Flavoring \ Concentrates

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So I'm looking at recipes for my first DIY and I figure I'll start easy before trying the more detailed mixes. I'll probably start with something like Kosher 99.x% VG mixed with 100mg PG to bring it down to 20mg and then Red Bull PG flavoring or maybe a mango to bring it down to about 17-18mg and about 75/25 VG/PG. Let me just say prices and descriptions are all over the board so I haven't figured out a good way to judge what I'm getting. Some places say one drop of their CONCENTRATE in a 10ml solution is more than enough and others suggest that their FLAVORING needs to be 20% of the final solution. So are there two or more different types of flavoring out there. So for instance is there a Mango concentrate and different mangos that are already mixed with varying amounts PG?

And hopefully I'm not being too blunt, BUT :D a lot of the websites I look at are trying to sale things, like VG, that is two to four times the price of most local "retail" stores. I'm guessing that the flavorings are the same way. I understand that they need to make their money too, but it just seems like ALOT of the sites aren't priced correctly. You look at one site for 100mg base and it's $20 for 120ml and then the next site has it for $60. .... Anyway's, I'll stop before I get off on a rant. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 26, 2013
Buchanan Ga
Yes flavoring does vary strength wise however even using the exact sae flavoring inthe same ratio of PG /VG one pearson may like it at 5% and another at 10% and yet another at 15-20%.

Every brand is different in taste. RY4 flavoring from Flavor West , LoRanns , and various sources will not taste the same. Creating a DIY juice is somewaht like baking. Do not expect your ejuice to takes just luike your mother's Yellow Cake .Pecan Pie or like a Recesse Peanut Butter Cup.

There are thousands of post on the different brands of flavoring and even more recepies using them. Start with single flavors in small batches without any Nicotine ( to save money) . Do not judge freshly made juice to harshly as many require airing out / steeping for days or even weeks.

One of the manyDIY Stick Threads which is worth a careful read


Some purchase a gallon of PG from their local Farm Tractor Supply Store for around $25 and say it is fine , Ihave paid $50 from an Eba source3 and it is fine IMO and others only use PG or VG from vendors who speciliaze in ejuice supplies.
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