how long does it take after fifth post?

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Full Member
Apr 21, 2010
Madison, WI
Well crap i gotta go in an hour. In that case maybe you can answer my question. I had a kr 808, not sure which one but i use V4L carts on them. Vapor good, throat hit good, but the carts get clogged quickly and the batteries are a little annoying to recharge every 2 hours. I went with an ego tank cuz i love the idea of not having refilled carts clog up and having to spend all that money on carts i really dont want or need.
Got the ego tank, love the delivery system but i'm not getting decent vapor or throat hit. Maybe i should rephrase that. The vapor production seems fine and the throat hit MIGHT be there if i could fill my mouth with vapor before the battery does it's auto shut off thing. Seems everything would be ok if the airflow was better. I've tried the tip insert thingy...removed the inner one but it's still not that great for 75 bucks. I do have 1 LR atty and it's still a little lacking.
I was hoping to at least get the same throat hit and vapor production that i was getting from my kr808 on a fresh battery with a new unclogged cartomizer but it seems like its a little less than that. BUMMED.
Does anyone know of either a way to salvage the ego tank by improving airflow, using another type of atty like these Clearomizers i've heard about, or going to a completely different unit altogether like the original Ego or any other 3.7 volt that's awesome and no more expensive than the tank? Battery seems fine, the delivery system is AWESOME but the airflow seems to be the limiting factor in throat hit and i repeating myself? am i repeating myself? :)
I plan on getting a high volt device too to ensure that i don't smoke analogs when i'm really having an urge but i need a good PV for regular use that's not the size of a flashlight although i'm sure it would make for a good personal defense weapon.

So to sum up my airflow mod for ego tank....a different unit altogether that's the best performing and hassle free at 3.7 volts....or some type of atomizer that would work better on the tank...Thanks.


Full Member
Apr 21, 2010
Madison, WI
OH and btw just a little background on my vaping experience...i've never had any kind of mod nor do i know anything about them. I've only had a cheap starter kit that sucked....then i found the kr808 which i loved because it helped me down to 5 cigs a day from 25...but i still need something with a little extra kick without going too high on the nicotine.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
I do not have a tank. They are pretty new and I've seen some others with similar complaints and possibly some fixes. I doubt your problems are unique. Many are waiting for LR tank atomizers, but I don't know if they exist yet.

Try some LR cartomizers - look for Boge 510 LR cartomizers. You have to remove the cone to use them or buy a 510 extender at Madvapes to lift the carto up so it sticks out of the cone. Check for the cartomizers. You can also get an LR atomizer and a drip tip and drip on it. LR stuff will use up the battery charge faster and deliver hotter hits. And I think nHaler has some BIG 510 cartomizers. Re clearomizers/fluxomizers - they need a special syringe so remember to buy that, and the clear ones can crack or fall apart (a work in progress).

Re vapor - get some juice with some VG in it. 80pg/20vg if you want strong TH. 70pg/30vg for a bit less TH.
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