Hypochondriac, Wants to Pick Up E-Cigs but...

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Senior Member
Jul 15, 2010
First off let me say I am an amazing hypochondriac, I'm paranoid as hell lol.

And I have heard some rather shocking stories about people's negative reactions to vaping, ranging from accidental nicotine overdose to horrific reactions to PG juice.

Since PG is by and far the most common suspension, I'd very much like to not be allergic to it >.> lol. Anyone have any advice on finding out, other than straight up diving in with some PG juice?

Secondly, I was a pack a day smoker for six years, but have been quit for three months. I don't want to full-blown restore my nic habit, but am not too excited about 0mg fluid.

Should I go with something completely low-end like 6-8, or would a midrange in the 10-14 be ok?

Or should I just stay nic free now that I've broken the habit ;)
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optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
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Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
I suggest staying nic free. That'll be one less thing to rule out when your hypochondria starts kicking in. :)

Most people aren't allergic to PG and PG is in many things that you probably have in your house. Read some ingredients lists. If you don't have trouble with soaps and shampoos etc etc you have a pretty good chance of being ok.


Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
If I had cleanly quit, I'd probably not be doing e-cigarettes. We all know nicotine is addictive, so if you've broken the habit that's super.

Next best, for me only, would be 0 nic for normal vaping (if I like the social aspects), with a small supply of a mid-range for if I hit a high stress point where my options were pick up analogs or vape something with nicotine. (I'd rather vape nic than smoke, because of the other gunk in analogs.)

Those are just my thoughts. Best of luck in whatever you choose.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2010
Why even give yourself something else to worry about.You quit,be proud.

I mean, I am proud. But I miss smoking. I'm nostalgic and wistful for it. I have a few particular states of mind, a few particular emotions, that our language doesn't have words for but I only feel when smoking. I'm sure you ALL understand what I mean though.

But the one cigarette I TRIED to smoke during a horrible situation just tasted like ... and shame, and i only got two puffs before I was like "Ugh nope" and tossed it.

I'm just curious about vaping, but to me, for me, I think vaping without nicotine would make me feel silly. I do worry about getting rehooked, true. But I dunno.
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optimistic cynic
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 25, 2010
Birmingham, Al
Vaping with nicotine can feel silly too. :)

I can understand missing both the behavior and the nicotine. That's why i couldn't even contemplate quitting smoking before vaping. I still need both. I have no way of knowing what the best choice is for you. The fact that you're a self-professed hypochondriac means that any suggestions i make will be on the conservative end. However, you're an adult so you get to make the choice. I'm glad you're asking for advice so that it can be an informed decision.

Perhaps ask yourself which you would choose if you had a choice ONLY between not vaping and vaping without nicotine? the answer to that might (or might not) help you determine whether you're missing the nicotine or only the behavior.


Senior Member
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Jan 26, 2010
There is nothing to feel silly about, and I totally get what you are saying. Our storys are very similar. I myself like you suffer a bit from hypercondriatic episodes. (and after quitting smokings sometimes this gets a little hightened as your body is going through some major changes). I aslo quit for a few months, then I discovered the world of vaping.

Let me tell you there is nothing silly about 0mg Vaping. If you really think about it, it is very very VERY silly to smoke a real cigarette. We know its bad for us, and we've all seen or heard of the long term effects. yet we all did it, knowing fully it was bad. So in the end what makes us look more like an ...??

I vape 0mg. I dont do it every day. I mainly do it on the weekends...with friends who still "smoke", I do it when I have a few drinks. And you know what? Its the best thing IMO since I dont have guilt of "caving" or I shouldnt have done that...or more important, the fear of starting up again....And I agree if I were to ever "cave" I would do it with an e-cig with nic juice before a real cigarette.

Look at it this way. Use e-cigs as a stoping device/clutch/reason. whatever, you dont have to justify to anyone but yourself. Im glad I found them and I know that it has kept me off real cigarettes. This reason alone I would recomend to anyone who is in the process of quitting smoking and is commited to do so.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2010
Vaping with nicotine can feel silly too. :)

I can understand missing both the behavior and the nicotine. That's why i couldn't even contemplate quitting smoking before vaping. I still need both. I have no way of knowing what the best choice is for you. The fact that you're a self-professed hypochondriac means that any suggestions i make will be on the conservative end. However, you're an adult so you get to make the choice. I'm glad you're asking for advice so that it can be an informed decision.

Perhaps ask yourself which you would choose if you had a choice ONLY between not vaping and vaping without nicotine? the answer to that might (or might not) help you determine whether you're missing the nicotine or only the behavior.

I'd pick vaping without nicotine. I've spent the past 5 days on reading about vaping, it looks not only interesting and like a good thing to relieve my cigarette nostalgia...

...But it looks like a fun hobby as well: having to learn all the lingo, the potential for mods, the countless different juices and flavours, the community...
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Senior Member
Jul 15, 2010
There is nothing to feel silly about, and I totally get what you are saying. Our storys are very similar. I myself like you suffer a bit from hypercondriatic episodes. (and after quitting smokings sometimes this gets a little hightened as your body is going through some major changes). I aslo quit for a few months, then I discovered the world of vaping.

Let me tell you there is nothing silly about 0mg Vaping. If you really think about it, it is very very VERY silly to smoke a real cigarette. We know its bad for us, and we've all seen or heard of the long term effects. yet we all did it, knowing fully it was bad. So in the end what makes us look more like an ...??

I vape 0mg. I dont do it every day. I mainly do it on the weekends...with friends who still "smoke", I do it when I have a few drinks. And you know what? Its the best thing IMO since I dont have guilt of "caving" or I shouldnt have done that...or more important, the fear of starting up again....And I agree if I were to ever "cave" I would do it with an e-cig with nic juice before a real cigarette.

Look at it this way. Use e-cigs as a stoping device/clutch/reason. whatever, you dont have to justify to anyone but yourself. Im glad I found them and I know that it has kept me off real cigarettes. This reason alone I would recomend to anyone who is in the process of quitting smoking and is commited to do so.

I do kinda wonder though,what vaping with nicotine would be like. And how would I react? Would I be able to do it in modderation, alternating throughout the day between mostly 0mg juice with the occasional mid-range nic juice? Or would it bring the addiction raging back like gasoline on a fire?



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Argyle Wi USA
thirdfloornorth;1604259First off let me say I am an amazing hypochondriac, I'm paranoid as hell lol.
Most of us are very keenly aware of reactions to chemical exposure, and do worry about what cigarette smoking did to us, even though we knew better, the quitting part is at best fragile for quite some time after the fact. Your description of yourself represents the highest awareness, but if you're also compulsive and/or obsessive about it that's a whole 'nother thing!
And I have heard some rather shocking stories about people's negative reactions to vaping, ranging from accidental nicotine overdose to horrific reactions to PG juice. Knowing the substances we expose ourself to and the relative safety of those substances should ease your mind, knowing the parameters of our exposure is key. Overdoses are quickly and easily recognized ~ nausea, head spinning, heart palpatations~ STOP using, in about an hour (½-life of nictine metabolism) you'll be fine. Persons using SUPER HIGH concentrations of nicotine or accidental over-exposure from spilling (can be absorbed through the skin) or accidental ingestion of juice by your kids or pets can be fatal. SAFETY. Fortunately the juices taste awful, intentional drinking is not likely, but don't take any chances...use, store out of reach of kids and pets
Since PG is by and far the most common suspension, I'd very much like to not be allergic to it >.> lol. Anyone have any advice on finding out, other than straight up diving in with some PG juice? PG (proylene glycol) and VG (vegetable glycerin) are both non-toxic, are if you read labels on items you use everyday you will find both listed in them! Toothpaste, soaps, mouthwashes, cosmetics, prescription tablets(softgels) medical procedures (if you ever had a colonoscopy you drank a gallon of PG or similar), all contain varying amounts of either. They are also both anti-bacterials, and humectants. It's the latter property that leads to problems in vaping~ they act as 'insulators', i.e., keeping moisture 'from' something by coating it, or acting as a barrier keeping moisture in, as in face creams, hand lotions. It's the barrier that drys mucosa by keeping moisture from outside exposure away from those sensitive tissues, and if you are deficient in drinking water they will become dry to the point they cannot protect themselves from irritation, inflamation, and irritants. I also am super sensetive to PG, use VG with no problems, as long as I stay properly hydrated. PG and VG were also present in cigarettes, to keep tobacco at a certain moisture content, but also as a moisture barrier to avoid mold growth.
Secondly, I was a pack a day smoker for six years, but have been quit for three months. I don't want to full-blown restore my nic habit, but am not too excited about 0mg fluid. When vaping, there is virtually no difference in juices' flavors, or the aroma/taste ratio. Nicotine added or no nic virtually taste the same. If you are in doubt, try no/nic first, if you think you need to add a small amount of nicotine, by all means order your favorite flavor with the lowest nicotine density. Your body absorbs (metabolizes) about 10% of that amount, so your exposure is minimal. I started vaping at 24mg/ml juice to be comfortable without cigarettes, then dropped my nic down to 6mg-12mg/ml use. I use 12mg/ml juice mostly because I have ADD, my short-term memory and general brain function if optimal at 12mg/ml of nicotine, lower than that makes me a little frustrated. You may be aware, scientists are finding ways to treat all kinds of brain-function abnormalities with nicotine therapy. Alzheimers, dementia, ADD & ADHD, Parkinson's, and there are more in the growing list. IBS is also being looked at along with Lupas and HIV therapy. Do your own research regarding nicotine, it is not a killer when used carefully, it does have a good side as well. It is why most people become addicted to it, that feeling of well-being. My juice is flavored with real tobacco-leaf extracted/condensed (absolute) , 0 nic 0 MAOI's, 100% of the time. I just love it.
Should I go with something completely low-end like 6-8, or would a midrange in the 10-14 be ok? I recommend LOW, if you have gone through withdrawal you would be risking exposing your intake to higher-than needed, and that would be a shame....3 months into a stop-smoking program is priceless, don't endanger yourself into losing that edge.
Or should I just stay nic free now that I've broken the habit ;)
Nic-free is great, if you want to use an electronic cigarette for strictly social or recreational use, stay nic-free. Using a very low dose of nicotine juice would be comparable to using nicotine gum or lozenges as a stop-aide, it's got to be your choice, and your reasons to use or not use nicotine. Pure nicotine suspensions are not comparable to smoking a cigarette ~ will not replicate smoking, by any means. About 4000 less chemicals and the combustion and inhaling the smoke of a cigarette will never be present in Personal Vaporizer use.

Good luck!
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Senior Member
Jul 15, 2010
You should just skip this all together. You quit. You are ahead of all of us. Good for you!! That's great! Let your lungs continue to enjoy the oxygen!

You're likely right :D

But I miss the tactile sensation of smoking, especially in a social situations or in times of awkwardness or stress. Not cravings, just a general wistful nostalgia.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
Warren, MI USA
I'd pick not vaping at all. You're cig free for 3 months - stay that way, you made it this long without. Also, anything body wise, you'll be running to the doc and probably telling the doc that this didn't happen until you started vaping, which because of your health paranoia is going to give the doc the wrong idea about e-cigs. Stay habit free and don't bring us any un-wanted or un-needed attention.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Hundred Acre Wood
I got a friend who quit 6 months or more ago and, since her hubby still smokes, she is close to giving in and starting again. I've convinced her, if she gives in, to try vaping---I even got an e-cig to loan her.
Since I don't do nicotine, I want her to try that first. If that fails, then I will encourage her to try the lowest of low nicotine.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
Warren, MI USA
You and I both know that's not the same. I'm not looking for a cigarette replacement therapy, I'm looking at a new hobby that is reminiscent of smoking except far less dangerous and far more interesting and involved.

I know, you want to be one of the "cool" kids again.
I stopped drinking 20 years ago cold turkey. I drank soda water for the first two years. I don't, however, drink coke with a swizzle stick. If I'd have quit smokes cold turkey, I wouldn't be playing with fire by starting vaping after purging myself of the 4000+ chemicals I'd been smoking for years. BTW, I smoked 2 packs a day for 32 years.
When you quit it shouldn't be part-time.


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2010
I know, you want to be one of the "cool" kids again.
I stopped drinking 20 years ago cold turkey. I drank soda water for the first two years. I don't, however, drink coke with a swizzle stick. If I'd have quit smokes cold turkey, I wouldn't be playing with fire by starting vaping after purging myself of the 4000+ chemicals I'd been smoking for years. BTW, I smoked 2 packs a day for 32 years.
When you quit it shouldn't be part-time.

Yes. That's exactly it. I want to be cool again. Thank you for opening my eyes.

I didn't set out with the intention to quit. I came down with H1N1 and couldn't smoke for nearly a week, and was about to run out of money before my new job started, so I was like "Why not?"

Now, missing the tactile sensation of smoking and not liking myself much when I don't, I figured I could either continue feeling nostalgic and unhappy, pick the damn things back up, or maybe try an interesting hobby that would satiate this wistful longing. Let it be noted that the one cigarette, my brand, that I tried to smoke in an excruciatingly stressful situation was so disgusting that I could not get two puffs in. Plus I'm enjoying oxygen again for the first time in six years. So that is obviously out.

Thanks for your sincere and touching concern that you conveyed in such a polite but effective manner.
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