I have to be doing something wrong

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Full Member
May 4, 2017
Okay so to start I couple months back I got my iStick pico 75w and was enjoying a raspberry juice from vista vapors. After 2 weeks I started getting a burnt taste so I switched my coil and juice (I ran out) and still burnt. This time I change my coil and juice (I hated the flavor even without the burnt taste) and I lost my airpipe while cleaning so I got another one of those too. I made sure to prime it properly ( saturated cotton, let sit for an hour, dry hits to get the juices flowing) and I am getting some flavor but it's not really that great and I upped the nic content so I cant really tell if its burnt but it's definitelt not enjoyable and everybody is saying they love this juice (Vapetasia blackberry lemonade and it juice taste like newspaper with a punch of blackberry on the exhale with zero lemonade. It they all smell amazing though so I really think I'm screwing something up somewhere somebody please help me out. I just wanna vape and enjoy it but I just can't these days.

Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
You're gonna need to provide basic info to get much help.

Which delivery device are you using?
What resistance head are you using?
Air pipe?
are you sure whatever you replaced fits & seals correctly?
Pg/VG ratio?
Nic mg/ml?
Power range used?
Different liquids will taste best at different powers.
MTL or DTL inhale?
Have you played with airflow settings?

I've tried literally gallons of highly reccomended e liquids 5ml to 30ml at a time, some smelled wonderful, tasted like over flavored over sweetened poo or worse to me.
Out of the gallons of highly reccomended everyone swears by them supposedly delicious e liquids I've tried, guess how many I liked at all, or would buy/try again,,, zero, zip, zilch, nada.


Full Member
May 4, 2017
Also I think that they all taste.... Like bubble gum. I have an icare that I use for my nic salt ejuice and I have a mango that tastes great. Its MTL with a .3 ohm coil head. Air pipe is the middle part of the tank you can just google it it's hard to explain (melo 3 mini air pipe). Seals fine. 30/70 PG/VG of the blackberry lemonade, 80/20 for the capt crunh berry and they both tasted like old bubble gum. BlackLem was 6mg CPTCRNCH was 3mg. I used new coils for both to make sure I didn't mix the flavors and I always start off at lowestwattage on a new coil. Wait what did you mean delivery service of not MTL / DTL. Yes I played with airflow and temperature. What do you recommend because I just spent a pretty penny on pure crap and for the love of God I just want to enjoy myself.


Pictures for reference. Was gonna try them on my iCare 140 (far left) but that's supposed to be for thin juices due to small coil holes. I don't know anybody else who Vapes (believe it or not). I'm literally nauseas at this point.

The big question is should I get a new tank if that's the problem.

Thanks y'all for the help.
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Full Member
May 4, 2017
At this point I think I'm gonna buy a new tank because the smell of it even after washing it out is legitimately nauseating and im going to go to reds apple juice because my uncle Vapes it and I tried it once and it wasn't bad. My room smells of that capt crunch s*#^ and it's just so gross. I don't even know how to troubleshoot this one. So frustrated

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Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Are you using / asking about the icare with .3Ω heads?
Or the Pico with melo 3, with what Ω head?
What power ranges have you tried?
are you using Ni, Ti or SS wire type for RBA or replacement heads with appropriate wire type for TC?
MTL/DTL are different types / methods of inhaling.
MTL, smooth slow to medium strength inhale like most would a cigarette.
DTL, hard fast inhale direct to lungs, moves enough air to help cool the coil & prevent burnt tastes, used with mostly sub Ω.


Full Member
May 4, 2017
I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Are you using / asking about the icare with .3Ω heads?
Or the Pico with melo 3, with what Ω head?
What power ranges have you tried?
are you using Ni, Ti or SS wire type for RBA or replacement heads with appropriate wire type for TC?
MTL/DTL are different types / methods of inhaling.
MTL, smooth slow to medium strength inhale like most would a cigarette.
DTL, hard fast inhale direct to lungs, moves enough air to help cool the coil & prevent burnt tastes, used with mostly sub Ω.

Let me space my lines to be clearer.

No, those were 2 separate notes. I mentioned the fact that my iCare tastes great meaning to show that it wasn't me or my taste buds but either a bad tank or just a really unlucky selection of juices.

The pico is using a melo 3 mini tank with a .3 ohm head.

I tried 25-35w as was suggested by this very forum for new coils.

Started at 450 went down to 210 and gradually climbed my way back up and they all still tasted like poop.

I didn't know that replacement heads had to specify if they could be used with TC but this started before I altered anything with the temp.

I know what MTL and DTL are but you asked delivery system and then asked DTL or MTL. Did you mean MTL/DTL when you said delivery system?


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010

The pico is using a melo 3 mini tank with a .3 ohm head.

I tried 25-35w as was suggested by this very forum for new coils.

Started at 450 went down to 210 and gradually climbed my way back up and they all still tasted like poop.


Have you tried using Lower Wattages?

I Always suggest to people that they start Low, like 10 Watts, and work their way up in 3 or 4 Watt Increments.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 16, 2010
This coil recommends 30-80w and I started at 25w.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

They can Recommend 30-80W. But that Doesn't mean that you will like it.

And whenever I hear about someone say'n they have gotten Dry Hits or that their e-Liquid taste Burnt, my theory is to Start at a Lower Wattage and work Up from there.

Topwater Elvis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 26, 2012
I never said delivery system,,, delivery device as in - the name of the tank, rda, rta etc... you're using.
You didn't tell us what you are using until later in the thread, a melo3 with .3 head.
Have you tried the .5Ω head?
.3 & .5 are kanthal.

I always start at a low power setting & slowly work up to let the head 'break in' to prevent burning the wicking material.
The reccomended power on the body of the head is misleading / a joke.

Temp control mode is for use with Ni, TI or SS wire types only.
The Pico should've kicked you out of TC mode if you were using the wrong wire type.


Full Member
May 4, 2017
Wash tank, flush with hydrogen peroxide, then lemon juice, rinse with very hot water, let air dry. Try again as if first time on new flavor. See how that does for you.

I'm ssorry but I just can't use my old juices. Money wasted but I cannot vape that ever again.

Any juices that you guys recommend?
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