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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
What can I use to slightly thin pg free juices?
I have used purified filtered water but thought I’d ask if there’s other ways to thin juices.
My kayfun 5 and Subtank mini sometimes get dry hits.
It’s usually as bottles start getting past half empty and start thickening up.

I asked Heather (owner of HHV and creator of all of the recipes) for her advice. She also vapes Max VG. She hasn’t had the thickening issue with HHV flavors so she wasn’t able to speak from experience. She did think a tiny bit of water was probably the best option.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
A question for HHV liquids.
I ordered 6mg and should have ordered 3mg or less.
Has anyone noticed as the nicotine level goes up there’s a compromise of flavor?

Nicotine does affect the flavor as well as the throat hit of e-liquids. Some describe it as a peppery flavor. For some, low nicotine results in flavor that’s too muted. Others prefer the flavor with less nicotine.

I’ve seen comments from people stepping down their nic level and being surprised at the difference in flavor. Then they bumped back up in nic level to get back to the flavor they wanted. It all depends on preference.

Taste is so subjective that if you asked ten vapers, you’re likely to get ten different answers. :)

You can order the same flavor in zero nic and mix it with the 6mg to get to the right balance for you of flavor and nic.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
HHV has always maintained the highest possible standards of quality. In 2016, HHV installed an ISO Level 7 Clean Room where all orders are custom blended.

At this time of heightened concern for containing the spread of COVID-19, our team is following all available health guidelines, including:​
  • Ongoing, frequent cleaning of all areas of our shop and clean room
  • Regular hand washing
  • Use of hand sanitizer
  • Providing hand sanitizer and wipes for our customers in our shop
Please, everyone stay safe and well!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
American Vaping Association president, Greg Conley notes that on 3/30/2020, the FDA submitted a request to the courts for an extension of the PMTA deadline due to the coronavirus outbreak. If approved, the new deadline would be September 9, 2020.

You can read a PDF of the FDA’s request at the link below.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
Update to the FDA request to extend the PMTA deadline:

Vapor Technology Association announced that the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland (the court that issued the May 12 deadline) has issued an “Indicative Ruling” stating that if the case is remanded to the District Court from the Fourth Circuit of Appeals (where the case currently resides), the District Court would extend the deadline to September 9, 2020.

VTA summarizes:
“This is an important development and with the understanding that no official order has yet extended the deadline, we presume that if the Court of Appeals remands the case promptly, the District Court will convert the Indicative Ruling into a formal order extending the deadline.”

There is some reason to be hopeful. We will update as we know more.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
Hi friends! We told you we would do all we could to remain in business. We are not giving up!

Adam & Heather want everyone to know that HHV is not going away on 9/9/20.

We will share more details as we are able.

We can say that HHV e-liquids will continue to be made as always and in Newnan, GA.

Also, at this time, we are not going the route of some vendors who are switching to synthetic nicotine.

Thanks for all of your support! It's because of all of you that HHV continues and works hard to meet every regulatory hurdle.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
The latest HHV news breaks our hearts. Please see our Online Farewell Sale thread here:

HHV Online Farewell Sale On All E-liquids

Thank you to every single one of you, especially here on ECF, for your continuing support for these past 9 years.

The B&M shop in Newnan, GA will remain open as long as possible. If you are ever in town, we sure hope you'll stop by!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 25, 2014
UPDATE for all who placed orders during our Farewell sale...

All orders were shipped out as of last night, 3/24, with the last set of orders going out today.

You might not get a shipping or tracking notice because our shipment service can no longer access the site.

If you placed an order and you want a tracking number, PM me with your order number and I can get it for you.
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