How to contact Bloog Customer Service:

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2008
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
For any CS question, First try contacting Red or Chris, preferably by e-mail at or if that fails or you need more immediate assistance, by phone at 1-877-MY-BLOOG. CS is available Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM.

If you cannot reach Red or Chris, or they fail to solve your problem, don't hesitate to call Mike, our CEO, directly. His cell number is 732-492-1122 and his e-mail is

You notice that I am not in that contact chain. I am sorry, but I am around 9,000 miles away from that side of the operation, and cannot really help with that. That said, if all else fails, I still invite you to contact me by e-mail at, and I will at least try to pass it on. We're all dedicated to not only keep you happy, but keeping you vaping.

Notice also that PMs and Forum posts are not included as a contact method. Sorry, but keeping things in the proper channel will help us keep records straight, track issues, and so on.

Again though, if all else fails, we'd rather you be heard than stick to the proper channels. The most important thing is to keep you Blooging, not smoking. :vapor::vapor:

One last note, please respect that Red's duties do not include posting or answering CS issues here in the forum or by PM. (With the sole exception of updating the Stock Status thread, that is.) He is only here as a member of the community just as he always has been, on his own unpaid time. The fact that he will occasionally do all of the above, just as a good friend and neighbor like he always has, is a privlidge we should not abuse.
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