Had to put on the brakes.

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 20, 2008
Pacifica, CA USA
Well, after not smoking real ciggs for over a month, I am back on them. When I started vaping I was using 18mg juice and was able to cut back from 30+ a day to just a few. I was quite thrilled with that. So I started using 24mg and 36mg juice to quit analogues completely. Unfortunately I could not control myself from vaping too much. I was increasing my nic intake a lot and it started taking it's toll on me. Not good. As of yesterday I am only smoking real ciggs again. I need to "normalize" my addiction for now. Once I know that I don't need twice as many ciggs as before, I will start vaping again. I am going to order new juices ranging from 0 to 18mg and use vaping to decrease the real ciggs again. I will NOT try to completely stop real ciggs this time. I have learned a lot about my addiction during this time and owe it all to this forum. We shall see how it goes. I would also urge anyone else that is increasing their nic intake to rethink what they are doing. You are probably just digging a deeper hole and you could really end up in a bad situation.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
I hope you get sorted out soon Lurker.

For what it's worth, I was reading some research recently that said increased tolerance does not necessarily mean increased dependence. Even if you have become used to higher nic levels, cutting down or quitting shouldn't be more difficult than before.

Why do you think you increased your nic intake? Was it to try to stop tobacco cravings?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 21, 2008
New York City
Addiction is a thing that no one seems to understand very well. One thing is surely true - it affects all of us differently and each of us has to deal with it as best we can. Backsliding is part of the process and I suspect that many of the members here have done some of that (I certainly have!). If you feel the need to smoke real cigs for a while then that's where you are in the process.

The time to try again will come and with good luck you will be better prepared to use vaping to better effect. If decreasing rather than trying to stop is what you feel you can do, then it is surely better than not decreasing. I would only suggest sticking to medium nic for a while rather than trying to go low.

At any rate, good luck.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 20, 2008
Pacifica, CA USA

Why do you think you increased your nic intake? Was it to try to stop tobacco cravings?

I think it's complicated. Yes trying to stop cravings. Trying to get my fix. Trying to feel "normal". Trying to get that warm fuzzy feeling. Maybe other things as well like trying to get max vapor, getting real good at getting a nice big hit, having all these flavors to keep trying. Maybe my lungs started working better giving more nic per hit. I'm an excessive person. The nic just kinda snuck up on me a few times. It's easy to know once your over but making yourself stop is another story. What can I say? I'm an addict.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
I think it's complicated. Yes trying to stop cravings. Trying to get my fix. Trying to feel "normal". Trying to get that warm fuzzy feeling. Maybe other things as well like trying to get max vapor, getting real good at getting a nice big hit, having all these flavors to keep trying. Maybe my lungs started working better giving more nic per hit. I'm an excessive person. The nic just kinda snuck up on me a few times. It's easy to know once your over but making yourself stop is another story. What can I say? I'm an addict.

Thanks for your reply, I think a lot of us are in the same boat. My downfall is all the available flavours, I've got quite a few with higher nic than I should be using. :rolleyes:

You've given me an idea for another poll ;)
My experience:

I find myself very "attached" to my e-cig. If I'm not actively vaping, I either have it in my teeth like a pipe (not a very feminine habit but too bad 8-o), puff on it like a pipe, in my hands or close by. I did not increase my nicotine level but used a lower nicotine level than when I was using analogs.

This way, if I want to vape my brains out, the likelyhood of getting an OD headache from the nicotine is diminished. (I'm hooked on Janty RY4 and Puresmoker's Riskee Juice. )

Mostly, my ecig has become my pacifier/crutch/nervous tic. Students of psychology can mull that over at their leisure. :rolleyes:

All I know is that I don't smoke regular cigs anymore, I can breathe and a cold does not put me in bed for 10 days with a wracking cough and that makes me very very happy. :D

...back to regular programming.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 13, 2008
It really IS difficult to stop vaping at times. I have a homemade 0 nic cartridge always with my e-cig and when I feel I had my nic intake and the rest would be just taking more than necessary, I swap the 18 to 0. That way I can continue sucking with all the psychomotoric soothing it provides without increasing my daily intake. When I become veteran and find out what juices I like I will buy original high flavour 0 nic juice of the preferred taste to keep it this way.

Joke is, I switched to e-cigs partly because I work at home with kids and smoke on the balcony getting cold in the freezing conditions quite often. Yesterday, though, I happened to look at the balcony door at the bedtime and the urge to have the last day´s cigarette as usual was so deep and strong I just had to take my e-cig, put on a coat and go outside to freeze and vape. Stupid, but I just could not resist :oops:

And while I was typing this my e-cig just started autocleaning and I did not notice early enough and it smells... 8-o
I just hope the autocleaning did some cleaning so it was not for nothing.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 20, 2008
Pacifica, CA USA
What exactly were your symtoms Lurker ?​

  • dizziness
  • bad headache
  • cold sweat
  • confusion
  • blurred vision
  • weakness
There were three times I thought I was going to pass out but did not. These symptoms I believe also triggered panic attacks because I felt like I could not breath and had fear of impending doom. Basically felt like I was gonna die. I also turned green according to my GF.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2008
thats really bad mate hope your feeling better now.

But Ive have had the totally opposite

After quiting over 3 months now

I feel more






Its weird ? do you think you had some sort of allegic reaction to the nicotine ?




Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 22, 2008
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Hey man, i think 24 or even 36mg is too much. I tried 18mg when i first got off cigarettes (smoked 30 a day for about 11 years) and it was just too much. I had a lot of the symptoms you are talking about and almost went back to regular cigs, but my shipment from puresmoker came in with a bottle of 11mg/ml french pipe.
It's delicious and i no longer have the symptoms, and i have no urge to go back to regular cigs. I puff on it a few times every hour. Anyways good luck and keep working at it.

Schroedinger's cat

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 19, 2008
North Carolina, USA
I agree it's too easy to keep the e-cig going at all times.... Between not having to go outside, all the flavors, etc, it is really hard to stop. The symptoms you listed sound downright scary and, when you get back to vaping, if you do, I agree that you should stick with low-medium. It is not easy to find the right balance between avoiding cravings and not getting intoxicated.... Perhaps you should also look into other way to get nicotine, to try and reduce the "habit". Good luck with it....
I believe if you go above 18, then you're asking for it. 24 is pushing, 36 is ER.

These high nic liquids are going to be the end of our e-cigs if it keeps up. Someone is eventually going to get hurt, and that will be the beginning of the end.

I'm sure what I say is contraversial too, but not everybody is responsible with the nicotine levels. And yeah, these little babies are like a pacifier sometimes. I keep low and zero on hand too. There ARE some liquids that have enough kick to it that I don't need to go to the danger zone. It's best to investigate those flavors in medium and 18 mg high until you find one you like. And buy a couple of bottles of low and zero of those flavors and put it in a second device for days you are using it constantly. Alternate between the first and second device to keep from over dosing.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Lurker, virtually every symptom you listed indicates classic nicotine overdose. It is not some allergic reaction. It's nicotine overdose and your body's way of saying "stop poisoning me." Just cut down and you should find an enjoyable level for e-smoking.

Sanjp: I bet I speak for 99% here when I ask you to PLEASE STOP CENTERING YOUR MESSAGES. It's annoying and harder to read that flush-left text. Do you see any other centered messages?


Senior Member
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Nov 10, 2008
East Sussex, UK
Lurker, bad luck. Hope you are able to get things sorted as tobacco is never going to be a good idea. :(

Karen, you're worrying me a bit! I have a horrible sinking feeling you might be right about the higher strengths - raw, naked honesty talking here, not the addiction. :confused:

When the addiction speaks, it tells me that if I could have afforded it (and continued to breathe!) I would have been a 60-a-day smoker and not a 30-a-day smoker. Thus if I increase my nic for a bit while getting used to my e-cig, that's OK really... :sneaky: Shutup, addiction, no it isn't!!

Worse, the addiction has been whispering other things in my ear - like the apparent sense of having some 36mg on the way :oops:. If I dilute it back by about 50% I'll be saving money only buying half as much juice, glycerine's only £1.25 for 100ml from the local pharmacist...

Mind you, I know perfectly well I'll be bound to TRY some of it at full-strength to see what it's like... And then there's the way my 901 works, as I seem to have to start it off with a little pull, then several short ones to get the vapour going and a good lungful... (that's why I keep setting off the 16 puffs in a minute warning, and the cleaning cycle every other day, because it counts every puff whether little or large...) :sneaky:

So if I only need to take tiny puffs of the 36mg to satisfy my cravings, the cartridges will last longer, the battery will last longer, the atomiser will last longer... so actually using the 36mg neat could make sense...

:shock: Yup, before I know it I could have twice the level of nicotine in me that I did before the e-cig arrived. I'm going to have to exercise some serious discipline when this stuff arrives - not something I've ever been famous for!

Well, at least I've now decided what my 'signature' should be at last, here we go:
"It's not WILLPOWER I need, it's WON'TPOWER... "

BTW - TropicalBob, I actually don't mind centered posts - as long as they're short I actually find them easier to read. Sorry. Does this make me a 1%-er?
Even sorrier for THAT but couldn't resist. To anyone who understands that (bikers) I'm definitely NOT a 1%-er, female for a start!
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