Going for STL Gooey Butter Cake?

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Sep 10, 2011
Thanks! Been thinkin about making one, though my husband is weird and doesn't like gooey things so I'll probably end up eating the whole thing all by my lonesome ;) Shame huh? lol!

So Sophie...who makes the most authentic tasting juice??

I like Msts over KBV's although iv only had KBV's with extra flavor and butter so that may be the issue why i thought it didnt taste real .


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Aug 29, 2011
So, is there a recipe or anything close yet? Wouldn't a recipe need cheesecake and butter to be gbc? I mean those are the main parts of the food recipe, has anyone tried mixing anything similar to what is in the cake? I have tried gbc from 5 vendors, and so far IMO KBV is in the lead, meaning it tasted closest to me to the cake I made. 2 of them had banana in them?? Wth? Or maybe they just needed to steep idk. Vapelicious runs a close second tho I don't think it's tastes like the KBV version at all, it's still very good

Karla Lyle

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Dec 27, 2011
Frederick, md
Bought all the ingredients to make the real gooey butter cake but would still like a really good, flavorful gooey butter cake ejuice recipe if anyone has one. Also just got vapealicious' gooey butter cake in yesterday after vaping KBV GBC so we shall see who has the best.:drool: I really hope it doesn't have chocolate in it cause it really shouldn't or they would have to call it something else completely:?:
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Dec 13, 2011
I really hope it doesn't have chocolate in it cause it really shouldn't or they would have to call it something else completely:?:

I have had the real deal when I was in St Louis !! The cakes is freaking addicting and so gooood. With that it doef does not have chocolate or banana. Its just a yellow coffee cake with almost like a pudding like mixture in the middle. Mostly vanilla and butter but the outside has a nice cripsness to it. They usually put confectionery sugar on top as well. Ill try to dig up a recipe for you folks for the real cake not the juice lol. I would def use Cap Vanilla Custard in there though.


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Nov 9, 2011


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Mar 3, 2011
Awesomeville, FL
The nuts were added to make it healthy, lol.

Anyways, I have tried several vendor's Gooey Butter Cake, and what they seem to have in common is making the powdered sugar component. Well, that's the easy part in DIY.

The yellow cake part is pretty easy, too. Where every vendor's recipe fails is the richness and cream cheese factor.
Who can DIY that part??? I fail every try, lol.


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Mar 3, 2011
Awesomeville, FL
I have tried all the usual suspects, but can not for the life of me, get the cream cheese richness.

I have a pile of useless notes somewhere, but off the top of my head I've used variations of the following:
cap vanilla custard
cap butter
cap vanilla cupcake
cap cheesecake
cap caramel
tpa english toffee
tpa sweetener
tpa cotton candy
tpa graham cracker
tpa butter
tpa toasted marshmallow
lo bavarian cream
lo cheesecake
fa marshmallow
fa cookie
fw vanilla cupcake

What have you tried, Sophie? I have an idea to work with...was wondering if we were on the same page.

Sent from my HTC Buzz Pro using vapatalk.


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May 13, 2011
I have tried all the usual suspects, but can not for the life of me, get the cream cheese richness.

I have a pile of useless notes somewhere, but off the top of my head I've used variations of the following:
cap vanilla custard
cap butter
cap vanilla cupcake
cap cheesecake
cap caramel
tpa english toffee
tpa sweetener
tpa cotton candy
tpa graham cracker
tpa butter
tpa toasted marshmallow
lo bavarian cream
lo cheesecake
fa marshmallow
fa cookie
fw vanilla cupcake

Hmm, sounds about where I was gonna try. Once I'm home from work I'm gonna try something and report back soon.

Sent from my HTC Buzz Pro using vapatalk.


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May 13, 2011
I even bought the FF cream cheese with this in mind...it tastes like cream cheese, but it's still sitting there. Guess I should get off my duff and make the real cake so I can start working on this ;)

I bought ingredients for it like a month ago and still need to make it...

ETA: Just mixed up a batch. After a hot water bath, it smells amazing already. I can't wait to try it.
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