How important is/was this forum to you?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 14, 2010
I was sent my first kit by my son....he has a co-worker who uses V4L and recommended them.
On the second page of the V4L ordering site, I found a link to this forum. If I hadn't found
this forum, I probably still would be ordering carts....not refilling and using syringes as I do now.
There is a wealth of information at this forum, and everyone is so helpful. I believe jeffree was one of
the first people who helped me. I still come to this forum keep up with the new
things and the extremely nice people I have met here.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 13, 2011
kansas city
It was my husband's idea to start using e-cigarettes. We bought some kits from another place, and we still use them, but I have upgraded. The only upside to the other place is that they have a lifetime guarantee on their batteries. But the cartos were not good, and we searched for somewhere else to buy and came up with V4L. After a few relapses back into smoking, we started back up again with the vaping. I've jumped headfirst, bought V4L batteries, started juicing when the USA juice came out (before that I really wasn't interested in using juice), and spent waaaay too much money. He has started smoking again, and this time I resisted--I'm in it for the long haul. When I started with the juice, I did lots of research here and on Snowdragon's YouTube site. My husband was making fun of me because I was always on the forums reading stuff. I may not post that much, but I read all the posts and soak up as much information as I can. If I hadn't gotten into the USA juices and put all the money, time and effort, I might be smoking now. I'm glad I'm not though, for obvious reasons but also because it's getting really cold here in KC.
As for this site, I just kinda stumbled on it doing a search with a question. And then I think I kept stumbling on it again and again. I don't spend much time anywhere else but the V4L forum but sometimes I'll stray.
I'm also very active on the facebook page --there are a lot of really really newbies, and I can direct them here or give them info I learned here, it's nice to pass on info that I get on this board.
My mom is a long time smoker, I'm going to see what she thinks of the e-cigs when she comes after xmas. I don't have a lot of hope, but who knows? Dang, maybe I should order some tobacco flavored cartos.
Anyhow, thank you guys for everything, I may be quiet, but I read almost everything.


Trippy Tip Hoarder
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 11, 2009
*The Swamp*
ECF was a huge influence in my ability to understand what vaping even was and my entire support family for when something wasn't functioning right or I was just messing it up on my own. I don't think (reflecting back) that I would have stuck with vaping if not for this type of support. There are quite a few people here and now spread out to other forums that vaped before us and figured out how to get a system up and running properly and shared their knowledge, which in turned let me know I could do it too.
Between the lingo and all the different set ups available to us now, without a place like this, not sure how anyone can really get there and understand the ins and outs of vaping.
I try to pay it forward by helping someone each time I log in and then say hi to a few others that I have seen around for the past couple of years.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Jeff, For over two years this forum has been a safe haven for me. Full of friends who know just what I am going through.
I needed each and every one of you to prop me up. Most will never know how much they helped..which is the way it should be. Random acts of kindness!
One person I will mention is Steve and his mission to help us all through encougament, better products and the best staff out there. :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2011
Treasure Coast
Amazing how people of all ages and all walks of life are here, sharing not only our vaping lives, but sharing our highs and lows as well. :wub:

This is perhaps my favorite aspect of the V4L subforum: the vast array of ages/walks of life represented here, and all of us getting along so well (at least, far better than one might expect! ;)).

Needless to say, the technical info provided by so many members (especially SD and M) was invaluable; but it's the Company and the company that keep me sticking with it and coming back for more.

Thank you, V4L "family" (you've no idea what a treasure you are to a semi-invalid who keeps all sorts of weird hours and rarely leaves the house! :laugh:).


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 18, 2010
Really enjoyed the great responses, everyone. Thanks! You've confirmed my own take on things, which I need to keep in mind when explaining things to interested folks--it's not all about the gear. That the Family agrees that having a smart support system can also be crucial, especially if folks are discussing the same gear they own. And the healthy doses of caring, humor, and the occasional weirdness? Priceless.


Full Member
Nov 14, 2011
Kalamazoo, MI USA
I love the ECF and the V4L forums.

This was my goto place when I was thinking about cigarettes, and now I just go to keep up with all of the excitement. It's only been a few weeks for me and I have almost lost all desire for analogs and am totally in love with vaping.

It's also great because I certainly don't have the money to try all the interesting and new things that everyone is discussing, but i can live vicariously through the forums.

Thanks to everyone, and I hope that maybe I can help some new folks in the same way!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2010
Long Island
Really enjoyed the great responses, everyone. Thanks! You've confirmed my own take on things, which I need to keep in mind when explaining things to interested folks--it's not all about the gear. That the Family agrees that having a smart support system can also be crucial, especially if folks are discussing the same gear they own. And the healthy doses of caring, humor, and the occasional weirdness? Priceless.

Well like I posted, I did show my gf what an ecig is, let her use it, and she loves it. I am her support group because quite frankly she does not have the time to come on here, ask a question and try to find it (She works 2 jobs, with basically no breaks) So I am trying to walk her through everything, and showing her what is good and what isn't.

If it wasn't for her and I dating, she would not have known about them (Or so she says) and she is happy I got her into them.

It is the support of one, or 100 person(s) that change our life, and impact it as well. If it weren't for the original gang here, I would be confused as all hell...

Now I know I am not as informational as any of the original gang, or SnowDragon and Morandir, but I do have some information to help beginner's, and a few beginner's found my youtube video's and always comment, especially about the refilling and the cleaning carto's.

If it was not for the teachings of you guy's, I would not know anything I know now, I want to thank everyone that has taken the time out to answer questions for me, and has been there to support me.

And thank you Jeff for such a great thread.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2010
KK, you are right. A support group can consist of one person IRL, or a virtual family like ours. Whatever works for the individual. What you learn here helps you guide others, and they all benefit (indirectly) because of this forum. Not everyone reads or posts on forums. I suspect no one I know IRL does.

I still support those I've helped get started IRL with advice and tips because they tend to quickly assume something is wrong when it isn't. I recently told such a person that if she thinks her pre-filleds are dry and she's not getting any vapor with the battery that had gone missing for months, to charge the battery and clean the battery and charger. She had never done any cleaning so I sent her Snow's video, and voila, there was vapor!



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2010
Long Island
ThankU, that is what most people need, is support from someone. Just so that person knows that they have someone there to help them. It is fun for me to help new people into this change, and some other... Things I do in my life that is different as well.

Being there to help people when they are not sure, and seeing a smile on their face makes it all the difference to me cause I know they are doing something they enjoy and they have someone there to back them up.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 8, 2009
Bay Area California
This forum was essential for me when I first stated vaping. I provided a community to share data with and to feel like I was normal when my RL friends were giving me crap about e-cigs. It allowed me to hear other peoples opinions in regards to flavors and techniques and got me thru the early ugly days of flavor changes and equipment issues. I am approaching the 2 year mark and while I don't check in as often as I used to I still value the ability to pop in and see what is new. Thanks V4L and ECF, I could not have done it without you.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2011
Northern California
I think for me ,it was just that i got ALL questions answered ( you all know who you are ) by people who KNEW how to solve problems for a newbie .I think that is so important because people give up if there isnt a fix they know about .When i refer people i always let them know about the forum and facebook because i want them to succeed also .
The fact that i have met some super people all over the country is a bonus :)
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