how does everyone feel about e-cigarettes?

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Aug 27, 2009
Southern California
"When I pointed out on Twitter that I oppose EU plans to slap more taxes on e-cigarettes, I was directed to a study which finds that e-cigarette vapour damages the immune systems of mice. It speculated that the unexpected presence of free radicals might account for this."

I love the letter, I'm just confused as to how Vegetable Glycerine 'damages the immune system of mice' and if it does indeed, then I imagine some pest control people will shortly be out of work as people start pouring Vegetable Glycerine around their pantries and garden sheds.

If 'free radicals' are the latest faddish concern, then we should immediately destroy all vegetation because vegetation produces free radicals in abundance, - ie. H20 and 02.

but a very nice letter all the same


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2014
Jumbos Cove,On,Can
Thank You Rolly--especially about letting us reprint it and quoteing your real name.
I must have used a smaller font because it printed off here to 9 pages. It's in the hands of my local pharmactist as we speak.
We have national health care here in Canada also and in order to obtain pills or patches at the local drug store it requires a trip to the Doctor and a prescription to the pharmacist. He knows about that dismal failure rate for smoking cessation products and was curious about vaping.
Who knows? I might get a place to buy e-juice locally.


Dragon Lady
ECF Veteran
Sep 12, 2013
excellent post, Roly :thumb: Thank you!

By the way, without e-cigs, I would still be smoking.

I am an "accidental quitter" - never wanted to stop smoking, not once, ever. I enjoyed smoking. Well, I was smoking too much for several years (personal circumstances) and it was not doing me good. Wanted to cut down on smoking too much. Saw an e-cig in my colleague's hand, she explained it and let me try. I liked it. So I bought one, to use in the evenings, so maybe I could cut down on smoking too much in the evenings.

I started up my first e-cig, thought "wow! this rocks!!!" - and made the transition to 100% vaping immediately, effortlessly and with great pleasure.
That was on 4 November 2011. Over 3 years ago. And I have not smoked tobacco since. :) Why should I? I have found something much better.

Dear Alicia,

please also consider the inveterate smokers. Like I was.
The people who would not touch "stop smoking" medication with a ten-foot pole.
The people who would never visit "stop smoking services".
Because they have no intention of "stopping smoking". Not ever.
Stop an enjoyable habit because some "public health" people are opposed to what I do with my life? You gotta be kidding me!

These people, like myself, can make the transition to the personal vaporizer (e-cigarette) voluntarily and of their own free will. Because they want to. Because the vaporizer gives them more pleasure than the cigarette did. Even more pleasure than my formerly beloved small cigars did. With none of the negative side effects.

Dear Alicia,

please also consider the people like myself.

Without that first e-cig, I would still be smoking. And that's a fact.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
There are MEPs who oppose being in the EU, my boss is a UKIP MEP.

Oh... that's... um....

So, basically.... as we know, UKIP are anti-Europe and want us out. If we vote UKIP, we might get lucky and save e-cigs from the EU legislation?

Where do we go next though? Labour are not going to save e-cigs... despite potentially saving the lives of their core voters. The Tories want to continue with the capitalist wet dream that puts corporate profits and the nation's tobacco tax over people's health.

How many MEPs voted on the TPD? Actually, let's go further... how many UKIP MEPs voted on the most crucial part of the TPD? (Banning refillables)

and the answer is only 3 of a possible 9. Six didn't vote.

Conservative 19 against 1 for. (good!) 7 no vote
Labour 0 (zero) against, 9 for. ( just appalling... all 9 of 9 voted to ban refillable ecigs) 3 no vote.
UKIP 3 against, (0) zero for. (good out of context) 6 no vote.

If all the MEPs had actually voted, the UK could have put in 48 votes to reject the motion.
As it was, of those 48, only 32 voted.

Thanks to Labour dogma, one mad Tory and UKIPs not voting we didn't get enough votes together. We lost.



Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Stop an enjoyable habit because some "public health" people are opposed to what I do with my life? You gotta be kidding me!

Yeah... those folks can go diddle themselves as far as I'm concerned. They never did anything FOR ME, and I resent them thinking they're in charge of "public health." My health is my own affair and none of their beeswax. I won't get flu shots either. Talk about your junk science!!!

I hadn't been actively seeking to quit for many years, but the thought was always there... "if I could do it without suffering, I would." So when I tried vaping and saw what a great substitute it was, I decided to put my money where my mouth is. :D I figured I'd be completely stupid to pass up such a terrific opportunity! I enjoyed smoking too, I just didn't enjoy freezing outdoors to do it, in the winter, or the high cost, or all the busybodies getting in my space to tell me how bad it was for me -- as if I didn't know! Now when the busybodies try getting in my space to tell me vaping is bad for me, I tell them to go do something profane with themselves, and I'll tell them ALLLLLLLLL I know about how vaping is NOT bad for me, if they actually try to argue with me. ;)



Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Hi Alicia,

Thank you for your interest.

You asked for opinions on the text quoted, so please allow me to reply with a UK-oriented critique as that's where the MEP concerned is. The UK vaping community will be very pleased to see this approach and we will assist wherever possible. There are are some points below where the factual accuracy can be improved; and where some of the usual propaganda needs to be refuted. I will provide links to the relevant resources, at the foot.

Holy crap...

Talk about knocking it out of the park...
Blowing it out of the water...

I think I just got wood.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
So Labour want to ban E Cigs if they get in Parliament ?

I'm not sure if Labour is actively looking to ban e-cigs (I think not, actually). I wrote to Ed Miliband about this very issue.
They need to get a grip. It's one thing to blindly regulate, but a full UK ban is in no party's plans as far as I know

All the main parties are basically not prepared to stand against the EU TPD. How they deal with the exact details is what we want to know.

UKIP, of course, would immediately pull us out of Europe and they would tell Brussels to stick EU laws up their backsides.

This would probably save us from the 2016 TPD.
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