Need help with my vaporizer

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Chris Oglesby

Full Member
Feb 3, 2015
So far I have purchased two vaporizers. The first one was a kangertech 1900 mega. It worked great at first but when I bought new coils it started to work like crap. I bought the 1.8 omh coil which were the enclosed one. It feels like it is clogged when I take a drag. What could be wrong? I also purchased a sigelei 30 watt from. Friend and that worked out good but now getting a burnt taste once in a while with a brand new coil. The coils were purchased at two different places. I have taken the coils out of both of them and blew in them and put them back in. Is that a problem? I have a kangertech mega atomizer on the sigelei. I'm getting sick of kanger and there coils. Thamks for the help


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Sep 4, 2014
Silver Spring, MD, USA
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Hi Chris Oglesby and welcome aboard!

Here a few pointers to avoid burnt taste.

  • Prime your coils
    When you fill your tank (or clearomizer) with liquid after putting in a new coil, take a few primer puffs (puff on the tank/clearomizer without hitting the fire button). Then let it sit for about 5 minutes. This will get the wicks and coil nice and wet and ready for vaping. If you don't prime, your wicks aren't yet wet, and you will get that burnt taste.

  • Don't draw like a cigarette
    Taking short, hard draws one right after the other quickly depletes the wicks of juice and can lead to a dry hit and burnt taste. Use gentle, long draws (4-5 seconds). This will give you plenty of vapor while keeping the coil and wicks wet. Also give the unit a few seconds between draws to let the wicks bring more liquid to the coil.

  • Watch the power
    High power, either watts or volts, vaporizes more liquid than lower power does. The best way to find the "sweet spot" of any atomizer/juice combination is to start with low power and take a few draws. Then bump up the power a little and take a few more draws. Repeat that until the flavor starts to go bad or you start to get a dry hit. Then lower the power a notch.

  • Clean or Change your coils
    Coils get gunked up with unvaporized juice. It's just a fact of vaping. You will notice a decrease in vapor production first. Then an off-taste. and finally a burnt taste. When you first get the lower vapor production, it's probably time to either clean your coil head or replace it. There are many ways to clean a coil head. Some folks use dish soap and hot water, others use PGA (Pure Grain Aclcohol) and some use denture cleanser tablets followed by a water rinse.
Hope this helps and Happy Vaping!
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