Hello all. Opinions please.

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Uncle Bill

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
I Would agree.. definitely start with 0nic juices.. if your able to go without nic.. no need in getting hooked back onto it.. the cravings suck.. and makes it hard to go day by day without it.

Zero nicotine juices? What's the point? Why spend the bucks for the implements, and endure the nuisance of maintaining those implements, just to inhale pg or vg vapor into your lungs for a little flavor hit? Such silliness.


Full Member
Mar 21, 2010
Zero nicotine juices? What's the point? Why spend the bucks for the implements, and endure the nuisance of maintaining those implements, just to inhale pg or vg vapor into your lungs for a little flavor hit? Such silliness.

Yes, I have to agree with Uncle Bill: I tried zero nic juices after years of not smoking real cigs (or ever smoking e-cigs), but with no throat hit (which is more important to me than the nicotine itself), I couldn't even tell that I had taken a hit at all. The only way I could tell I took in any vapor was when I blew out the "smoke". Whoop: I just didn't see the point in spending money on zero nic e-cigs and not only do you not get any nicotine, but you can't even tell you inhaled at all! :confused:



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 20, 2010
N.W. Florida
Hey everybody. I've been reading quite a bit on the forum but I've yet to find another scenario such as mine. I'm not trying to quit smoking. I quit cold turkey nine years ago. I have not thought much about cigarettes since then, but when I do, I could smoke a pack at once. I enjoyed smoking. I quit because I didn't enjoy coughing up a lung every morning. I have said to my friends many times that if someone could come up with a cigarette that was not bad for me, then I would take up smoking again. Some of you may understand where I'm coming from. So, what is some opinions on me starting up with these e-smokes? Does that make sense? Has anyone else here done this? Thanks
Why would you want to?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 20, 2010
N.W. Florida
Yes. It makes the flavor a bit harsher and nicotine is the source of throat hit - heat enhances it (which is why some like the 510 atomizer) and some flavors can simulate it (but not duplicate it) by irratating the mucous membrane - pepper, cinnamon, etc.

While I recommended not adding the nicotine that was a bit PC - many here would recommend that you not start up again at all, but I figure you're likely an adult. :) I'll never go to 0mg nic because I like it in my system plus it's anti-inflamatory, anti-alzhiemer's, anti-parkinson's and pro-focus and concentration, imo and from what I've read.
I think I read some where Egyptians used in in embalming. Preserved the dead.
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