let me try this again ------
this time let us strat from scratch
I have put the GG Trans away completely ------
we are not using the GG in this at all--------
the trans is not in this at all-----
the problem is with the DPV9 -----
I have the DPV9 --silver battery fully charged with a carty on it
I have been smoking it for an hour,
then I put it down and it touched another e_cig-- this other e-cig was
a USB pass
thry e-cig --
the touching was made at the top of the DPV9 where the carty screws onto the battery
the top 1 inch from the carty connectuin downward on the battery does this connection and fires it up
the top 1 inch of the other e-cig only is where the connection fires it up
if you touch them together further down than the top 1 inch from the atty connection on both of them
it does not fire it up
I have done this with 5 different metal e-cigs
and 3 different black ones -------
and the DPV9 fires up with all of them like this
this only happens when the other e-cig is live ---
meaning the other e-cig is plugged into usb or if it has the battery charged and inserted
touching to a non live metal surface does not do it -------
strange huh ----