Getting really frustrated...need help please

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Jan 18, 2013
Princeton, NJ
That's what I was getting at when I asked him if the flavor was muted before he cleaned it. He said no.

Its possible that he got the tongue right before cleaning. If it were the case then he shouldnt go crazy trying to fix it. I had the exact same experience and ended up tweaking my Novas so much i broke 2 heads before realizing it was my tongue that was going bad.
I absolutely agree with you. I am still pretty new to vaping (two months) but I have tried all kinds of tanks, carts, etc. I finally hit on the cartotank about a week ago and I think I know what I'm sticking with from now on. I do have one more new head left for a nova clone. I think I'll give it a try this afternoon but I have no problem throwing it out if it doesn't work.
Just buy a t-3 and some extra coils. About 10 bucks and problems solved...

.................................Hey man !

Get two and some extra coil bases. Only half fill to avoid "backwash". Change coil base before refilling to avoid backwash owing to fluid seeping back into the tank from the wick which causes thicker, murky and dull tasting fluid. Place the used coil base in hot water for a few hours then rinse and leave for a few hours more. Using two makes up for only half filling and should last all day.


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Jan 21, 2013
Woodstock Ga
ok here is my opinion...

Dry burning a wick does not apply to silica wicks period...think about it..its a term used when talking about stainless steel wick and coils...
people have heard the term and have tried to apply it to silica wick systems and all they are doing is fouling their wicks...logic says if you fire your coil hot enough to"clean by heat" the cooked junk off will singe the insulator or filler material....once the insulator or filler is singed you can not remove that taste from it it is done ...its now trash.
let me clarify...just because you have done it with no ill affects does not mean it works.. consider your self lucky...

here is some logic...if A = B and B = C then A = C right...ok if your coil burns when there is no juice on it and dry burning is burning it when there is no juice on it then dry burning burns it...just that simple folks.

ALSO...if its burnt Vodka wont help it....washing it wont help it...getting a priest to preform an exorcism and send the burnt taste to hell wont help it its trash throw it away and put in a new one.

I do rinse off my Nova coils when I change flavors and towel dry them with a tissue and they are a bit weak when they first get going but they do start wicking and get back to normal very quick.

I dont mean to offend anyone but I hear about people dry burning their silica wicks and i :facepalm:....its not for silica its for SSmesh wicks that are not easily removed and a true dry burn will burn off all the residue from ss mesh and you will have to re season the top of your wick afterward...i did one today


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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Clearo, I hadn't thought to lay out the "proof" the way you did, nicely done, and, as you say, if - then.

I just blot my coils in tissue, to minimize the fraying of the wick. If you don't want to have them "start slow", as they displace the last traces of water, set them aside for the next cleaning and pop in a new one... work it over with a hair dryer... ah, heck, who wants to wait that long? :lol:

Although I've usually got another device already going.

And stacee, your comments about backwash make a lot of sense. It's easy to see the color change over time. I usually try to do a cleaning after every two re-fills, and that seems to minimize if for me.


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Jan 21, 2013
Woodstock Ga
Clearo, I hadn't thought to lay out the "proof" the way you did, nicely done, and, as you say, if - then.

I just blot my coils in tissue, to minimize the fraying of the wick. If you don't want to have them "start slow", as they displace the last traces of water, set them aside for the next cleaning and pop in a new one... work it over with a hair dryer... ah, heck, who wants to wait that long? :lol:

Although I've usually got another device already going.

And stacee, your comments about backwash make a lot of sense. It's easy to see the color change over time. I usually try to do a cleaning after every two re-fills, and that seems to minimize if for me.

I am a bit surprised that more folks have not challenged me on this but the whole "dry burning a silica wick" is mostly taught by a new person to a newer person...MOST of the time...there are times when a juice will burn and give off a foul flavor and that is curable by simply reducing the wattage through the coil. and vaping through it....but what i hear is the distinct symptoms of singed insulator in phrases like " i dry burned it and then it tasted burnt"...its easy to back up and figure.. why does a coil insulator burn? well the burn when they get dry burning is in itself a silly practice on silica....ok rant is over.

again i am surprised that folks have not stormed the thread protesting how well it works for them..I think they see the logic

I do have to clean out the last 10% of a nova tank when i vape 100% vg...sometimes it gets so dark i cant see through I do what you do and rinse it out and let it air dry and grab another devise.. I have 6 Vivi

my main devises now are both Genesis style rebuildables and they dont condense like that ...i think the silica also filters the juice a bit and the thicker part gathers at the end...not 100% sure this happens but it seems likely with vg juice


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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Well, as far as the juice gathering at the end of the wick... gravity IS the law, and it's a tough one to break.

I currently have about that many, and nearly the same Nano's running, all different flavors. But my favorites live in a few carto tanks. Just so much easier for this flavor junkie that way :)


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Jan 18, 2013
Princeton, NJ
Actually, eventhough drying burning silica is a bad practice, a slightly burnt silica wick does not warrant an instant toss.

Not even talking about keeping spent heads to rebuild. If you have a burnt Nova head, simply rinse it, dry it, fill it up and vape again. As longnas you keep your wicks wet, the juice keeps the coil assembly cool enough not to burn the silica.

Unlike cartos where once you burn youre done, with top coil clearos the vapor does not have to get filtered through filler material to carry the burnt scent with it.

I never replace Nova heads until the wick is so burnt that it actually breaks off and falls off. Hardly ever got any quality issues with it.


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Jan 21, 2013
Woodstock Ga
Actually, eventhough drying burning silica is a bad practice, a slightly burnt silica wick does not warrant an instant toss.

Not even talking about keeping spent heads to rebuild. If you have a burnt Nova head, simply rinse it, dry it, fill it up and vape again. As longnas you keep your wicks wet, the juice keeps the coil assembly cool enough not to burn the silica.

Unlike cartos where once you burn youre done, with top coil clearos the vapor does not have to get filtered through filler material to carry the burnt scent with it.

I never replace Nova heads until the wick is so burnt that it actually breaks off and falls off. Hardly ever got any quality issues with it.

Agreed...i think what most people are experiencing is exactly what you said...burnt filler or a singed insulator....i have never had to change a nova coil because the wick was burnt....but i have over volted one and cooked the insulator pretty bad...tasted like burnt plastic...and i tried everything to fix it to no,boiling,rinsing, nuthing helped it...just wasted alot of juice and time


ECF Guru
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Jan 3, 2013
Halfway to Paradise, WA
Too true. A little brown likely won't be a problem.

I do find that after a few fills, varies with the juice, there's such a build-up of gunk on the coil that I have to crank the volts way up, above what I'd expect for a given resistance. That's when I'm ready to pop a new one on.

I've had some luck working it off right after cleaning, when it's still wet, with a toothpick, being oh so gentle with the wick.

At the same time, for the cost of a new coil, sometimes it's just not worth the time :vapor:
Honestly, i've had the best luck just doing the following with any "wick" type apparatus:

Keep refilling with the same juice, keep sitting in a position with the juice soaking the coil when not in use. Never do this dry burn thing, you are indeed burning the wick, makes no sense.
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I too have not been in the game for very long. Two weeks in. I kick my ego-c batteries to the curb. I bought 3 1000muh twists and 6 CE6 clearo. What I learned about these batteries is. As the power starts to deplete I needed to turn up the power a little or I would get a Burt or a scrahie TH. As for clearo I have had no wicking problems. No leaks either. The flavor is just fine. :toast:
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