weird :). You could get lucky and get a trip to be on her show as a success story, and if nothing else it might get her to do a follow up story on how e-cigs are helping people.

Welcome to the wonderful world of vaping and to ECF!


Full Member
May 5, 2010
NSW Australia
Fantastic story and I'm glad to hear you and the other seniors weren't evicted. The company that owns your apartment complex must be a bunch of heartless jerks who have no compassion at all. You should ask them to show you the plans for the gazebo, which I'd guess, don't even exist. Since May 1 has come and gone, what stage is the new gazebo up to???? I would imagine it would be a dangerous place to be at night. What happens when it snows, are you supposed to freeze your .... if you want an analogue????? So sorry this is happening to you.
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