God - Why is this so technical!!

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Hey Guys - Noobie here to the forum and sort of to vaping!

I quite the coffin nails about 6 weeks ago thanks to Greensmoke Redlabel and love the taste and the first 10 vapes but after that they just dry up and I dont get the taste of hit. Anyway it was getting expensive so invested in the refilable tank based system. This is where it gets so difficult, all I want to do is have a consistent vape that satisfies my needs. e-juice different flavours, PG/VG, Ohms, Watts, coils, god it's more complicarted than my guitar system :laugh:

Anyhoo I have and EVOD and an E-fire variable voltage with a bigger glass tank. Problem is with a day the both started tasting burnt and horrible, the evod within an hour of getting it.

My Questions are

What am I doing wrong to burn the wick, especially on the e-fire or was it dodgy juice?

can anyone recomend a tobacco juice (available in the UK) that has that nice caramel hint of Green Smoke and a nice throat hit that will give me a good vape all the time.



ECF Guru
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Verified Member
Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here!:)

If you are getting a burnt taste (we call those "dry hits"), if usually means your wick cannot pull the eliquid fast enough to keep up with your battery. There are a couple of things you can do:

1. Dial down your voltage. This will vaporize the eliquid at a slower rate (if your battery allows you to do this)
2. Decrease the airflow, if your tank has adjustable airflow. The decrease in airflow will increase vacuum inside the tank's atomizer, which should increase the flow of juice to the wick..
3. Take a sharp draw (or two) on your drip tip (without engaging your battery). This will pull more eliquid into the coil so that it will be available when you press the battery button and take a draw.

You will get the feel of this over time and develop a sense of how often you will need to do this to avoid "dry hits". The PG/VG ratio of your eliquid also comes into play, as VG is thicker than PG . If you use high VG try adding a few drops of distilled water to your tank to thin out the eliquid. You could also install a higher ohm coil.


Senior Member
Verified Member
Nov 27, 2014
Hello and welcome :)

I did research for 2 weeks straight and I still had problems. Vaping (in my opinion) is still under development.....I consider most users (especially non-rebuildable) beta testers. BUT that is why we have such a great forum here. You can get help left and right. This is not at all like buying an iPhone where "it just works" (so to speak).


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 5, 2012
Hi mate.

Remember what it was like figuring out your guitar rig?
String gauge, scale length, pickups, this head, that cab, effects...so many things affect your satisfaction with your playing and your sound.

How did you figure it all out? If you're anything like me you just tried different things and asked lots of noob questions to as many people as you could until you found a setup that worked for what you wanted. Vaping is no different mate.

Being a guitarist you have already proven to yourself that you can figure out complicated things where most of the information you have to base decisions on is subjective.

You'll get there before you know it if you just keep asking questions. Welcome to the forum. :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Hi :)

Firstly, well done on quitting the smokes. Well done too for realising that Greensmoke will take you to the cleaners. (I hate these products)...

Is your X-fire a Vision battery? should be OK...

What sort of power are you using it at? An EVOD clearo might not work so well as you turn up the power.

Don't worry too much about all the other stuff.... we've got to get your sorted and prove you made the right choice. It sounds like you just need a reliable tank/clearo/atomizer and you'll be good to go. :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 29, 2014
You could have your voltage a bit too high. I use to keep my battery at 3.8 volts and if I went over 4.2 it just started burning the wick. If you are getting 10 good hits before this happens it more than likely isn't a wicking issue. That is of course if you are doing these all in a row.

Once a wick gets burnt it will never taste the same. If you haven't changed that burnt one out it will always taste slightly burnt.

Different liquids wick differently. A high VG liquid is a bit slower to wick and can sometimes cause dry hits.

Vaping definitely takes some time to master. I am still a noob myself. However, you will find once you start rebuilding that you can troubleshoot a lot easier.
Thanks everyone for the great replies. I feel that I have came to the right place for advice, even with a bassist hanging around :p That said they are always steady and surefast.

I ditched the EVOD and got a MV and it is working great, made my first liquid today and tastes better than the stuff I have been buying. Added a little Caramel and now I am quite close to the GreenSmoke Red Label that I love.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2014
Vienna, Austria
Welcome and congrats on quitting analogs!

If you followed the previously given advice of turning down your power level and making sure your wicks are saturated etc, but still feel this wierd or burnt taste, you might just have very sensitive taste when it comes to 'burnt' wick or coil.
Personally, after my tastebuds came back, my Evods started tasting horrible all the time. A switch to an Aspire Nautilus helped, but i found myself switching coils on a near daily basis. I could literally taste small spots of brown on the wick.

The solution for me was to move to rebuildables with cotton. It was a bit of a learning curve at start, but i get fresh and clean taste and it is cheap and easy to maintain.
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