Hot vaping

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Apr 21, 2015
Drop by my local vape shop today and the guy set me up with an aspire cf sub and a kanger sub mini. Gave it a try earlier and it knocked the wind out of me and i felt like i inhaled fire into my lungs. My lungs are still burning... I did adjust the air intake and even with the air intake wide open, it still did not help. I do have asthma and wondering if it's just too hot for my lungs..i didn't cough..just had the wind knocked out of me and felt like i inhaled extremely hot air..least for my lungs maybe. I am using halo's tribeck 6mg.

It just felt like the air was too hot for my that possible? I started to go with something like a provari that allowed me to adjust i am starting to wonder if i should take this back and go with something that allows for that. Thus far i have been using a triton and aqua smoke pen..but wanted to get away from replacing coils and be able to build my own as well as improve my vaping experience.


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Jan 26, 2015
Lincoln, NE
Drop by my local vape shop today and the guy set me up with an aspire cf sub and a kanger sub mini. Gave it a try earlier and it knocked the wind out of me and i felt like i inhaled fire into my lungs. My lungs are still burning... I did adjust the air intake and even with the air intake wide open, it still did not help. I do have asthma and wondering if it's just too hot for my lungs..i didn't cough..just had the wind knocked out of me and felt like i inhaled extremely hot air..least for my lungs maybe. I am using halo's tribeck 6mg.

It just felt like the air was too hot for my that possible? I started to go with something like a provari that allowed me to adjust i am starting to wonder if i should take this back and go with something that allows for that. Thus far i have been using a triton and aqua smoke pen..but wanted to get away from replacing coils and be able to build my own as well as improve my vaping experience.
That sounds about right since the aspire cf sub is just a mech mod with protection. Since you have asthma not being able to dial down the power will produce a warmer hotter vape for sure. With that Provari as you know you can so most likely the aspire will be a bit useless for you. Were you using the 1.2 ohm coil or the .5 ohm coil it comes with? Oh also if your not use to that amount of vaper hitting you lungs it does kinda hurt a bit. Hmmm what else, are you deep lung hitting or mouth to lung technique?
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Jan 26, 2015
Lincoln, NE
i am using what came with it...and i used the that what you call it?..other words i did not try to wick it myself.
Right, maybe try out the 1.2 ohm coil with a tight draw to not get so much vapor inhaled and practicing a mouth to lung hit should be a bit cooler for you.
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May 11, 2013
You've got the right idea - get something that you can adjust - a varidable device may be the only think you need - a ProVari would certainly do it, or you could try with something like an iStick 30 watt. There are some good tanks - rebuildable or not - that predate the subohm trend.

Basically - YES there IS better gear than what you were using, that's better matched to your preferred vape (not as hot) - hopefully the shop will work with you!!

yeh i don't think i can do a "**** hit" like technique now that i am in my 40's unfortunately :blush:

guess it sounds like i am stuck with a basic pen verson if the more advanced models require that:(


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Jan 26, 2015
Lincoln, NE
I just thought the more advance models offered better flavor and smoother vaping and that the guys doing big clouds was just due to their preference in technique..i wasn't aware that one had to hit it hard and fast in order to use these more advanced models...darn.
Quite alright!!! Maybe it isn't quite your thing but thats ok! Your still a vaper among vapers no matter whats being used. Suggest maybe trying a tank like the nautilus or the nautilus mini. Plus to me more flavor out of your ejuice comes from tighter draws as opposed to blowing clouds, as cloud chaser aren't entirely dependant on flavor as opposed to huge clouds.

Oregon Linda

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DeAnna, there are some great tanks that will allow you to do mouth to lung hits and get great flavor. You don't have to do sub-ohm and lung hits for that to happen. There are many, many of us who have vaped a long time who don't sub ohm because it just doesn't work for us.

A couple of tanks I would highly recommend are the GS Air tank by Eleaf and the Aspire Nautilus mini. I especially love the GS Air, and you can get it for under $10. Best flavor of any tank I've ever used. And you won't have to tear your lungs up to get that great flavor.
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My wife was terrified of lung hits at first. But then I explained to her if you just go all out and hit it inhale normally with the air flow wide open you don't even feel it. When I started sub ohm I was on 24mg lol. It was uncomfortable like breathing in fire and razorblades. I went down to a 6. Still harsh and not smooth. Went down to a 3mg. And then I found flavor country. Lung inhales with good airflow and the right level of nicotine with your comfort level can be very pleasurable and cloudy.


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Jan 26, 2015
Lincoln, NE
I will certainly look into those me hope that there is something better out there then what i am using...i just can't do lung hits that is for sure:cry:
I know what you mean unfortunately I couldn't get into vaping fully when I had my pens, and it wasn't for me but thats fine. I did own a nautilus when I finally kicked the habit which was tons better then the carto tanks one might use. Choose the tightest draw setting on the Kanger mini and see how that goes!


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May 11, 2013
Going from a "pen" to a "subohm" tank and mechanical is a HUGE shift in style - there IS definitely in-between gear. You might even want to try a carto-tank...
Don't everyone laugh - I still love my cartotanks.
It's a smooth draw, pretty good flavor (though not as intense as a dripper), and easy.


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Jan 26, 2015
Lincoln, NE
Going from a "pen" to a "subohm" tank and mechanical is a HUGE shift in style - there IS definitely in-between gear. You might even want to try a carto-tank...
Don't everyone laugh - I still love my cartotanks.
It's a smooth draw, pretty good flavor (though not as intense as a dripper), and easy.
This right here couldn't be better said. It took my quite sometime before I was accustomed to it. If your still interested in getting to this point get used to more open draws that are still pretty tight and adjust from there and take it slowly or as you can handle it without sacrificing your experience with it. Your asthama does play a big role in it as well for sure coupled with being an ex-smoker. I may not have asthma but I do have rather nasty allergies so my lung capacity and ability for air isn't quite up to snuff so still hoping that my lungs are beginning to repair the damage of my smoking days. Even if its little by little per day I'm giddy as a school girl no doubt about it.


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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
yeh i don't think i can do a "**** hit" like technique now that i am in my 40's unfortunately :blush:
guess it sounds like i am stuck with a basic pen verson if the more advanced models require that:(
Misconception- nothing to do with age, everything to do with damage from smoking and/or not being used to vapor yet also, if the nic is higher that doesnt help, improperly primed coils make it worse. Theres no way any new vapor can pound lung hits, after almost 5 years i can slam them now that my lungs are cleaned up. And im almost 50 running suboh! Setups on all my gear

You have to remember pg and vg are substances the lungs arent used to. Then heat it and amplify the amount with a subohm kit and wham.
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