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Jude Terror

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 24, 2010
Hello, I'm new to the forum. I've been interested in electronic cigarettes for a while, and thought I was doing my research, but it's fairly difficult to find sites reviewing the things that aren't trying to cell them. So after a week or two of looking around, I settled on the Safe Cig, as it seemed to have positive reviews at some sites. I ordered one on Tuesday and have been dying for it to get here.

So of course, I found this forum today and people seem to not like it. Is it just the price that bothers people, or is the product inferior? I'm dying to find an alternative to smoking and I'm really hoping that the ecig will be a satisfying replacement... but now I'm afraid I didn't buy the best one.

Anyway, this looks like a great forum, so I'll be hanging around. I'm actually the webmaster of a comic book website and forum, if anyone is interested, it's called The Outhouse (google it, I don't want to spam links in my first post).

So, any advice on the Safe Cig?


Super Member
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Jun 25, 2010
Welcome. There are dealers that support this forum and have good prices, so those are the places we goto first. We have found that some of the other sellers have high prices, make claims that are a little on the far side of truth and in general give the produce a bad name. We want everyone who tries a e-cig to have at lease a good start, not be turned off when they first start by poor products. Quite a few people start with a less that good e-cig and don't go on to quiting the regular cigs.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2010
South Carolina
Hi Jude,

The SafeCig is not a product I am familiar with either, but welcome to ECF! You sure came to the right place.These folks know their stuff.

I personally own a 510 and an eGo. Though I enjoy my eGo the most, the 510 can't be beat for 'stealth vaping' and extreme ease of carrying around. I hope your SafeCig works for you!



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
I can't comment on the quality of the product, but I can make an educated guess:

Looks to me like a PV with a very short battery life that you will have a hard time finding parts for that won't break the bank. That PV is outrageously over-priced. WAY to expensive for what you are getting.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you got robbed. Is it too late to get a refund? For less money you could get 2 PV's with great (all day) battery life PLUS a ton of juice and spare parts.

Here are a couple of options that are really popular right now:

this one has a battery life close to 5hours before needing to recharge. The usb allows you to plug it into your computer instead of using up the batteries. People say the flavors are really good to.
Vapor4Life- Electronic Cigarette: Vapor King Ultimate XL Starter Kit

here's one that's really popular right now. I have one and love it! the battery lasts me all day long so I don't have to worry about making sure I have a charged up battery. this one offers a lot of options: you can use it with pre-filled cartridges (like yours) or carts that you top off as you go or you can put a drip tip on it that allows you to just add juice right to it and vape away. this one doesn't come with the usb in the kit, but you can get one that does or buy it separately. this one is marketed under several names: eGo, tornado, riva... all the same. The cool thing is that it's really versatile and can be used in different ways. the parts are cheap and easy to get.
Wicked-TORNADO E-NIC or Electronic Nicotine Imitation Cigarette Black.

Good luck!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 18, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon!
Thanks guys.

What's the deal with the claims I've read in some sites that the ecigs don't actually deliver nicotine, or don't deliver a significant amount? Is this unfounded?

If it didn't supply me with nicotine I wouldn't buy it. (and it wouldn't have helped me to stop smoking after 25 years) I know some places don't sell stuff with nicotine in it, so it's always good to make sure of what you're getting. As a general rule I never buy anything where the nic level is described as "low, medium, high" because nobody knows what the heck that's supposed to mean. I want mine to say 24mg or 18mg. Then I know it's going to do the trick.


Vaping Master
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Sep 14, 2010
Burnt Hills NY
Welcome Jude - First do not spend to much time worrying if your bought the right product. I have been smoke free for abou 70 days:

1) I looked up safe cig and it is very similar if not exactly the same as what I started on (eco-cigs.com). This is an easy way to start your vaping journey. Two piece set up, carts pre filled just plug and chug
2) The price for the starter kit seems a little high but if it gets you off analogs who cares! If you are in Princeton NJ then you are probabably around $9-$10 a pack anyway. You will find the carts do not give you as many puffs as they claim but at that price you are about even with the carts you bought versus costs of smokes
3) You can refill the carts as you start down this path. Don't throw them out just order some juice pop the tops and refill.
4) eventually you will look for soemthing more/better. Banjo is correct 510 or eGo depending on how much you smoke

Good luck on your journey and as stated above browse the threads, ask questions and you will shorten your learning curve.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 20, 2010
Minneapolis, MN
Welcome Jude! I literally had about the same exact post about 1 week ago :) I ordered a safe cig, and although I thought it is pretty good (haven't smoked an analog since) I also quickly learned that it is very overpriced. I believe the battery is a RN4081 model. The cartomizers are not unique to the company, however the juice in them probably is. There is much better juice out there though. This site is not allowing me to look at "my posts" but I posted a very similar thread and I got a lot of help. I'll post the thread link when the site comes back up. I did however order a KR808-1 and a joye 510 and I cant wait to get em!

EDIT: I will be returning the safe cig as soong as I get my new vapes
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