Heads up about CinnaBomb e-liquid

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May 22, 2013
Riverside, California, USA
Its delicious if you like cinnamon red hots that's for sure, tastes almost identical.
Be careful with what you put this in though, the cinnamon oil in the liquid can be pretty damaging in certain setups. I put it in a plastic clearomizer and it started melting the plastic pieces after it had been in there about a day. I put it in a vivi nova and its perfectly fine now. The clearomizer works great, it just doesn't take too kindly to cinnamon oil. Look lost two bucks from having to replace the plastic pieces and had to clean the rest to get the nasty plastic tasting liquid out but everything is fine now. Has anybody else had a similar experience?


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ECF Veteran
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Jun 27, 2011
North Las Vegas
Welcome , but it is fairly common knowledge with experienced vapers , to only use glass , or metal tanks , with some juices . Cinnamon , and some citrus juice , don't work in plastic tanks and carto's . I think Baditude has a blog ,relating to the juices that wreak havoc on the plastic tanks , etc . Good Luck
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