I need a backup: Provari P3, Sigelei 100/150 Watt, or something else?

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R. Scott Kennan

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2013
Hartford, CT, United States
My wife suggested that I get a backup for my Provari 2.5, just in case something happens to it and I have to send it in for repairs. It's the only mod I have. I hadn't felt the need, but now that she suggested it, I'm excited.

I love my Provari, so my first instinct was to get a P3. Looking at the specs, I'm not sure if it would be enough of an upgrade for me. It goes up to 20 watts, but still only does 6 volts. Am I missing something?

I kind of thought it might be interesting to get a device that can do a higher wattage, and it seems like one of sigelei box mods might be the way to go. So far I haven't been interested in sub-ohming or cloud chasing, but it might be fun to have something capable of those things, especially if I want to show off vaping to my brothers and cousins on one of the rare occasions that I'm drinking.

It might also be nice to see if a higher wattage really improves the experience for me. My wife forbids me from getting a mechanical mod :D , so a high performance regulated mod seems like the way to go.

So what do you guys suggest? One of the devices I've mentioned, or something else? My budget is probably going to be up to $300.
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Double Helix

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I love my Provari, so my first instinct was to get a P3. Looking at the specs, I'm not sure if it would be enough of an upgrade for me. It goes up to 20 watts, but still only does 6 volts. Am I missing something?

Is 6 volts not enough for you? The new Provari can fire down to 0.7 ohms and has an extra 5 watts from the previous version. It's a Provari, you know that if you buy it then it'll be durable.

As for the Sigelei, there's no reason to buy it unless you intend on using low resistance drippers. Buying a higher wattage device and running the same atomizer that you're currently using will not likely change your vaping experience. It's like buying a sports car and never taking it past first gear. If you're buying it for aesthetics, the dual battery option, or the potential to sub ohm in the future that's fine.

I can't suggest anything without knowing your preferences. However with what you listed I'd ask this... Do you want to drip/sub ohm? Yes. Get a Sigelei. No. Get a Provari.

Alternatively... check out the DNA 40.


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Nov 2, 2012
Vancouver, BC
You can't go wrong with another Provari. They are indestructible. I've ran mine over with tractors, had horses step on it, dropped it from 4 feet and that puppy still keeps going. It has not failed me once. I used it daily when I quit smoking last year for 9 months. When I started smoking again, I put it away in a drawer and she sparked right up when I quit again. I've now gotten into mods and RBAs and drippers but nothing comes close to the durability and ease of use of the Provari. HANDS DOWN!

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I know you've been reading the P3 thread, so have a good idea of how others feel about it. If you really feel like you're missing something, you might consider getting verified for the classifieds and picking up a used high watt device. If you keep the cost down, you will have enough for another ProVari when you discover you don't like vaping at 100 watts.

R. Scott Kennan

Senior Member
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Oct 18, 2013
Hartford, CT, United States
I haven't been able to get my Provari to 6 volts, it maxes out at 5.2 with my 1.6 ohm Nautilus heads. That's where I've been vaping it for the past few weeks. I don't know what happened, but 4.2 used to be my maximum, and suddenly it wasn't enough.

I've been wanting to see if a hotter vape would give me more throat hit and fuller vapor. I can't rightly say I'm disappointed with what I have, just that I wonder if it could be better. Would the P3 let me get up to the full 6 volts with my preferred 1.6 ohm coils?

I don't really think I'm the sub-ohming/dripping type when it comes to long term use, but I've never tried it, and I'm not sure if I'm missing anything.

One of the main things that was appealing about the Sigelei devices was their alleged battery life.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I haven't been able to get my Provari to 6 volts, it maxes out at 5.2 with my 1.6 ohm Nautilus heads. That's where I've been vaping it for the past few weeks. I don't know what happened, but 4.2 used to be my maximum, and suddenly it wasn't enough.

The maximum wattage for a ProVari 2.5 is 15 watts. Vaping 5.2v with a 1.6 coil would be 16.9 watts and 3.25 amps. While each individual ProVari has some leeway, it wouldn't be up to 16.9. I have noticed that some of mine will fire a bit higher than the limit for watts, but are very picky about amps. My educated guess is that it's really firing at about the wattage limit, but not cutting you off because you are under the amp limit. However, don't be surprised if it suddenly starts throwing error codes and won't let you do it again.

I've been wanting to see if a hotter vape would give me more throat hit and fuller vapor. I can't rightly say I'm disappointed with what I have, just that I wonder if it could be better. Would the P3 let me get up to the full 6 volts with my preferred 1.6 ohm coils?

I don't really think I'm the sub-ohming/dripping type when it comes to long term use, but I've never tried it, and I'm not sure if I'm missing anything.

One of the main things that was appealing about the Sigelei devices was their alleged battery life.

If you're curious, then go for it. I've bought mods for reasons sillier than that. You said you had $300.00 to spend, right?

Here's a Sigelei 100 Watt (V2):

Sigelei 100 Watt (V2) - Sigelei - Electronic Mods

$5.80 shipping
$95.76 total

$300 budget
$204.24 left over - enough for another ProVari 2.5 (unless it's a Ti or Zenkote) or only $45.71 short for a P3 (which I image you could scrape together if really motivated).

So what's the problem? You will not lose your standing with the ProVarinati for playing with different toys. We are benevolent. :)

ETA: If you want to vape at 6 volts with a ProVari 2.5, get a 2.5Ω coil. That will put you at 14.4 watts/2.4 amps.
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R. Scott Kennan

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2013
Hartford, CT, United States
The Ocelot: I'm definitely vaping at 5.2, but I just checked my current atomizer's ohm rating and it's reading 1.9. I don't know ohm's law yet, but that's probably the issue. It did say 1.6 on the box, and it's authentic. I remember that a few of my coils started out with a lower cutoff. They all seem to work without adjusting, now.
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R. Scott Kennan

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 18, 2013
Hartford, CT, United States
I'm kind of leaning back towards the Provari. It seems like opening up the world of sub-ohming might complicate vaping too much for me. I don't know if I want to have to hassle with different nicotine strengths beyond what I'm already doing. I'm of two minds regarding coil building. I kind of want to try it, but I know that there are times when I'm rushed or feeling lazy.

If I can get just a little bit more performance from a P3 compared to the 2.5, it might be enough. I also like the form factor of a tube mod and feel like a box might be too unwieldy for me, so there's that.

On the other hand, I'm really not sure what difference 5 watts will make in practice- I don't have a sense of that kind of thing yet.

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
The Ocelot: I'm definitely vaping at 5.2, but I just checked my current atomizer's ohm rating and it's reading 1.9. I don't know ohm's law yet, but that's probably the issue. It did say 1.6 on the box, and it's authentic. I remember that a few of my coils started out with a lower cutoff. They all seem to work without adjusting, now.

Okay - that's better. :)

5.2 volts run through a 1.9Ω coil is 14.2 watts/2.7 amps, well below the ProVaris limits.

Authentic or not the resistance listed on boxes of heads or even stamped on a head itself isn't always accurate, if fact it's frequently a little off. Not a big deal.

ETA: You can vape sub-ohm with a ProVari 2.5. It will fire a 0.9Ω coil and some will fire 0.8Ω (each individual device is a bit different). It may not be super low, but anything <1Ω is sub-ohm.
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