how many mod set up do you carry a day?

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Jan 12, 2010
Washington, DC area
One, but I use a smallish tank and carry multiple flavors of juice. And an extra battery, just in case. I've I'm going somewhere and pocket space is low, I'll skip the extra juice and just take this:



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Aug 26, 2014
Chattanooga, Tennessee
MVP and an iStick, then 3vv ego batteries in a case usually in my lunch box. Usually the MVP or iStick is in my pocket at all times. Like now, at the doctors office, iStick w/mini nautilus in my pocket, MVP w/kanger mini pt3 in the car with the vape case. 6 12ml bottles of juice, ego batts, extra coils etc. Lol. I have a bit of a backup in case the zombie apocalypse begins while we're here at the doctor.

Brandon David

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I carry my sigelei w/lemo drop everywhere but keep an mvp 2 and pt2 in the car just in case I drop it and break something.

Edit: Not sure why but it just dawned on me that I could carry my dripper/mech instead and have a much better backup vape. I guess I'm just used to keeping it by my chair.

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Oct 26, 2012
I only take one mod out with me (whichever mech/RTA setup has the juice I'm in the mood for) with a spare battery or 2. And for a backup I keep a disposable cigalike in the glove box in my car. I may start carrying 2 whenever my rDNA finally arrives though

At home is a completely different story, I have at least 6 setups within arms' reach most of the time


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Houston, Tx.
I carry a diy dna40 Hana style w/dripper and the small vaporshark dna30 that needed repair w/kfl. There is another repaired vaporshark in the console along with spare everything.

It would be nice to have the dna 25w chip that was announced and yet to be seen. I could run those in the little vs and just carry two of them everywhere.


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Oct 28, 2014
Manitowoc WI USA
When not working, but out and about? My Sigelei with either a Kanger Aerotank Mega or a Nautilus. In my pocket, iStick with a Kanger EMOW Mega (and bending adapter). The iStick is always in my pocket. And I have a vape kit on my bag, with 2 other tanks, 3 bottles of juice, spare coils and batteries.

If it's something formal (meaning I'm either in a suit or kilt), just the iStick and spare juice. Same setup at work


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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
It is funny that when I smoked, it was the same brand day in and day out. Now that I vape, I find that the number of flavors that I enjoy the most have an astounding effect of the number of set ups I pack when I leave the house. I use to carry more but I only have two reo's at the moment so I am limited to 2 flavors at a time. I could use all the previous gear I have accumulated but after using a reo, . . it's just not worth it to me. Can you tell I am a big reo admirer? It's like vaping love in the purest form.


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Jan 28, 2011
I have two 18650 box mods. At home, one is always on my hand while the other one is charging. Going out? I switch to the fully charged one, right before leaving the home. But I have chargers in the car and at work. If i didn't had chargers, I would probably carry both mods.

I also have a toolbox in the trunk with some kanthal, and tools for emergency field operations. :D
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