First steps into the E-Cig world

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New Member
Dec 6, 2012
Vaporisers, atomisers, liquid ..... sounds like ingredients for a nuclear bomb to me :unsure:

After 30 years of smoking, I think it is time to live healthier (though I swear giving up is more detrimental to one's health!). For the past 10 years I have been rolling my own, smoking Old Holborn tobacco. Now I would like to smoke e-cigs which have a similar flavour and strength. Looking at all the available flavours .... toffee, coffee, kiwi :blink: Err ... if I want fruit, I'll eat an apple. Nescafe is coffee. I've done a bit of reading online, and it appears that Green Smoke and Jacvapour are fairly highly rated.

I would like an explanation in simple English of what all this stuff do, how it works, and what might be the closest to what I'm smoking now. I guess 24mg would be the equivalent strength?

A friend wants a 200 cig carton for Christmas as a present. I might just give a starter kit instead :p


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Jan 8, 2010
Ha! It reminds me of Marvin the Martian talking about his explosive space modulator.

The tech terms can be overwhelming at first. Give yourself time to learn about what is out there. Reading this forum and asking questions will go a long way. This is my second time around and I am really enjoying the eGo type model with clearomizers. I don't have much to suggest for liquid. I found a vanilla I like a lot right off. Good Prophets are excellent vendors to work with.

Welcome to the forum!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 12, 2012
Lawrence KS
Yep, you sound just like me 4 months ago. Unfortunately, I'm just going to confuse you more.

I was a 40 year 2-3 pad smoker, and came here on a whim. I never thought I would quit, but hoped to cut down some. I was smoke free in 2 days and have stayed smoke free for almost 4 months,

My first advice is to listen to all of the people here, read and learn. There are 2 basic types of ecigs...510 and 808. This refers to the threading of the batteries and 510 is the more versatile of the two. I started and still use Volts from Smokeless Image. (They have a active sub-forum down in the vendor section) They are 808 threaded. While I don't regret my decision, I would recommend 510s simply because a lot more people sell them and there are many more options for growth. Still, the Volts are easy peasy, don't require much of a learning curve, and are grab and go type equipment.

Second, you may think that you are going to be a tobacco only person. Your words about fruit and coffee, kiwi and apple, could have come straight out of my mouth when I started. Nothing, I repeat, Nothing will taste like cigarettes. You may find something that tastes like tobacco, but not like a cigarette. Also vaping and eating are 2 different things. I love coffee but hate to vape it. I love chocolate but hate to vape it. Turns out I vape mostly fruit. But no one can tell you what you will like.

Third, things will change. Your taste will change. Your nic needs will change. I started at 24mg but after 2 months my body told me that was too high. Now I'm down to about 12-15mg. There were days when everything tasted bad...and others where everything tasted good. I have big bottles of juices that I thought I loved 3 months ago, but I don't like them now.

Lastly, you will learn by doing. Get a good quality starter kit, several sample of juices, and just start. You'll get the hang of it, things will become clearer as you fiddle, taste and read. I'm on this forum daily always learning and I'm far from an expert. But I have learned so much in 4 months that I can relate to what goes on here, and even chime in once in a while. I bet in a couple of months, you will be writing one of these long winded posts advising some other new vaper.


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Nov 10, 2012
My advise wld be to approach various vendors and get samples for their tobacco juices in different nic levels. Everyone's taste buds differ, try out as many as u can find. Higher mg may not turn out the same as what u have been used to in the past 30yrs.

A gd start wld be an eGo twist 1000mah. U may need the power to bring out flavor in those high nic juices. As for cartos, clearos, tanks, attys... Better for u to have a close look and feel for them at a store near you. IMO clearos like Vivi Novas are pretty idiot proof.

P.s. Dont be so quick to deny fruity, coffee juices.... Just give them a shot. U might just find something u like. :)


Vaping Master
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Hello & welcome DoctorJellybean :)

If I was you, I would stay clear of the Green Smoke, it's over priced & you can not buy compatible parts from anywhere else in the UK. Jacvapour are a better bet, but they are a Kr808D fitting & you will be a bit limited to what you can use with them.

Have a look through this list of good UK e-cig & e-liquid sellers -

ALL ABOUT E-CIGARETTES UK - Vendors Board (e-cig & eliquid retailers)


Senior Member
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Aug 13, 2012
Croydon, Surrey, UK
For starters an Ego-C 1000 Mah would be good. As far as attys, cartos, clearomizer go, you got choose according to your taste, everyone will love one or more or all of them it's subject to ones preference.
From my experience I shall tell you, my friend who introduced me to the E-cig world gave up on them and went back to the analogs. Why? He did not have the patients to go through the learning curve. Trust me when I say "e-cigs are nothing like a cigarette" its not as simple as taking a cig out, lighting it and puffing away to glory. I don't mean to scare you. There is a learning curve and when you get a hang of it you shall thank yourself for making the switch. I do!


Full Member
Nov 12, 2012
A, A
Lastly, you will learn by doing. Get a good quality starter kit, several sample of juices, and just start. You'll get the hang of it, things will become clearer as you fiddle, taste and read. I'm on this forum daily always learning and I'm far from an expert. But I have learned so much in 4 months that I can relate to what goes on here, and even chime in once in a while. I bet in a couple of months, you will be writing one of these long winded posts advising some other new vaper.

Learn by doing. That is exactly how I began to come to understand all this stuff. It was one thing to read about it, another to get your hands on it. I had "ah-ha" moments about things most folks here would consider elementary once I got my hands on my first kit.
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