eGo Question...

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So I just got a new sampler pack of juices today with a pack of cartomizers. Here's the issue:

  • Use the juice in a cart with atomizer... the one sample I've tried is pretty good. Good flavor, great vapor production.
  • I use that same juice in a cartomizer... flavor drops off a little bit (understandable), but there's next to NO vapor.
Anyone care to take a stab at explaning that one? ;)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2010
South Florida
Is it making a gargling/slurping sound ? If it is then maybe you over filled the cartomizer, What I would do if that's what I was experiencing, is blow into cartomizer from mouth piece end to try and get out a few drops out onto a napkin. Then I would wipe the threaded end & put back in ego & give it a try. I'm sure others will shine in if that's not your situation.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
No slurping, so I know it's not an overfill issue, and it's a regular resistance atty. Not quite sure what it is, but just tried them both again.

Atty: Good

Cartos: Bad


OH BOY, here comes the atty vs. carto wars!! :facepalm:

Personally I perfer the atty / cart or drip myself, YMMV
I've tried cartos and found lacking in vapor, TH, light draw and airy, so I switched
back to attys w/ blue foam mod carts. The mega atty (w/ blue foam) holds about
the same juice as a carto, easy to fill, clean, good flavor and vapor, and can be
fitted with a mega drip tip for trying out flavors. (have 10 new bottles from FSUSA)

You may just perfer the attys draw, vapor, to a carto, everyones taste is different. :)
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