For all those vaping and smoking...

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Full Member
Dec 4, 2012
First of all, I'm not one of those who took their e-cig and never thought of analogs for ages. In fact, I've been smoking and vaping in paralel for more than two years. Sometimes I would smoke more, the other times I would vape more.

Recently, some 20 days ago, I've dumped analogs totally... Up until today. So, Thursday early afternoon, a HUGE batch of documents arrived for me to translate - by Friday, EOB. I am fast translator, but it was stressful. I've been working throughout the night, and at 7am I went to local store and bought a pack of analogs. I chain-smoked them while finishing translation. In fact, I mostly held a cigarette in my hand, taking a puff or two when I remembered. Finished the work, finished the pack. Washed dishes (coffee cups mostly) and went to bed.

Waking up around 8 pm tonight. Cannot breathe! Need oxygen! Hacking, coughing... Thinking about texting my boyfriend to come and take me to ER. Lucy me, the things had cleared up soon enough...

Bad, BAAAAAD experience! I felt terrible! Words, although being my ally for ages now, cannot describe how miserable I felt while sitting in the bathroom, curled by the whirlpool, with my rabbit looking at me, his eyes asking "Why the heck did you need that?!" and cuddling around my feet. Come to think of it, while I smoked, that was almost daily thing for me (us, if I am to include the poor fuzzy thing)...

So, you are asking what's so good about vaping, while you still smoke? If you don't dump the later, you'll never reap full benefits of vaping. Yes, through these 20 days of vaping only, I did look at people smoking with the desire to ask them for a puff or two... I even craved when I saw a photo of someone holding a cigarette.

Yes, this pack I had devoured had probably killed all the benefits I've gotten from 20 days of exclusive vaping, but it gave me another, even more important benefit - it taught me that vaping is currently better for me than analogs.

Is there a chance for some future, credible research to prove that vaping is as harmful as tobacco smoking, just in different way? Perhaps... But one thing I know, since I've felt it on my own skin (and lungs) is that in short term, I feel much better vaping then smoking. It's 11:30 pm now, so 3 and a half hours after my thoughts of going to ER... And I can breathe like a human! And vaping...

Vaping might be another evil imposed by market. But my lungs say it is lesser evil than smoking. And for now, that's sufficient for me. There are topics here on ECF, asking if we want to dump vaping... At the moment, vaping is my "lesser evil". And something giving me pleasure, without punishment in the form of morning hacking...

Hope this will motivate others who vape and smoke to to a total switch. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I am telling you how I feel right here and right now...
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