Flubbed my first real question...

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Full Member
Dec 12, 2011
Seabrook, TX
So most of our friends have noticed that we've quit smoking analogs and switched to vaping. 14 days in for both my wife and I and neither of us has had a cigarette, nor do we want one. Many friends have seen other friends of ours switch and understand the benefits of switching over, others are just glad we don't smoke "stinkys" anymore. We've shown others who are interested (but are non-smokers) how e-cigs work they've been a very receptive audience.

Tonight we were playing pool at a local spot (that is not smoke free) and one of the guys at the next table over pulled me aside. He asked what we were smoking. I got caught flat-footed. He said that he'd tried e-cigs before but didn't like them since they seemed to "run out" so quickly and that mine (eGo batt with a Fluxomizer) looked a lot different compared to what he'd tried before. I stumbled trying to tell him that there were potentially better systems out there than "standard cigarette" form-factor e-cigs with longer battery life and larger juice capacity and that he should try looking up this forum. I even flubbed the name of the forum under pressure. :closedeyes: Any tips on a presentation that's a bit more smooth?

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Dec 10, 2010
Birmingham AL
No flub on your part. It just takes getting use to like any other topic you discuss. Smokers that wish they didn't smoke will notice you have something different and check it out in hopes it may be an answer for them. I just answer questions and send them to a vendor that I think has what they need to begin.

Keep it up!!


Absinthe Minded Diva!
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Aug 18, 2011
Florissant, MO
Hey Chrispete - welcome to the forums and congrats to both you and your wife on 14 days! You should not feel bad - I don't think you flubbed anything up. I think its great that you are out there showing off and that you are willing to explain to people! Keep up the good work. As more people keep asking you about it (and they will!) you will get much better at explaining... :)


Full Member
Dec 10, 2011
Evanston, IL
Sounds to me like you did great! Setting an example and engaging someone is the biggest hurdle. As far as presentation tips, I can only offer my experience--don't know if it applies to you or not--and, as I caveat, I've only been at this a few days longer than you. But for what it's worth, I think it's ultimately about attitude. I was initially worried about people thinking it was weird (I think it was a carry-over of the outcast status of smokers), but what really helped me with talking to other people about it was thinking about an analogy I've seen made on this forum--that e-cigs are the best thing since Tivo. I don't watch TV, and don't really understand what Tivo is, but I know that for a lot of people it's been the best thing since sliced bread. Point is, e-cigs are amazing, one of THE biggest potential game changers of the century. It's ultra-cool technology that can actually change/save people's lives. Once I really got my head around that, I had no trouble with "presentation." I resist the urge to evangelize (for the most part, hehe :) ), but I find just staying focused on what I find really great and helpful about it and this forum solves most of my "flubbing" issues. Congrats on making your life better and getting e-cigs out there in the world for others to learn about. Kudos.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2011
Seabrook, TX
Thanks for the support, what's odd is that I'm a trained and practiced public speaker but have never been in a situation that applied to smoking/vaping so I was completely off-guard. It's just plain weird to be asked a question that I'm used to always being on the defensive about (smoking) but having the opportunity to show something in a positive light (vaping).



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2011
columbus ohio
I dont know why so many people complain about the regular cigarette e-cig styles...I know they arent the Porsches of the industry but that doesnt mean they suck.

Shorter battery life? OK, so if you have two batteries then you can rotate them and maybe use a car charger as well when you arent at home...its not really as big a torture as some make it seem.

They run out too quick? Really? It takes me about 5 minutes to fill 5 carts...thats less time then it took me to go buy a pack of cigs and 5 carts will last me about 3 days. A tank is kinda cool, but not necessary.

Im buying an Ego soon for home use so I can use my V2s when Im out. Smoking a clarinet in public doesnt appeal to me. Im just sayin I know the perks of the newer styles...I just dont get why people are so appalled by the regular cigarette styles...they are quite functional.

Anyway...next time tell the guy that cigs are expensive and they will kill you...e-cigs wont. Your work is done.

If a guy chooses battery life over mortality then maybe he probably shouldnt be alive anyway.


Full Member
Dec 10, 2011
Evanston, IL
It's just plain weird to be asked a question that I'm used to always being on the defensive about (smoking) but having the opportunity to show something in a positive light (vaping).


Yes--you put this much better than I did, but this is exactly what I was trying to get at. It's a strange mindset transition from the defensive-negative of smoking to the positives of vaping. Hard to escape all that baggage of the stinkies, but wow, what freedom there is on the other side!


Ultra Member
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Congratulations to your and your wife, chrispete!

I carry a stack of business cards in my pocket. The cards themselves come for free from my favorite vendors who carry both hardware and e-liquids. Then I've affixed return-address sized labels (they come 80 to an 8½ x 11 sheet) on the business cards with this:

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