Easy Peasy DIY 100% VG for Pod Systems

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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
I have two Pod systems the joyetech Penguin and the joyetech Teros. It's a myth that you need Nic Salts and or VG is too thick. I've found that with a 25% Flavorings + Alcohol it works fine in Pod Systems.

I'm allergic to PG and Artificial Flavors so I came up with a recipe that is very simple and tasty. In addition in terms of harm reduction I think it's pretty safe.

I buy the Peppermint Flavor from Cooks Vanilla and it's in a 100% Alcohol Base. Cooks Vanilla is very reasonable and the quality is excellent.

All VG is not created equal. I've found that Mountain Rose Organic VG is a mellower vape than other brands of VG.

I'm in California and you can't buy 95% Pure Ethyl Alcohol or EverClear. So I buy the Pure alcohol on ebay. My 8oz bottle is just a reused flavoring bottle from Cooks.

I like simple so I make 8oz Batches and use a 2oz travel bottle for my measuring.

My Recipe is as follows:
A 8 Oz batches of 13mg for the Penguin which last around 2 months.

Nice thing about a 8oz batch is that I have a 2oz travel bottle and I just fill that up with alcohol and Flavoring and pour into my 8oz bottle. This Eliminates having to use a dropper or syringe. And for the nicotine I just fill that bottle a little under 1/2 way. When you add the VG last no need to measure, just fill to the top.

1. Favoring + Alcohol
20% - Cooks Vanilla Peppermint Extract
5% - Ethyl Alcohol 95% - Everpure is fine, if you are in a State where you can't buy Everpure. Ebay sells 95% Alcohol very reasonably
2 oz Total of these liquids combined.

2. 100% Vg liquid 100mg Strength
Every 1ml is equal to 3.3 mg per oz
Or Every 8ml is Equal to 3.3mg per oz when making a 8oz batch
so I add 30ml per 8Oz Batch.

3. Finally just fill to near the top with VG.
For my Teros I don't use it enough to make a 8oz batch so I make it in 1 Oz batches and just follow the percentages above.

I take a 1oz gorilla style bottle and eyeball it. I fill 1/4 flavors, 1/4 Vg Liquid 100mg and then fill to top with my Organic VG. This gives me around a 33mg Liquid.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jun 5, 2009
Chino California
Very clever use of a 2 oz. bottle to avoid the use of droppers. Will need to try this trick.
Thank You for the nice Comment.
BTW- I picked up the 2oz bottle in one of those travel kits, at my local Target and it's nice because it has a wider mouth than your average bottle.
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Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2015
1. Favoring + Alcohol
20% - Cooks Vanilla Peppermint Extract
5% - Ethyl Alcohol 95% - Everpure is fine,

You're using 20% flavoring (that's in a 100% alcohol base)...and then also adding 5% EA to the mix you're making? That seems like a whole lot of alcohol to me, especially since alcohol shouldn't be vaped because it isn't good for the lungs at all.

Makes me wonder about this statement: "In addition in terms of harm reduction I think it's pretty safe." Most people who DIY even let a mix breathe for at least several hours (or even days for some recipes), to evaporate off any alcohols in flavorings used in their DIY, before they vape it. I don't know any DIYers who purposely add EA to their mixes.
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Moved On
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May 30, 2017
It does seem like a ton of flavorings to me.

Maybe here is the part I will mention that I'm PG sensitive and I use PEG400 as a PG substitute because you are essentially thinning your VG by 25% so it's not a real HIGH VG mix really. Distilled water, fine, alcohol flavors okay but you may/do want to let them breathe an unless you are thrilled with that high flavoring and ETOH mix, well okay....

PEG400 is a PG variant I'm not sensitive to it, I DIY and I'm glad someone suggested it. I started with a small bottle from amazon, but Nic River sells it.

I would say do your due diligence on it (I did) I did not find anything troubling, but I always suggest since it's a bit off the beaten track to check up on it yourself. It just may be a viable option, if you want one, otherwise by all means carry on and I hope you continue to enjoy your mixes and etc.

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