First Vapouriser

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Hi all,

only joined recently as need to pack in the cigs, so I pop down to the corner shop to get some toothpaste and on the counter is a CIRRO 2, I had no intention to buy one before I went but then I thought rather than procrastinating for the next few weeks while I research the right one to get I thought I would buy this for now and see how I get on with it.

i do have some questions though if someone could help, the instructions for it are very sparse and I am struggling to find additional information, it tells me how to fill it, how to charge it and how to switch it on but that's it. I am more interested in how the Cirro 2 relates to my cigs. So I have bought with it a regular 11mg liquid. I currently smoke 20 a day but only very light cigs at 0.1mg of nicotine.

if someone could advise on whether the 11mg liquid I have bought relates to my current level, how long it lasts, how long the battery lasts etc I would be very grateful and any other advice :)



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Welcome :)

Cirro 2 is a 10 Motives product! 10 Motives are bottom of the poo pile for cigarette-look-a-like e-cigs, but this looks OK for a beginner refillable! Whoo-hoo.:D

11mg liquid is too high for a 0.1mg smoker, so best to puff as little as possible or let your body decide.

I think it is a tiny eGo battery and will be 350mAh. That won't do the best part of a day, so make sure you have a charger.

- - -

If you get on with it, you could get a 650mAh (or more) and have two batteries.

The tank is probably disposable. (Yes, just checked). You can buy them 7 for £10 off ebay.(the same..)
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Jul 14, 2013
Charlotte Nc
Hello and welcome
It may be a little high but try it if you think or feel that it's to high the gat a lower nicotine level .
They don't tell you much - each of us are different taste , and what is just right for me may be to low for you .
So if you get dizzy or light haded then you know it's to high ?vape less or get new juice at lower level nicotine .
Best wishes
Welcome :)

Cirro 2 is a 10 Motives product! 10 Motives are bottom of the poo pile for cigarette-look-a-like e-cigs, but this looks OK for a beginner refillable! Whoo-hoo.:D

11mg liquid is too high for a 0.1mg smoker, so best to puff as little as possible or let your body decide.

I think it is a tiny eGo battery and will be 350mAh. That won't do the best part of a day, so make sure you have a charger.

- - -

If you get on with it, you could get a 650mAh (or more) and have two batteries.

The tank is probably disposable. (Yes, just checked). You can buy them 7 for £10 off ebay.(the same..)

That's great thanks for the information, when I check the available liquids they come in 11mg , 18 or 24, do I just buy a different make at a lower level?


ECF Guru
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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf Iain68. So glad you are here and congrats on the decision to give vaping a try. See why I love ecf so much? Someone always here that cares enough to want to help. Look forward to reading more about you. Have fun and happy vaping.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
You know what? I am impressed. :)

Vapers tend to use a minimum of 1ml of liquid a day (the very lightest users). Most are using higher powered kit and vape way more,often less strong.

Sainsburys sell E-Lites, 10 Motives and a variety of unmentionable tobacco company products which are eye-wateringly expensive and next to useless.

1ml a day using E-Lites would cost a minimum of £2,000 a year and most users will get nicotine cravings. A very poor product and 4 times as expensive as they need to be to make a profit. They are the worst rip-off on the market.

Along came 10 Motives and suddenly, people could buy cartomizers for £7 for a 5 pack. BETTER! but lower quality and distressingly inconsistent. However, vaping 1ml could be done for £500 a year.

Now - which company has seen the light and given up trying to make mega-millions but is prepared to sell a decent product at a fair price?

10 Motives. :)

£14.99 is a fair price. (£8 battery, £4 charger, leaves £3 for the clearomiser).... (although you can buy this for £9.99)

but, the best part of all. You can vape 1ml a day for less than £1 a day and if you need to vape more, you refill.... easy... job done :)

So - well done to 10 Motives... (or smoke relief, or whoever is behind the product)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
That's great thanks for the information, when I check the available liquids they come in 11mg , 18 or 24, do I just buy a different make at a lower level?

I used 18mg and smoked 1.2mg cigarettes. I now use 6mg most of the time.

If you enjoy vaping and it works for you, try a lower one next time you need some liquid.

I would suggest 6mg from here. (or more 12 if you are finding it OK). Better to over-do it at first and not smoke at all.

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Senior Member
Verified Member
Here is the general gist on nic level. 11mg means 11mg/mL. So if you have a 10mL bottle of juice... Most normal cigs sit at about 1.2mg per cig so that is 24mg per 20. So if you used 10mL of 11mg juice in 3 days thhat would be (11*10)/3 = 36.66 mg per day. So that equates to smoking about 1.5 packs of normal cigs in a day. Being that you smoke 0.1 mg cigs you that 10 mL bottle would last you quite a while and your body might get quite a nic buzz from the juice until you adjust.

I was a 20 to 30 per day smoker of 1.2 mg cigs and i am doing great vapeing 6mg. Then again i vape quite a bit and a 15mL bottle lasts me about 2.5 days. But it works for me everyones body handles things differently so listen to your body.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Or, put another way.

20 cigarettes x 0.1mg is just 2mg.

1ml of 6mg liquid is going to yield less than 6mg, some might say half, so 3mg. (somewhere between the 2?)
1ml of 12mg liquid is going to yeild less than 12mg, some might say half, so 6mg.

Today, I will have vaped about 2.5ml of 6mg. I reckon that is 15mg before vaping and under 10mg yeild. A direct comparison is difficult, some say impossible.
Either way, 10mg of nicotine vaped has got to be better than 24mg of nicotine smoked. :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Thanks for all the replies everyone, this is very helpful :)

No problem. Please get the word out that refillable e-cigs are much better and far cheaper to run.

OK, so you have to buy tanks and a few batteries, but the long-term cost is so much better, and they work!!

The UK government is going to ban tanks over 2ml and liquid over 20mg in 2016. This won't affect me much, but it will stifle the market. Also, the tobacco companies are lobbying to have everything that is not their one-use products banned. The Pharma companies want it all banned as people are using less and less NRT.

The more people using refillables the better. The sooner products like E-Lites are consigned to the history books, the better.

Good luck with your Vapouriser :)

If you need anything extra - keep this in mind.
No problem. Please get the word out that refillable e-cigs are much better and far cheaper to run.

OK, so you have to buy tanks and a few batteries, but the long-term cost is so much better, and they work!!

The UK government is going to ban tanks over 2ml and liquid over 20mg in 2016. This won't affect me much, but it will stifle the market. Also, the tobacco companies are lobbying to have everything that is not their one-use products banned. The Pharma companies want it all banned as people are using less and less NRT.

The more people using refillables the better. The sooner products like E-Lites are consigned to the history books, the better.

Good luck with your Vapouriser :)

If you need anything extra - keep this in mind.

Thanks for this, I am starting to understand the picture now, as until I came across this site I just thought an e cig was an e cig, I can now see far from it, I think it was fate that the Vapouriser was sat on the shop counter when I went for toothpaste!! :D


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Thanks for this, I am starting to understand the picture now, as until I came across this site I just thought an e cig was an e cig, I can now see far from it, I think it was fate that the Vapouriser was sat on the shop counter when I went for toothpaste!! :D

Fate gets many of us started. That's good.

It wasn't so good for me for the first few months. I bought an E-Lites and believed the hype. 40 cigs from one cartomizer. 25% of the cost of real tobacco.
I bought the entire stock in Morrisons over a few weeks, then started on another supermarket for replacement batteries and chargers.

I may as well have quit cold turkey - it would have been fairer on myself. I had cravings that just as bad a cold turkey. I nearly lost my job and marriage (moods and bad behaviour etc.etc.)

Then, somewhere along the line, I googled for a better product and discovered JacVapour. They took me for £100 or so with overpriced liquid and fairly expensive small cig-a-like kit.

Eventually, I found THIS forum (I am on others) and a lady called Chrissie found me. She directed me to AAEC UK (her forum) and the rest is history.

As you can tell - I am now an enthusiast, keep an eye on hardware and vendors and contribute on e-cig forums. I also write to people to further the cause.
Ok everyone, 6 days down on my cirro and have not looked back, although the cirro Has got me this far, I decided I wanted more today so I took myself down to Bh Vape shop in Bournemouth, well what a place I went in with my cirro and came out with a vision spinner 1300 battery, and an i30s tank and coil, the difference is wicked. Anyone from here and not been yet I recommend it, definitely worth a visit if only for a laugh with guys in there. Made to fell very welcome and nothing was too much trouble :D:vapor:
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