Fixed a flavor

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2015
I have a flavor called Black Hole. It's primarily blueberry with a light donut aftertaste. The nic is 12 mg. the flavor is good but it can get old throughout the day, imagine eating blueberry donuts all day long and late into the evening. I like donuts, but there is a limit. I mixed half juice and half VG in my Kanger and it really does have a good flavor. I know the nic is lowered to 6 mg, but I am not convinced that it is the nic we crave from analogs. The first two weeks of vaping I used a 7 mg nic and didn't crave a cig at all. Once or twice I went to reach for,the pack that wasn't there and that was completely by reflex. There was no thought about it at all.

I do find that adding the VG to the juice gave it a sweeter flavor and I think I crave the sweetness more than the cigs, so we will see. Oh the VG was purchased at Hobby Lobby, it is 100% and not as thick as some VG I had for skin care.

Adding, the Vape tastes a lot like a Beignet with a touch of blueberry.
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