I guess I'll just ask.....

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 28, 2011
Smoky Mountains
I smoked the hell out of Marb reds and when I started vaping I wanted something taste just like it. Wasn't happening. You cant replicate the burning essence of cigarettes with e-juice, but they can get close. I ran thru the gammut of flavors and the best " baccys" I've found so far are from KVS. Kalamazoo Vaper Shop.

The carmel tobacco, OMFG, and mad hatter crap all over ANY Marlboro made. A real one tastes like wretch compared to these juices.

Just my :2c: :)


Ultra Member
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Oct 29, 2011
Queensland Australia
because each person is an individual and what aggravates one may not bother another it really is best to try small samples of all different types of liquids until you find our personal favourites. Its just like one person prefers menthol and the other cant stand it. I actually find the cigarette type juices revolting and havent found one I like yet and that has been 3 months of lots of money spent trying them. My favourite juice vender is freedomesmokesusa.com but they have a massive range but they do sell lots of sample packs of all of their stuff which is always safer IMHO. You are the best judge of what will work for you.


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ECF Veteran
Dec 27, 2011
Los Angeles

I smoked Marlboro Blues (same nic level as Reds). I started with 24mg, but once I got my device working well (muchos vapor) I was able to switch to 16mg with no analog craves.

Here is a great starter kit with a couple of atomizers for drip tasting juices, for a great price:

KGO 1100 mAh 2 battery kit

You might want to order a couple of 5 packs of empty cartomizers to go with:

2.0 ohm low resistance cartomizers


I am using 21st century. It says 1.6 percent nicotine, but I dont know what that would be in milligrams. I used to smoke Marlboro reds. Sometimes I dont feel like its enough nicotine, but chalk it up to 'they arent my smokes' lol Thank you so much for ur input, Ill check that site out for sure


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 18, 2011
North Carolina
Congratulations on making the switch!!! Try several different places for juice and all kinds of flavors, tobacco and non. You can mix them up, and have fun playing around with finding your perfect recipe. Getting a few small empty drip bottles also helps in finding your perfect vape. Just jot down your ratios so when you hit the right one you can do it again!

There's so many options you can play around with so as I always recommend, read, read, read and don't hesitate to ask questions. A few things to keep in mind is that some juices will need to steep. Read up on that. And your tastes will alter from time to time so a flavor that is pretty bad now may be spot-on later.

Best wishes!!! and welcome!!!!


ECF Guru
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Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Smokeless Image | Only The Best Electronic Cigarette | Electronic Cigarettes | Wholesale Electronic Cigarettes | E-Cigarette | Best Electronic Cigarette | Electronic Cigarette
these guys might be a one stop shop to get you both started... lots of options there definately bucket loads better than what you are using presently

I agree that the Volt is better than what the OP has but there is only ONE option, not "lots of options". The Volt is still a mini-battery model no mattery how you cut it.

The E-Power 510, Kgo or Riva 510 are all better options over any mini battery model due to the much better battery life and much more flexibility as to the cartomizers or atomizers you can use.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I am using 21st century. It says 1.6 percent nicotine, but I dont know what that would be in milligrams. I used to smoke Marlboro reds. Sometimes I dont feel like its enough nicotine, but chalk it up to 'they arent my smokes' lol Thank you so much for ur input, Ill check that site out for sure

Your model with 16mg strength eliquid would send most new vapers back to smoking. I would suggest going with the higher percentages of what works best for someone trying to transition to vaping: eliquid around 24mg nicotine strength, manual batteries only and one of these models:

Crystal Clear Vaping

KGO 1100 mAh 2 battery kit



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
Farmington, Minnesota
here is what I would suggest. Get this Riva set on sale it has 2 ecigs so both you and your husband can have 1.
Riva SE 510 Kit | Sweet-Vapes E-Liquid
I would also suggest getting a couple lr 510 attys for juice testing. And and couple drip tips.
Www.madvapes.com has pretty much everything you need.

for juice get small sample bottles so if you don't like a juice your not wasting tons of juice or money.
You can get 1 free 4.5ml sample bottle from

Good luck
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
It's hard to describe why a more powerful unit is better, but you can easily feel it when you try one...................

More powerful batteries stay at full charge longer, which provides warmer vapor longer, which better simulates the real thing. It's the main reason why so many veteran vapers find vaping between 4.5 volts - 5.0 volts, the vaping sweet spot. IMO, any new person would be best served to start at least with a true 3.7v model with better batteries such as the Kgo or E-Power. But many of us have upgraded to a good 5 volt or variable wattage model to capture that 4.5v - 5.0v range.

Running Wolf

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2011
North East Ohio
Welcome aboard. Where abouts in NEO are you? Fun fun fun with the snow here in Geneva!

Cleaning and refilling cartos seems a lot harder than it really is. I sort of compare it with taking the training wheels off your first bike. :)

I'm still new enough to remember feeling like "what the hell am I getting myself into!" when I did it the first time. If I can fill up a carto before my first cup of coffee in the morning than anyone can do it :)

As for juices, look around at a few different place and try a bunch of sample packages that the vendors offer. What I think is the bees knees might taste like something out of the litter box to you and vice versa. Good thing about the samples is that if it tastes like sweat you're not out a chunk of change and have 28mls of it sitting around collecting dust.

If you or your husband are decent at a hands on stuff a good thing to try might be making a puck mod. Although I suggest ordering a 510 connector from MadVapes so it will be compatible with most cartos out there. Under $20 in parts, uses AA rechargeable batteries that can be gotten at Wal-Mart (same as my digital camera takes). The thing is not pretty but it's functional and good as a back up unit, as well as something to use if your "regular PV" batteries need charging.


Senior Member
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Jan 20, 2011
I am looking for juices that resembles my cigarettes. Also I had read in here that someone had wheezing problems with the fruit flavored juices. And I read somewhere else that tobacco flavored contain tobacco leaves, which would make me think wouldn't be as healthy. Which I know its the manufactures of cigarettes put the bad additives in, but not too sure all what is bad in tobacco. I dont mean to sound ignorant. I guess I just want one that taste good and least harmful.

Everybody wants a juice that tastes like a Marlboro red. Such a thing does not exist, unfortunately. You can't really duplicate the taste of burning tobacco and paper. One juice I found that comes close to simulating an analog is vapenstein's blend London from want2vape.com. But why limit yourself? You've been tasting the same thing everytime you lit up for years now. Wouldn't it be awesome to take a drag off a cigarette and taste chocolate, fruit punch, vanilla, coffee or one of the other hundreds of flavors that are out there? Now that you're vaping, you can do just that! Give these guys a shot, bluemistvaping.com. They have a large variety, they're juices are good and they're cheap. In fact, they have the cheapest juice I've found. Order a bunch of sample packs and try out some new flavors.

As for refilling and basically everything you need to know, check out these videos: http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=/&gl=US#/profile?user=DoctorVapor. That should get you started. Happy vaping!

Running Wolf

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2011
North East Ohio
Having only wanted a tobacco flavor when I first started vaping I can't stand them now. Never found one I really liked anyway.

I did some DIY of a smokey/savory type juice that doesn't taste like a cig but somehow reminds me of the good portions of the flavor.

I guess this is also more a guy thing (which would apply more to the OP's husband). When I first started I thought all the candy and bakery flavors were frue frue. That was until I tasted some of them.

Being too lazy to get up from my sofa to make something and using some PB Cup juice or other snack flavor.... *drool* the taste without the sugar rush. :)

Running Wolf

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2011
North East Ohio
I originally thought I wanted a cig flavor. I still have 75% of that juice after almost 3 months. I decided I like the chocolates, coffee type flavors. If I am going to quit, then I just went to something with flavor.

The coffee flavors are great when it's 9 at night and you want a cup of coffee but don't want to toss and turn from the caffeine all night.

I'm still trying to refine a recipe for fire & ice. A nice cinnamon mint mix....


Ultra Member
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Dec 12, 2011
The OC
Mega, thanks!! Ill guess Ill have to keep posting then lol. As this is all new to me, I can see Im in the best place for the best advice!!!!

Win, Thanks for the clarification, that helps!!! And my electronic looks like a cig, so If im doing this well on that piece of crap....lol....cant wait to try the good one!!!

That right there is my vote for ECF statement of the week!

I tried the analog look alikes... I actually quit smoking for a few days in 2010 using them...

BUT the short battery life, short cartridge life and general poor performance had me "sneaking" smokes after 5 days... and full on smoking in 7.

So this time I realized I didn't want an eCig that looked like an analog... I wanted a Personal Vaporizer that had long battery life and a bigger juice resevior... happy now with my eGo... which I've found to be a good base system as it has 510 threads and offers a ton of options for cartomizers, tanks, dripping... large batteries, etc. etc.
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