How often do you replace your VIVI wicks? Are 2.5 ohms better?

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Mar 22, 2013
Hey I was just wondering how often everyone replaces ViVi 3.5 1.8 ohm wicks.

Mine after 2 or 3 days still work but are fouled and burnt tasting.

Ive read up on rewicking them but the price of the materials was about the same as just buying some more for the moment.

I do use thick liquids and im currently use a standard ego 3.7 900mh.. battery.

Im not interested in use another system other than tanks and am waiting for the protank to be readily available.

Not sure how long the protank heads will last, I hope longer than the vivi's.

Can anyone tell me if the protank 2.5 ohm heads will work ok with my standard 3.7 v ego I currently only use 1.8 vivi?


Senior Member
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Feb 7, 2013
Inland Empire
The Vivi Atty heads should be lasting you longer than that, I don't know how far you run your tank down but I never let mine get below half, if you run the tank down to far it doesn't wick properly and therefore can begin to taste a little burnt. I personally prefer the 1.8 ( I know that's what they say but they are really about 2.0-2.1 ohms) simply because I get a similar vape when I switch to one of my mechanical devices bit that's just me. I'm strictly a Vivi Nova guy, for now anyway, partly because I'm lazy and don't want to "rebuild " simpler to just screw on a new head. My heads last about a month or so, but I switch off between tanks for different flavors. And I vape around 5 mils a day that and make sire you Don,t just "cook" your attys by running to high a voltage on a low Res atty if your using NA adjustable vv
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keep swirling it around, keeping the wicks wet is the most important thing to do for keeping that burnt taste out, and if your going to hit it back to back to back, tilt it a little to keep the liquid there at the wick, or vape then swirl, vape then swirl. Keeping liquid in the wicks will give ur atty longevity.

As far as the 2.4 ohms attys it will work for your ego, and work pretty well. I use it at work cuz it is smaller and easier to deal with. and use my VV at home. with the same Nova.

Happy puffing.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2012
Hey I was just wondering how often everyone replaces ViVi 3.5 1.8 ohm wicks.

Mine after 2 or 3 days still work but are fouled and burnt tasting.

Ive read up on rewicking them but the price of the materials was about the same as just buying some more for the moment.

I do use thick liquids and im currently use a standard ego 3.7 900mh.. battery.

Im not interested in use another system other than tanks and am waiting for the protank to be readily available.

Not sure how long the protank heads will last, I hope longer than the vivi's.

Can anyone tell me if the protank 2.5 ohm heads will work ok with my standard 3.7 v ego I currently only use 1.8 vivi?

Hi Vap3ster,
After the wicks get dirty and before coil is badly gunked, you need to clean and dry burn. By cleaning often, the head can last a long time and give a more enjoyable vape. There are video's on youtube that show how to do this.
Yes, the 2.5 ohm heads work with a 3.7v battery- lower watts than some like, but they work. Good luck


Senior Member
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Mar 22, 2013
Hey thanks for the info every one.

The reason I asked about 2.4/2.5 heads is im thinking about getting a pro tank when they become available.
It comes with a 2.5ohm heads for the time being.

So im just wondering how well it will work with my standard ego 900m NON variable steady voltage battery. It advertized to run at 3.7 v. Its the one with the pass threw screw off cap?

Can anyone who currently uses kanger 2.5 ohm heads chime in ?


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Mar 8, 2013
I never let my tank run empty. When it get to the bottom ring i fill it up again, never had a problem. I also take my tanks apart and clean them around every week. i always soak the coil for a good 1/2 day changing water every 1/2 hour or so the let the wick air dry. Then i dry burn a coil that i had already cleaned and dryed, then reassemble and your ready to go for another week or so. Hope this helps


Ultra Member
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Jan 18, 2013
Princeton, NJ
Dry burning your silica wicks can ruin them real fast.

I never get why people do such crazy things to clean Novas. I rinse for half a minute or less, blow out all the airways to make sure no water drops remain, soak dry the wicks with paper towels. Takes 3 mins or less. Sometimes if im not in a hurry i leave the wicks next to the vent on my laptop to let it dry further, but thats it.

My heads last 45 days or longer. And im a heavy vaper, im talking 12-15 mls a day.


Ultra Member
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Jul 24, 2012
I've never had a burnt wick no matter how much I've dry burned, and I dry burn like a mut If your'e having burnt taste after dry burning, and assuming the coil has liquid, you probably didn't get the coil clean enough. If you've used a high percentage VG juice they often build up a burnt crust on the coil, if it's not all gotten off you will taste it. Sometimes you have to pick that stuff off then do a second rinse and burn. Another thing I've seen on some of the cleaning videos where the clearo is just rinsed and burned without being taken apart, as far as I'm concerned if you can't take it apart and see the full coil you can't really effectively clean it.

Edit- didn't copy that right. Still learning computer :ohmy: Thats a quote from someone with a year more time than I
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Sun Tzu

Full Member
Feb 12, 2013
Gainesville FL
Hey I was just wondering how often everyone replaces ViVi 3.5 1.8 ohm wicks.

Mine after 2 or 3 days still work but are fouled and burnt tasting.

Ive read up on rewicking them but the price of the materials was about the same as just buying some more for the moment.

I do use thick liquids and im currently use a standard ego 3.7 900mh.. battery.

Im not interested in use another system other than tanks and am waiting for the protank to be readily available.

Not sure how long the protank heads will last, I hope longer than the vivi's.

Can anyone tell me if the protank 2.5 ohm heads will work ok with my standard 3.7 v ego I currently only use 1.8 vivi?

You can get a 100 foot spool of 30 or 32 guage kanthal wire for about 8-10 dollars online. Then you can buy a 100 foot roll of cotton wick for 5-10 dollars. At 3 inches of wire per wick you have enough wire to make 400 wicks. We will just double the cost of supplies and say you can, with zero effort, buy all of your supplies for 30 bucks. Divide 30 by 400 complete coil/wicks, it comes out to a cost of around 8 cents a piece. I'm not sure where you are buying your replacement vivi nova wicks for less then a dime, but send me a link because I'm super excited to retire from wick making. You can even cut 4 inch wire and be wasteful as all hell and in the end you won't be paying more then 10 cents for each recoil. So to recap, you can build your complete wick systems for 4-5 cents if you are frugal and 10-12 cents if you are not.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2013
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
Hey thanks for the info every one.

The reason I asked about 2.4/2.5 heads is im thinking about getting a pro tank when they become available.
It comes with a 2.5ohm heads for the time being.

So im just wondering how well it will work with my standard ego 900m NON variable steady voltage battery. It advertized to run at 3.7 v. Its the one with the pass threw screw off cap?

Can anyone who currently uses kanger 2.5 ohm heads chime in ?

People chiming in probably won't help you with the way your questions are currently worded, or at least not yet anyway, due to individual preferences.

Generally speaking, there is a trade-off between flavor and vapor production which is driven by the combined effect of the construction of the head and the wattage output of the head. The wattage of the head is driven by a combination of the voltage you are running through the head and the resistance of the head. The resistance of the head usually translates to differences in construction of the head. If that's not bad enough for you, vapor production and flavor of any given juice changes at different wattages based on PG:VG ratios and specific flavorings.

Some people don't care about flavor and just want giant plumes of vapor. For others, it's the reverse. And for yet others, there is a search for balance between the two. After vaping for a while, most people end up with VV or VW devices and heads at a variety of resistances so that they can find the perfect combo for each of their favorite juices.


Vaping Master
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Sep 30, 2010
Unfortunately your question about the 2.4 ohm heads on the protank falls under that "everyone is different" category that so much of vaping falls under. Some people are fine with 2.4 ohms on a 3.7 VT device. I'm one of those people that prefers 2 ohm or under on my 3.7 ohm devices.

As far as how long my Vivi Nova heads are lasting goes, I've been using the same 1.8 ohm head for 8 weeks now. I've taken it apart and cleaned it twice. I don't dry burn mine. I use mostly clear juices that are more pg then vg mixes. So far my 2.4 vivi head has lasted 4 weeks and I do need to clean it sometimes this weekend. Again, I use mostly clear juices with more pg then vg.
I've been getting 30+ days out of my 1.8/2.4 ohm vivi heads, used on eGo twists. I rinse with water, blot dry the wicks with paper towel, then dry burn the coil. If I'm using clear juices I go 3-4 tanks (mini-nova) between cleanings. For darker or very sweet juices that gunk up the coil quicker it's every 1-2 tanks. I also 'unravel' or separate the strands on new head wicks with a pin and find I can vape the tank almost dry without having to tip. When I replace the heads, it's not because the coil is shot (haven't had one 'pop' yet) but because the wicks are falling apart.
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