Hi My Name is Raquel... and I'm a smoker.

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Full Member
Jul 31, 2012
I had my last cigarette about one week ago.

In 2010 I had a TW Tornado type ecig - back before the days of this cool 5 click on/off battery stuff I've been finding now, but got crazy frustrated with the atomizer/cart crap and eventually gave up and went back to analogs.

Well.... I was bored and randomly googled ecig's and saw how much they've changed it's CRAZY!!!!!

So... I just placed an order for a pink Maxi Roughstack with carts and a tank - can you say low maintenance?? So excited to start this again. (I know the Roughstack isn't super new, but the tanks are to me and I dug carts before - I tried a V4L one, but got irritated with the costs)

Anyway HI!!!!!


Full Member
Aug 1, 2012
If you're interested in ditching cigarettes permanently, you're totally on the right track. I smoked about a pack a day for more than 40 years, and I started vaping with the idea of just cutting back on tobacco ... in less than two weeks, I had totally switched to vaping, and I can honestly say I've never once missed tobacco. My daughter occasionally lights up an analog when we're together and you'd think it would be tempting, but it's anything BUT!!! Seriously, even if you're not totally committed to quitting tobacco, once you get into vaping it might just happen by itself (as it did for me!). I'm with you on needing low maintenance - I just go with refillable cartos and pitch 'em when they're worn out. It's really simple, relatively cheap (compared to tobacco anyhow) and the variety of juices available is mind boggling. Anyhow, congrats, and I betcha you're a former smoker in a very short time. :)


Full Member
Jul 31, 2012
If you're interested in ditching cigarettes permanently, you're totally on the right track. I smoked about a pack a day for more than 40 years, and I started vaping with the idea of just cutting back on tobacco ... in less than two weeks, I had totally switched to vaping, and I can honestly say I've never once missed tobacco. My daughter occasionally lights up an analog when we're together and you'd think it would be tempting, but it's anything BUT!!! Seriously, even if you're not totally committed to quitting tobacco, once you get into vaping it might just happen by itself (as it did for me!). I'm with you on needing low maintenance - I just go with refillable cartos and pitch 'em when they're worn out. It's really simple, relatively cheap (compared to tobacco anyhow) and the variety of juices available is mind boggling. Anyhow, congrats, and I betcha you're a former smoker in a very short time. :)

Awesome I'm so glad to hear that on the cartomizers... I'm hoping it will be my golden ticket this time - since I can get tank cartos now!!!


Full Member
Jul 31, 2012
San Antonio
Welcome and Congrats!

I'm in the same boat as you, I'm one week smoke free today and loving the new e-cigs

I got an eGo twist and a few clearomizers to start out, I love having one tank that's easy to fill and lasts me all day and the 1000 mAh battery has yet to go dead on me, I just put it on charge when I go to sleep.

I got a traditional tank coming in the mail, ordered it from Valley View Vapes today and can't wait to try it out.


ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 28, 2012
U welcome to ECF and believe me this is the best thing that u ever made and soon u will figer that and u will see how your life will just change for better. And for any help please ask any one and soon enough you will know every thing.
My advice for you dont do like me dont buy alot of devices as am sure in short time you will my fined some thing will love it more. and the same thing for the liquid


New Member
Jun 24, 2012
Eau Claire
Welcome, I am new to. I just started vaping about 2 weeks ago. I also use tanks and quickly found out that it can be hard to get the cartos past the o-ring's without ripping them. I would suggest you use a drip tip that is about the same size or skinnier on the end of the carto. There are also some places that sell special tools, but why spend the money if you already have a drip tip that will do the same thing. Good luck and vape away!
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