Home, work, school, and Walmart

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So I got my first pv ever on Friday, a 510 from Nhaler (thanks for great service Drew). First off, having explained it to my parents, with whom I'm living for the time being, they had no problem with me using it indoors, even though neither of them smoke. In fact, my Dad, who hates the smell of cigarettes, said he likes the smell of my Raspberry Frapaccino vapor.

Then, Friday night, I go into work, and show all of my co-workers my new toy. I didn't show my supervisor, however, because I wanted to see if it bothered anyone before she knew about it. I worked two feet away from her bagging newspapers for about an hour, vaping away without her even realizing, and when I pointed it out to her afterwards she agreed with my other co-workers - very cool invention, and I'm welcome to use it at work (I work in a newspaper factory in the bindery/mailroom) as long as I keep it discreet when the head honcho comes in in the morning.

Now I still feel a bit awkward about using my pv indoors, so when I went to class yesterday (I'm a part-time student at a local community college [GPA last semester was 4.0 btw :D]) I decided to see if I'd get any reaction out of people. I stood just outside the door to the building vaping away. Whereas security guards would usually ask a smoker to move away from the door, they didn't pay me any attention. So I go inside, and make my way to class. I was about half an hour early, so I plugged my charger with spare battery in in the back of the room, and took my seat, vaping away in the empty room. About 10 minutes later, two girls walk in together, and the first thing out of them is "mmm it smells good in here." A few minutes later, my teacher comes in, and I show her my 510. She congratulates me on making the switch, and we proceed with class. I took a few stealth vapes during class, holding the vapor in so I wouldn't exhale a huge cloud, and not only did nobody care, but a few more people commented on how good it smelled.

The last place I tried vaping in public was Walmart. When vaping in public, I don't try to hide it, but I don't make a spectacle of taking my pv out and puffing on it. I'm not looking to draw any negative attention to vaping, but I also don't want to be a footstool for anti-smokers. So as I walked down the aisles of Walmart, I took a few drags, neither hiding it from nor rubbing it in the faces of those around me. And you know what? People paid me no attention, even the few who saw me drawing on this device then blowing out what looked like smoke.

Overall, a great initial public reaction to vaping. Considering I have never seen another person using an e-cig in real life, I figured I would have more explaining to do, but I didn't, and was greeted with acceptance everywhere I've gone so far.

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Ultra Member
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Nov 2, 2009
Bellingham, MA
Thanks for posting your experiences, and I think your going about vaping in public the right way not drawing unnecessary attention.

Being only one month of vaping and analog free, I want people to notice so I can explain it to anyone who cares to listen. We have to make the public more aware of vaping very gently, at the right time and place.

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